Friday, October 06, 2006

Back in business again!

Wow! Three blogs in four days ... and still counting!! Am I back in business or what?!

I took a hiatus from blogging and other activities for awhile as I was caught up with my DVD marathon every night that I am home. Also, my muse was clearly not working and thus, it was better to be entertained than to entertain in the last few weeks! :p

And when I am not home, I'm out busting my butt for work. Been travelling a fair bit lately for work too ~ Genting, JB, Singapore, ... and counting ... although I have a mini reprieve for now.

JB was tiring. I left home at 8 am on a Friday morning, drove down to the office and picked up a few colleagues, then onward to JB. Reached there about 1.30pm, checked in, had a quick lunch, and off again with my sales guys to visit a few customers. We ended up having dinner with a customer at 8.30pm in Kota Tinggi, and by the time I got back to the hotel, it was already 11.30pm. Gosh! Talk about fatique! The spirit may be willing, but the flesh is weak!

The next day, we had to attend a roadshow. Thank god that only starts at 3pm but it ended way past midnight. The plan was to drive back to KL at 10.00 am the next day, BUT I only managed to wake up at 10.15 am. By the time we left JB, it was 11.00+ am. The drive back was pure torture as my eyelids were ready to close anytime. It didn't help that my passengers were all snoozing soundly at the back of the seat. By the time we reached KL and I have sent the rest home, it was 4.00+pm. Gosh! Talk about FATIQUE!!!

I'm glad that I will be grounded for a few more weeks before the madness began again.

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