Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Jumping onto the blog wagon!

It is one of those days. You know you have lots to do but you just can't scrape up enough enthusiasm to do much of anything. So, here I am .... browsing through forums and blogs and finally jumping onto the blog wagon. Pity it's not a volkswagen ... now that car is a dream! ... but I digress.

This feels like one of those "dear diary" moments during my misunderstood youth, where I needed to vent my angst at "someone". Dear diary, why did Leonard not write when he promised to write? Dear diary, why could "che che" go for the trip but I am left behind? Dear diary, blah blah blah .... Except that this time, it would be: Dear diary, please get my big big boss off my back ...

How life changes when you grow up eh? My dear diary moments have always been during my teenage years. Every moment seemed like a life defining one i.e. my first slow dance, my first crush, my first heart break .... I can't even remember why I stopped writing. Maybe I grew up and life got too hectic for me or maybe I lost steam as I trudged along life's neverending paths. Or maybe, life lost its edge, I lost my fascination with all things new ... and everything becomes a drudgery.

Yikes! I sound like an old hag with no enthusiasm for life! :p Nay, that was only pure drama ... Or call it poetic license! In any case, I am about to rediscover the joy and pain of every day living through my blogs .. yippee! Come share my angst ....

Watch this space for more ...

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