Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Of car park floods and exterminating ants

"The car park is flooded!" I was told by this neighbour whose car was blocking the way to LG2, which obviously housed my parking bay.

Blinking hell! A flooded car park? At a new condo? What the heck! I should have known better! After living through so many freak incidents here in less than a year since moving in, one would have thought I would have become pretty blaze to all these shenanigans! Geee .. but I was overworked, stressed out and darn tired that day. All I wanted was a hot shower, warm coffee and some TLC. Looks like that ain't gonna happen real soon then. Finally, when all the excitement calmed, I found out that there was one hell of a storm and the car park became one heck of a huge shower stall. Water was gushing out from the cracks, I was told. Cracks? Gulp!

In the next couple of days, the car park was almost back to normal although it was pretty wet. Just the night before, there was a sudden heavy downpour. There I was rushing down to LG2 again to drive my car up to G level, just in case the place get flooded again! Grrrrr ... evicted from my own car park although it was a personal choice! I can't believe developers and contractors can get away with such shoddy work. And to think they sold this place as a 5-star resort styled condo. They got me good ~ hook, line and sinker. It's such a stinker. Grrrrr ... I must think of Plan B soon.

But that's not the end of the story! Not by a far shot. Recently, I noticed an increase in ant population at my condo. I couldn't understand why as I hardly cook here and do not really keep food around. But the little red ants are always around on my kitchen counter top ~ no matter how many times I wipe and clean that.

But today topped that once again! When I got home after another taxing day, I found a long trail of industrious little red ants crawling away from the kitchen counter top, down to the floor, across my dining hall, then onward to the sitting room and out to the balcony! Eeeks! That's it! I am on a vendetta. No more Miss Nice to these antsy. No siree! Call in the exterminators! Bring in the troops! But alas! I realised I didnt have any insect repellent.

BUT I spy with my little eye a bottle of "clean glass" spray. It's some sort of detergent to clean glass surfaces. I took that bottle and started spraying on the trail of ants. And guess what?!! Wonders of wonders! It worked!!! That's a handy household tip. They are all now quite dead. I usually am not so violent and gleeful over these sort of things. But dang! It felt good. Got rid of the ant problem for now. Will have to check again tomorrow. Dang! Alrighty then. Enough of whining.

Good night Malaysia, wherever you are.

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