Wednesday, October 26, 2005

The road to perdition ...

“The road to perdition is paved with good intentions, bad judgement and terrible outcomes!” And that pretty much sums up what happened. It was a comedy of errors last evening. I saw myself going off in one direction trying to defend someone but the more I spoke, the worse it got. I tried to back-paddle but it only got worse.

Goes to show I am not as good at managing people as I thought. But goodness, I have dealt with so many varied personalities and characters in the last 4 years of my life that I should have been better able to handle any situations than how I did yesterday. Without getting into details, suffice to say I have put my foot in my mouth without having any thoughts going through that pea brain of mine. And I thought that I am maturing in the way I handle people. I reckon I have to go back to Managing People 101. Next time I should stop and think before I speak.

It was a long night of self castigation. And it doesn’t look any better in the bright light of day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"The wise man makes his own heaven while the foolish man creates his own hell here and hereafter."