Monday, April 03, 2006

How to be rich?

Money makes the world go round or so it seems. Those who don’t have it wants it, those who have it wants more of it. It’s an endless vicious cycle.

In Rich Dad, Poor Dad, Robert T. Kiyosaki wrote “The Rich don’t work for money. The Rich have money work for them.” Which simply translates to, money makes more money. But how to get THAT money in the first place before we get it to work for us?

You might want to check out Mr Kiyosaki's book where he divulged secrets on What the Rich teach their kids about Money - that the Poor and Middle Class do not!

Peik Lean Y.

In the mean time, you could also check out the following advice from a very philosophical colleague. In all seriousness, he told us,

“Young ladies, you can’t choose your father BUT ... you CAN choose your father-in-law!!! Please do not waste that choice like me. I can’t do anything about it now that I am committed but you … you still can. So, while you still can, choose wisely!”

Ahah! That’s one way. Marry a man with a rich dad.

In any case, during an extremely "stressed out" at work period, a group of us ladies gathered and discussed ways to become women of leisure. We concluded that we could only do so if (in addition to the above) :

1) We marry a filthy rich old man who adores us and lavish tons of money on us. That could only happen if a) we are extremely beautiful and b) we are willing to become trophy wives. Then again, there are so many SYTs (sweet young things) around that one day; someone would surely supplant us in that position.

Or 2) We have a filthy rich dad who dotes on us and grant us our every desire.

Or 3) We get a sudden windfall from a filthy rich relative who has no descendants and we are the next in line.

Or 4) We win the national lottery BIG TIME and become filthy rich all on our own.

However, being practical people, we saw no possibility of achieving any of the above. Thus, we will have to settle for slogging away to earn our keep and live a humble and peaceful existence. :p

Dang! What a pity! Any one has an extra million dollars to spare? I promise I’ll make that money work for me!!! :D


L B said...

I am still looking for my Sugar Mammy!!..... just for an iPod nano, black, 4 GB..

Anonymous said...

The next in the series should be "Rich boyfriend, Poor boyfriends" and next next should be "Rich Husbands, Poor Husband".