Saturday, October 07, 2006

How candid should you be when you blog?

The bare naked truth … how comfortable are you in baring your soul in your blogs?

I have always thought that my life is an open book and that I am the most open person around. There’s nothing to hide. What you see is pretty much what you get. And my friends know that from the onset (or so I assume).

Thus, it came as a surprise to me when I started blogging that indeed there are things I am not comfortable in revealing to all and sundry. There have been blogs that I have conducted self censorship and there are others that I had misgivings in posting them but decided to do so in the end.

The oddest thing is that my discomfort stems from exposing my vulnerability to folks who already know me. It’s like revealing the bare naked truth about your innermost thoughts. And sure enough, friends whom I never thought would read my blog would have read them and picked opportune moments (i.e. during lunch) to shock me with their knowledge of … well ... my innermost thoughts! (Thanks for the lunch tip on silent blog readers Tim. :p)

I have no qualms if the blogs were only read by total strangers who came across them, likely because there is no history between us and there is no “vulnerability” felt. That’s probably why chat rooms and forums are thriving communities especially to shy and timid folks, who could act out the alter egos and fantasies behind the web screen. Perhaps the anonymity gives them Dutch courage.

Back to blog candidness, I am still not totally convinced that total candidness is the way to go although in most times, I just tell myself to post it and to hell with the consequences. Thus far, I have not reached hell yet with the consequences. Hahahaha …

To bare or not to bare the bare naked truth? Now that’s the question. ; )

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