Friday, September 30, 2005

Things that go bump in the night

Since I moved into to my new condo, I have been hearing funny noises at night (eh, not the grunting sounds la!) such as people moving furniture after midnight, people throwing marbles/ pebbles, etc. Strange? I think so too. Maybe I have a hearing problem. The moving furniture bits can be explained away easily. It could be some crackpot neighbour who decided to rearrange his/ her furniture at night. But the other sound is really strange. It's like someone is tossing the guli methodically i.e. counting something .... 1 little indian, 2 little indian, 3 little indian ........ (fades away)

The first time I heard that, it gave me the spooks. I stood by the sliding door for sooo long, listening intently. When I went into my bedroom, I opened the window to listen again. Sure enough the sound was still there ... and it was 2+ am! Later, I checked with neighbours and was I glad to know that I am not the only one hearing things. But the mystery deepens. A neighbour also heard a similar noise and when he asked a guard to check on it the next day, he found out that the unit above him is vacant … The plot thickens …

“There’s something strange in the neighbourhood, who are you going to call? Ghost busters!”


Anonymous said...

So are you going to investigate further....? There's a Chinese saying,'le em yea hui, hui em yea le'. Just leaave in peace with the sound. Maybe they are just your neighbours from another dimension (maybe not).

Tot u r in the amazing land of Thailand? Could not stay away from blogging, huh.

Peanut Kong said...

Yeah lor. Landed on Malaysian ground at 10.30pm. Can't sleep. So, here I am at it again! :p