Wednesday, December 28, 2005

It’s Just a Blardy Hairdo, Get Over It!

It’s just one of those rash moments in life.

I was back home in Batu Gajah. It was noon on Monday 26th December. I needed a haircut or something to get rid of the mess on my head. And hey, the New Year is approaching, why not a new hairdo?

The aftermath of it is not unexpected.

Remarks from various parties:
* Mom ~ “I warned you not to do it. Looks so flat.”
* Dad ~ “You look just fine. Don’t worry. Now you look like your cousin Mun.”
* Eldest sis ~ “OK. I am getting used to it. Just needed some time to adjust to your new look.”
* Youngest sis and bro-in-law ~ Grinned from ear to ear and tried very hard to keep from commenting. Bro-in-law couldn’t help himself and took a picture on his camera phone.
* Colleagues (the brasher ones) ~ “What did you do to your hair?” “Why?”
* Colleagues (the timid ones) ~ Stopped short for a moment, stared, and then continued talking. Tried to act natural but surreptitiously looked my way every now and then.
* A more vocal colleague and the bane of my office existence ~ “You tried to improve on perfection. But you failed miserably.”
* The office cleaner ~ Even she noticed and commented, “Rambut baru?” (Hmmm … I am sure she meant “stail rambut baru”! :P )
* Neighbour ~ “Hey! New hairdo! Nice!” (Listen to this man. He has taste!)
* Colleagues (who just found out from other colleagues) ~ Found excuses to walk over to my cubicle to talk to me and then stare at my new hairdo. (I feel like a blardy freak show. I should start charging per view.)
* UNIM friend ~ “What did you do to your hair?” That’s becoming a natural refrain. Hmmm …
* Little Monster ~ Eye-popped, jaw-dropped and went absolutely speechless. When he finally found his voice he asked, “Why?” Then he claimed that he is scarred for life from my hairdo and promptly announced to the Siau Club of my hair condition. One thing for sure, he couldn’t stop staring at me during lunch.

I almost had my hair redone but the thought that it will frizzle and fall off my head kept me stuck to the current hairdo. After all, this is only going to be a temporary condition. I had thoughts of going into hibernation as well but better to take the bull by the horns eh?

After all, the New Year party is coming up this Saturday and there is no way I can avoid it as it is being held at my place. The only recourse is to set a few ground/house rules for the party:
1. All cameras to be deposited with the condo owner.
2. All camera phones to be deposited with the condo owner.
3. The only person allowed to wield a camera is the condo owner.
4. The theme for the night is Bandana Night! Everyone has to come wearing a bandana and no one is allowed to take off the condo owner's bandana!

Regrets in life, I had a few, but then again, never as big as this one! Sigh! In any case, I am trying to look at this philosophically. How many people can claim to be the talk of “town” and the talk of the office? How many people actually had folks walking up to their cubicles just to look at them? How many folks could actually claim that they created an eye-popping, jaw-dropping moment? How many can claim to have stopped conversations in mid-way just by being there? Not many, for sure.

Every cloud does have a silver lining. And this is just a blardy hairdo. Get over it! In weeks to come, it would be yesterday’s news. Bah!

1 comment:

Pink Panther said...

pics please. pics please....
just kidding.