Wednesday, November 01, 2006



In recent years, that seems to be the buzz word. Everyone is talking about secondment or migration. And quite a few have done it too. A few friends have in fact garnered enough points to migrate over to Australia, a few others have left for secondment in UK/Australia. Others have married foreigners and live abroad.

And then there is me ~ someone who is totally happy and contented to stay on in Malaysia. There have never been enough push factors for me to leave nor pull factors in any country for me to move to. But Val would likely beg to differ as she thought I was in danger of moving over to Vancouver at one point in my life. Sure I wish to travel to this country and that country for a visit. But home is always Malaysia to me and home is where the heart is. Nothing beats the food, nothing beats the people, nothing beats all the idiosyncrasies one can find only here in Malaysia ~ the good, the bad and the ugly.

Strangely, despite this contentment, I am beginning to wonder if I am being too lackadaisical about the whole thing. We are no stranger to the issues facing the country. As years go by, more and more folks get disillusion with how things are run. I have always been the first to defend the country when conversations turn that direction (as they inevitably would) and I would also be among the first to point out to these folks that they do not know better because after all, they left the country but we stayed on to fight the battle.

Or did we? Did we stay to fight or did we stay because that's the easy way out? Did we just allow issues to drift until one day what little hope we have would peter out and die?

Do I sound disillusioned? Melancholic even? Perhaps a little. What we sometimes forget is that though we may suppress our voices, we can never suppress our thoughts. And fear feeds on suspicion and lack of transparency.

The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence, some would say. You bet they are. But I have heard enough counter arguments to expect life NOT to be on a bed of roses.

Does this mean I would pack my bags and leave tomorrow? Certainly not. I am just voicing out my thoughts and concerns. I certainly hope that day would not come but ... I should not remain so lackadaisical. Leastwise, I should perhaps start thinking of options. Just in case ... and what ifs ...

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