Monday, November 13, 2006

The truth is out there!

The recent (alleged) brutal murder of a Mongolian model has left the nation in horror and truth be told (and apologies to the victim and her family) in fascination.

Alleged because till today, forensics have yet to confirm that the bone fragments belong to the said model.

Horror because despite some really sensational nasty crimes in recent years, nothing thus far has reached this magnitude.

And by the same token, fascination because the world that we inhabit has not been touched by such "evil".

Therefore, it is of no surprise that the crime has been "the talk of the town" and has captured the imagination of the nation.

And as the story unfolds, the following questions plague our minds:
1. Was the (alleged) accused blackmailed?
2. Why should the (alleged) victim be killed in such a manner? Isn't there an easier and less messy way out?
3. Why involve persons of authority?
4. Who tipped the authorities?
5. Is there a cover up?

Conspiracy theories began to form even before new evidence are found and released for public consumption. In a recent gathering with friends, budding conspiracy theorists had put forth their versions for discussion.

Disclaimer: Please note that these are just conspiracy theories that hold no truth of evidence whatsoever. Read for the pleasure of imaginations gone wild.

Conspiracy Theory #1

The (alleged) victim demanded/blackmailed the (alleged) accused. In a heated argument, he accidentally killed the woman. Fearing discovery, he quickly called in reinforcements to help him dispose the body. However, this theory has lots of loopholes.
1. Does he have that much influence over people of such authority to do the dirty job?
2. Why choose such a drastic way to dispose the body which could clearly point back to the source?
For an intelligent man (i.e. the alleged accused), why would he act so stupidly in covering up a crime?

Conspiracy Theory #2
The (alleged) accused is made a scapegoat for a huge cover-up for a high ranking official. The high ranking official could have used the (alleged) accused premises to have a lover's tryst but ended up committing a crime of passion when the (alleged) victim threatened him. As in theory #1, the high ranking official then seeked the assistance of people of authority to help dispose the body. However, the question still remain, why use such an obvious method (i.e. C4 explosives) to dispose the body? And could he have summoned up these people of authority so quickly to do the dirty deed?

Conspiracy Theory #3
As in theory #2, instead of an accidental crime of passion, it could be premeditated. The (alleged) victim could have blackmailed the high ranking official. To safeguard his position, he could have planned the murder and called in the people of authority to execute the crime. He could have told the (alleged) accused that he needed to use the (alleged) accused premise as a point for a lover's tryst, but unbeknownst to the (alleged) accused, the official could have planned the crime and the cover up as well. Again, the question of why use such an obvious method of disposal that would clearly point back to the (alleged) victim's executioner? Even if he could cover his tracks by implicating the (alleged) accused, the truth would eventually surface by virtue of the fact that he used the people of authority to dispose the (alleged) victim. Pretty weak planning for one to commit such a crime, don't you think? It'd be easier for him to get away with it without involving these folks.

Conspiracy Theory #4
The (alleged) victim was a spy. She was on a secret mission and was supposed to meet her contact at the (alleged) accused premise. The (alleged) accused was not aware that his premise was used as a meeting place to pass on secret information amongst the spies. Unfortunately, something nasty happened. The (alleged) victim was double crossed and found herself at the wrong end of the gun. She was carrying some secret codes on her personal self which could be detrimental to world peace. And despite a thorough body search, nothing could be found on her. Fearing that the bad guys could get ahold of these codes on her body, the powers that be decided to blow up the body to get rid of the codes. Far fetched as this might sound, at least there is an obvious reason why the body was blown apart.

Now there ... the last conspiracy theory sounds like it. It has all the stamp of a Hollywood movie ... likely due to the influence of The Bourne Identity, The Departed, Alias, ... you name it!

Conspiracy theories anyone?


Anonymous said...

Another theory: The body needs to be blown apart because The (alleged) victim is pregnant and somebody fear that DNA test would identify the father...

Dangerous Variable said...

We call this Yellow Journalism in media theory class, the legacy of Randolf Hearst and Joseph Pullitzer.

I am not into conspiracy theories. I don't know.