Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Anonymity on the Net? It's a freaking lie!

Dang! The next time your fingers get lazy, but you decide to recycle something you wrote from your blog to sound witty, DO NOT DO IT! There is no such thing as anonymity on the net. Some smart aleck will surely know how to "google" and drive you up the wall with his uncanny insights of your life! Sigh!

Dang! I suddenly feel like a dumb blonde. But since I am neither a blond nor dumb (not that this episode can tell), I am feeling like a super duper dumb blonde! Talk about double whammy! Time to colour my hair again to fit the bill! :p

No excuse for moi this time since the said cybernaut have given me enough clues. Sigh! Talk about having a peabrain. I will try to blame this on the sleepless nights slogging away on the yet to be submitted dissertation and the stressful days redoing the blardy 2006 plan and trying to bring in sales. Yeegads!

To HE who pulled the wool over my eyes soooo easily, TOUCHE MATE! Three cheers! (Hip Hip Hooray! X3) Technically, I am only blogging, not answering. So there! Hehehehe ... Just can't resist announcing my final realisation when I tested google today with some of my words. It's blardy late in coming though. Dang! Larry Page and Sergey Brin have a lot to answer for.

Anonymity on the Net? My blardy foot there is! :P

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Elementary, my friend. Elementary.

( and that isn't a reference to your education :p )

