Thursday, December 01, 2005

Massage “heaven”

Balinese, Thai, Aromatherapy, Traditional, Reflexology, chapalang ~ I’ve done them all. Or rather, they have all been done to me before.

But nothing beats the massage I had last Sunday. I am not exactly sure what the massage is called but believe me when I say it hurts like hell! My masseur is a petite lady with incredible inner strength. She would search out a vein and using her thumb or fingers; she would put pressure on a point and using the same pressure “push” on the vein. If she encountered bumps along the vein, she would put pressure to smoothen out the bumps (which are blocked veins or so I am told). This would be done again and again until it is smoothen to her satisfaction. And she would do this methodically; vein by vein until my entire body become a flaming mass of pure agony.

And all the time, she kept asking me to relax. Blardy hell! How to relax la?! She would put pressure on one point and naturally, my body would tense up and rise to try to withstand the pain. I think I was laughing in pain; especially when she told me that my threshold for pain was pretty good. I was probably gritting my teeth then and she probably thought I was grinning! By the time we left, I swear that every vein had been thoroughly smoothened and the mass of pure agony had become a constant dull ache.

But it did not end there. The saga continues. I couldn’t sleep properly that night as any angle I turned brought me pain. The next morning, the pain continued to haunt my every move. By evening, the pain have abated somewhat but I still can’t put much pressure on certain areas.

But the following morning dawned with hardly any noticeable aches. The truly wonderful thing was that the backache and stiff neck that I have been having for weeks have disappeared. As I am on the road to recovery, I shall test my strength tonight as there is going to be a 2-hour game of badminton. May the force be with me! :D

I am now a believer that pain brings relief. Call me a masochist but I am going back to massage “heaven” this Saturday. Wish me luck!

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