The below was forwarded to me. Kinda fun to see what your dessert choice tells about you. In my case (although it is not allowed, but who the heck cares?!), I made two choices ~ 1. Brownies (yum yum), 2. Carrot Cake.
Enjoy yourself. Think of what it means when you next make your dessert choice. Hehehe ...
Dessert Test
No cheating. If all of the desserts listed below were sitting in front of you, which would you choose? Pick your dessert, and then look to see what psychiatrists think about you! After taking this dessert personality test, send this e-mail on to others, but when you do, be sure to put YOUR choice of dessert in the subject line above. ALSO, SEND IT TO THE PERSON WHO SENT IT TO YOU! Sorry you can only pick one.
Angel Food Cake ~ a chocolate cake of some sort with white icing
Lemon Meringue Pie
Vanilla Cake with Chocolate Icing
Strawberry Short Cake
Chocolate Icing on Chocolate Cake
Ice Cream
Carrot Cake
NO. You can't change your mind once you scroll down, so think carefully what your choice will be!
OK - Now that you've made your choice, this is what psychiatric research says about you:
Sweet, loving, cuddly. You love all warm and fuzzy items. A little nutty at times. Sometimes you need an ice cream cone at the end of the day. Others perceive you as being childlike and immature at times.
You are adventurous, love new ideas, and are a champion of underdogs and a slayer of dragons. When tempers flare up, you whip out your saber. You are always the oddball with a unique sense of humor and direction. You tend to be very loyal.
Smooth, sexy, and articulate with your hands, you are an excellent after-dinner speaker and a good teacher. But don't try to walk and chew gum at the same time. A bit of a diva at times, but you have many good friends.
Fun loving, sassy, humorous. Not very grounded in life; very indecisive and lack motivation. Everyone enjoys being around you. You are a practical joker. Others should be cautious in making you mad. However, you are a friend for life.
Romantic, warm, loving. You care about other people and can be counted on in a pinch! You also tend to melt.You can be overly emotional at times. And sometimes can be annoying.
Sexy; always ready to give and receive. Very adventurous, ambitious, and passionate. You can appear to have a cold exterior but are warm on the inside. Not afraid to take chances.Will not settle for anything average in life. Love to laugh.
You like sports, whether it is baseball, football, basketball, or soccer. If you could, you would like to participate, but you enjoy watching sports.. You don't like to give up the remote control. You tend to be self-centered and high maintenance.
You are a very fun loving person, who likes to laugh. You are fun to be with. People like to hang out with you. You are a very warm hearted person and a little quirky at times. You have many loyal friends.
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
It hit me yesterday how independent I have become. I am so used to handling things on my own that it never crossed my mind to ask for help or some pampering/ TLC (tender loving care).
I was down with a bad case of flu and decided to head home earlier than usual. A friend offered to bring some food but I later declined as I thought it would be too much trouble. I reached home, took some bread, popped a few pills and propped myself on the sofa in front of the TV. I must have fallen asleep when I heard the phone rang next. A colleague wanted some info but was extremely apologetic when she realised that I was sick.
“I’m so sorry to disturb you. Anyone taking care of you?” she asked.
It suddenly dawned on me that I told no one in my family that I was sick. My friends knew about it because the flu started on Sunday and I joined them for dinner then. Not that I wanted to keep it a secret but it just never dawned on me to tell anyone in the family. Besides, I hate being fussed over and my parents and eldest sister are sure to fuss. My sis called the next day for dinner and a chat. And only then did she realise that I was a little under the weather. I received some pampering then.
Perhaps I have become too independent and that is not good. Hmm … this is certainly something to think about.
I was down with a bad case of flu and decided to head home earlier than usual. A friend offered to bring some food but I later declined as I thought it would be too much trouble. I reached home, took some bread, popped a few pills and propped myself on the sofa in front of the TV. I must have fallen asleep when I heard the phone rang next. A colleague wanted some info but was extremely apologetic when she realised that I was sick.
“I’m so sorry to disturb you. Anyone taking care of you?” she asked.
It suddenly dawned on me that I told no one in my family that I was sick. My friends knew about it because the flu started on Sunday and I joined them for dinner then. Not that I wanted to keep it a secret but it just never dawned on me to tell anyone in the family. Besides, I hate being fussed over and my parents and eldest sister are sure to fuss. My sis called the next day for dinner and a chat. And only then did she realise that I was a little under the weather. I received some pampering then.
Perhaps I have become too independent and that is not good. Hmm … this is certainly something to think about.
Friday, November 25, 2005
Lost your “cherry”?
Lost your “cherry”?
Yes? No?
Don’t know?
Don’t care?
Does it matter?
“Antara dara dan bukan dara hanya tinggal beberapa detik masa sahaja.”
~ written by Pramoedya Ananta Toer in his novel Keluarga Gerilya.
I sat for Malay Literature in Form Six (don’t ask me why) and one of the readings was Keluarga Gerilya. It is one of the more interesting Malay literatures that I have read. Check out the synopsis at Dari Jiwa Rasa. But I digress.
The above phrase has stayed with me ever since. It's a simple sentence but postulates a powerful message. Translated, it means ... "The difference between a virgin and a non-virgin (for lack of a better word) is only mere seconds apart."
My hobby and passion for backpacking has opened up my contact with people from various cultures and all walks of life. And working in sales and marketing, and recently, in a male dominated environment have further exposed me to conversations peppered with profanities, double entendres, sexual connotations, etc. I just take it in stride. But when necessary, lines have to be drawn on how far and how personal the conversation gets. Over the years, I find myself in several awkward conversations.
The conversations usually start with a statement.
“Aiyah! Where got virgin over 21 these days lah,” my sales colleague would comment, perhaps hoping for some reaction??? Hmmm …
I was out with a gwei lo once and he went, “I have had triple orgasms at one go before.” I was thinking, “Yeah and I need to know because .... ???” And surprise, surprise, guess where the conversation led to?
It’s funny, this cherry business. If you have lost it, you might be thought to be an easy lay. If you have not, you are given the “I don’t believe you” or “You are pulling my legs” looks, or you might be asked, “Are you frigid?” Then again, in certain circles, you are viewed to be a cool dudette if you have lost your cherry. Cooler still if you have gained notches on your bedposts. In other circles, keeping your cherry until marriage means that you are a good, fine woman. Hmmm … any way you slice it, it is a no win situation.
Big stars like Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera and Brooke Shields all have once claimed to be virgins during the peak of their careers and promptly lost it. I have read and heard stories about women going to the extend of having plastic surgery to mend what is broken; but then even the miracles of science can’t help in certain instances, this being one of those. But really, what is the blardy BIG deal about the cherry anyway? After all, it’s a just a little piece of membrane that most active women would have broken long ago, technically speaking. And in Pramoedya Ananta Toer’s words, “Antara dara dan bukan dara hanya tinggal beberapa detik masa sahaja.”
Cherry or no, it’s no one else’s business but your own.
Yes? No?
Don’t know?
Don’t care?
Does it matter?
“Antara dara dan bukan dara hanya tinggal beberapa detik masa sahaja.”
~ written by Pramoedya Ananta Toer in his novel Keluarga Gerilya.
I sat for Malay Literature in Form Six (don’t ask me why) and one of the readings was Keluarga Gerilya. It is one of the more interesting Malay literatures that I have read. Check out the synopsis at Dari Jiwa Rasa. But I digress.
The above phrase has stayed with me ever since. It's a simple sentence but postulates a powerful message. Translated, it means ... "The difference between a virgin and a non-virgin (for lack of a better word) is only mere seconds apart."
My hobby and passion for backpacking has opened up my contact with people from various cultures and all walks of life. And working in sales and marketing, and recently, in a male dominated environment have further exposed me to conversations peppered with profanities, double entendres, sexual connotations, etc. I just take it in stride. But when necessary, lines have to be drawn on how far and how personal the conversation gets. Over the years, I find myself in several awkward conversations.
The conversations usually start with a statement.
“Aiyah! Where got virgin over 21 these days lah,” my sales colleague would comment, perhaps hoping for some reaction??? Hmmm …
I was out with a gwei lo once and he went, “I have had triple orgasms at one go before.” I was thinking, “Yeah and I need to know because .... ???” And surprise, surprise, guess where the conversation led to?
It’s funny, this cherry business. If you have lost it, you might be thought to be an easy lay. If you have not, you are given the “I don’t believe you” or “You are pulling my legs” looks, or you might be asked, “Are you frigid?” Then again, in certain circles, you are viewed to be a cool dudette if you have lost your cherry. Cooler still if you have gained notches on your bedposts. In other circles, keeping your cherry until marriage means that you are a good, fine woman. Hmmm … any way you slice it, it is a no win situation.
Big stars like Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera and Brooke Shields all have once claimed to be virgins during the peak of their careers and promptly lost it. I have read and heard stories about women going to the extend of having plastic surgery to mend what is broken; but then even the miracles of science can’t help in certain instances, this being one of those. But really, what is the blardy BIG deal about the cherry anyway? After all, it’s a just a little piece of membrane that most active women would have broken long ago, technically speaking. And in Pramoedya Ananta Toer’s words, “Antara dara dan bukan dara hanya tinggal beberapa detik masa sahaja.”
Cherry or no, it’s no one else’s business but your own.
Why buy a cow when you can find milk everywhere?
My last blog has elicited some interesting response from readers. A couple of hours after I posted the blog, a friend text me the following message, “Woman, your blog ……” That was it! He was obviously speechless. When prompted, he said that my blog was even better than Xiaxue. I wasn’t sure if that was a compliment or an insult. Hahaha … Some other friends responded by suggesting other words I could blog about i.e. dick, john, come (cum), screw, do, … wow, speak of coming out of the closet with word fetishes!! :D
In any case, today’s blog has nothing to do with semantics; but everything to do with analogy. “Why buy a cow when you can find milk everywhere?” A friend commented some weeks ago out of the blue. We all looked at her absolutely confused.
She explained that “these days there are so many young ladies out there giving their ‘wares’ freely, why would guys want to get one with so many strings attached?” “After all, willing seller, willing buyer,” she said. Hmmm … it kind of makes sense doesn’t it?
In the law of economics, equilibrium is achieved when supply and demand intersects. Therefore if there is a demand for milk and there is boundless supply of milk, why would the buyer look for a cow to produce milk? Why would a buyer go through the trouble of production? You follow me so far?
I had a chat with a male friend the other day and brought up this interesting turn-of-phrase. He claimed that although there was some truth in the phrase, not all men look for milk ~ him, for example. Hmmm … this “claim” came from a man who admitted to having XX number of girlfriends and relationships. Maybe I should put him through the N-3 test to determine the accurate number of XX girlfriends he had gone through. :D After all, how much can you believe a 35 year old man who jumped into a relationship with a 25 year old lady not too long after meeting her? I remained sceptical but since that has no bearing on me, I decided to give him the benefit of the doubt.
But, it’s an interesting analogy isn’t it? “Why buy a cow when you can find milk everywhere?” Hmmm … I wonder if this applies to the female species or are we forever doomed by our emotional needs for love, commitment and fidelity? Then again, for every willing buyer, there is a willing seller! Therefore, this must apply to a few women at the very least. Hmmm …
In any case, today’s blog has nothing to do with semantics; but everything to do with analogy. “Why buy a cow when you can find milk everywhere?” A friend commented some weeks ago out of the blue. We all looked at her absolutely confused.
She explained that “these days there are so many young ladies out there giving their ‘wares’ freely, why would guys want to get one with so many strings attached?” “After all, willing seller, willing buyer,” she said. Hmmm … it kind of makes sense doesn’t it?
In the law of economics, equilibrium is achieved when supply and demand intersects. Therefore if there is a demand for milk and there is boundless supply of milk, why would the buyer look for a cow to produce milk? Why would a buyer go through the trouble of production? You follow me so far?
I had a chat with a male friend the other day and brought up this interesting turn-of-phrase. He claimed that although there was some truth in the phrase, not all men look for milk ~ him, for example. Hmmm … this “claim” came from a man who admitted to having XX number of girlfriends and relationships. Maybe I should put him through the N-3 test to determine the accurate number of XX girlfriends he had gone through. :D After all, how much can you believe a 35 year old man who jumped into a relationship with a 25 year old lady not too long after meeting her? I remained sceptical but since that has no bearing on me, I decided to give him the benefit of the doubt.
But, it’s an interesting analogy isn’t it? “Why buy a cow when you can find milk everywhere?” Hmmm … I wonder if this applies to the female species or are we forever doomed by our emotional needs for love, commitment and fidelity? Then again, for every willing buyer, there is a willing seller! Therefore, this must apply to a few women at the very least. Hmmm …
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Mind the 4-letter F-word!
Fair warning! If you are adverse to vulgar words, expletives and profanities, give this blog a miss.
I am always fascinated by the varied responses on the 4-letter F-word i.e. F-U-C-K. Now there, I have said it … rather, I have type-written it. I have concluded that people can be grouped into various categories on how they deal with or use vulgar words.
1. The Self Perceived Cool Dudes and Dudettes
There is this lady I used to work with, who probably thought she is an American black if you observe her mannerisms. She must have thought it real cool to use the word “fuck”. Her sentences were liberally peppered with that word and other expletives. For example, “What the fuck did you fucking jackass think you are doing? Why did you think we fucking hire you in the first place if you can’t even get this simple fucking project completed?!”
2. The Expletive-users-but-respect-delicate-ears Type
One of my ex-bosses used to swear using the gentler word “fook” in place of the more vulgar one. For example, “I am going to ‘fook’ that guy! No one with half a brain would even do such a stupid thing!!”
3. The Embarrass-to-use-expletive Type
Most of my friends have wholesome childhood. Such words were never in our vocabulary and were frown upon during our growing up years. During one moment when a friend was trying to fit in with her sales team, she said timidly and with slight embarrassment, “It’s … erm … fucking hot today hor.”
4. The Use-expletive-only-when-very-angry/frustrated Type
This type of person uses expletives very sparingly and only in moments of sheer anger or frustration. Or they used it to show how truly displeased and upset they are. Thus, the rare moments of usage lent a truly powerful message to the people hearing it. For example, “Fuck it! There is no point me doing this report over and over again if you do not know exactly what you want!”
5. The Never-use-expletive Type
This type of person frowns at others who use expletives. They can be bias in the sense that they think people who use these words are “bad” or have very bad upbringing. They especially think girls or women who use such words are bad girls who drink, smoke, swear, sleep around, etc. Usually, this group of people belongs to the older generation.
Now, let’s look at the origin of this word. Did you know that the word fuck is a very old word and has been considered crude right from the start?
According to The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition,
“The obscenity fuck is a very old word and has been considered shocking from the first, though it is seen in print much more often now than in the past. Its first known occurrence, in code because of its unacceptability, is in a poem composed in a mixture of Latin and English sometime before 1500. The poem, which satirizes the Carmelite friars of Cambridge, England, takes its title, “Flen flyys,” from the first words of its opening line, “Flen, flyys, and freris,” that is, “fleas, flies, and friars.” The line that contains fuck reads “Non sunt in coeli, quia gxddbov xxkxzt pg ifmk.” …. The whole thus reads in translation: “They are not in heaven because they fuck wives of Ely [a town near Cambridge].” ”
Did you also know that this 4-letter word is so versatile that it can be used in so many ways and has so many different meanings to it?
1. “I want to fuck you.” It means I want to have sexual intercourse with you.
2. “Damn! I have been fucked!” It means that I have been taken advantage of, cheated, betrayed, and victimised.
3. “What the fuck did you do that for?” In this context, the word is used to express extreme displeasure.
4. “Don’t fuck with me.” It means don’t meddle or mess with me.
5. “That fucking moron.” The word can be used to refer to someone that is despised.
6. “Don’t fuck up again.” It means do not make a mistake or do not bungle up again.
7. “It’s fucking hot!” The word is used to emphasise a situation.
8. “Just fuck off!” In this context, it is a signal of angry dismissal.
That’s all I could think of for now but I am sure there are many more creative usage of the word.
In any case, these days, some people use the word so frequently that there is no shock element to it anymore. In certain circles, it might even be considered as part of everyday vocabulary. Strangely enough, after so many centuries, the word has yet to evolve into respectability among the lexicographers (dictionary makers if I am not mistaken). The few dictionaries that I looked up have an abbreviation of vulg. or vulgar slang next to the word.
Hmm … I wonder what is stopping them from giving “fuck” its due and turning the word into respectability. What say you …?
I am always fascinated by the varied responses on the 4-letter F-word i.e. F-U-C-K. Now there, I have said it … rather, I have type-written it. I have concluded that people can be grouped into various categories on how they deal with or use vulgar words.
1. The Self Perceived Cool Dudes and Dudettes
There is this lady I used to work with, who probably thought she is an American black if you observe her mannerisms. She must have thought it real cool to use the word “fuck”. Her sentences were liberally peppered with that word and other expletives. For example, “What the fuck did you fucking jackass think you are doing? Why did you think we fucking hire you in the first place if you can’t even get this simple fucking project completed?!”
2. The Expletive-users-but-respect-delicate-ears Type
One of my ex-bosses used to swear using the gentler word “fook” in place of the more vulgar one. For example, “I am going to ‘fook’ that guy! No one with half a brain would even do such a stupid thing!!”
3. The Embarrass-to-use-expletive Type
Most of my friends have wholesome childhood. Such words were never in our vocabulary and were frown upon during our growing up years. During one moment when a friend was trying to fit in with her sales team, she said timidly and with slight embarrassment, “It’s … erm … fucking hot today hor.”
4. The Use-expletive-only-when-very-angry/frustrated Type
This type of person uses expletives very sparingly and only in moments of sheer anger or frustration. Or they used it to show how truly displeased and upset they are. Thus, the rare moments of usage lent a truly powerful message to the people hearing it. For example, “Fuck it! There is no point me doing this report over and over again if you do not know exactly what you want!”
5. The Never-use-expletive Type
This type of person frowns at others who use expletives. They can be bias in the sense that they think people who use these words are “bad” or have very bad upbringing. They especially think girls or women who use such words are bad girls who drink, smoke, swear, sleep around, etc. Usually, this group of people belongs to the older generation.
Now, let’s look at the origin of this word. Did you know that the word fuck is a very old word and has been considered crude right from the start?
According to The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition,
“The obscenity fuck is a very old word and has been considered shocking from the first, though it is seen in print much more often now than in the past. Its first known occurrence, in code because of its unacceptability, is in a poem composed in a mixture of Latin and English sometime before 1500. The poem, which satirizes the Carmelite friars of Cambridge, England, takes its title, “Flen flyys,” from the first words of its opening line, “Flen, flyys, and freris,” that is, “fleas, flies, and friars.” The line that contains fuck reads “Non sunt in coeli, quia gxddbov xxkxzt pg ifmk.” …. The whole thus reads in translation: “They are not in heaven because they fuck wives of Ely [a town near Cambridge].” ”
Did you also know that this 4-letter word is so versatile that it can be used in so many ways and has so many different meanings to it?
1. “I want to fuck you.” It means I want to have sexual intercourse with you.
2. “Damn! I have been fucked!” It means that I have been taken advantage of, cheated, betrayed, and victimised.
3. “What the fuck did you do that for?” In this context, the word is used to express extreme displeasure.
4. “Don’t fuck with me.” It means don’t meddle or mess with me.
5. “That fucking moron.” The word can be used to refer to someone that is despised.
6. “Don’t fuck up again.” It means do not make a mistake or do not bungle up again.
7. “It’s fucking hot!” The word is used to emphasise a situation.
8. “Just fuck off!” In this context, it is a signal of angry dismissal.
That’s all I could think of for now but I am sure there are many more creative usage of the word.
In any case, these days, some people use the word so frequently that there is no shock element to it anymore. In certain circles, it might even be considered as part of everyday vocabulary. Strangely enough, after so many centuries, the word has yet to evolve into respectability among the lexicographers (dictionary makers if I am not mistaken). The few dictionaries that I looked up have an abbreviation of vulg. or vulgar slang next to the word.
Hmm … I wonder what is stopping them from giving “fuck” its due and turning the word into respectability. What say you …?
Monday, November 21, 2005
God's Debris
Beep! Beep! That was the sound of a text message delivery on the mobile. It was a message from … God! (Just kidding!) It was a message from one of my “siau” friends, which reads, “Dilbert’s blog … download God’s Debris.” (OK. Close enough to God. :P) What a strange message and since I was entertaining another friend that I have not met in months, I ignored the message.
Fast forward to 1+ pm on the same day. Ring! Ring! Ring! My mobile went off. I checked the number and guess what?! It was the same friend that sent me the earlier cryptic message on Dilbert.
“Did you read my message on Dilbert?” said he.
“Yeah. Didn’t understand it.” said I.
“The ebook on Dilbert. You downloaded yet?”
“What are you talking about?”
“There’s this ebook on Dilbert’s blog. Go download and read that. We will discuss this when we meet later today. I can’t stop thinking about it.”
“Huh?” I sounded blur because I was blur. I looked apologetically at my friend and tried to end the conversation as soon as possible. I thought humouring the friend at the other end of the mobile would be the best way to do so.
“Uh … ok. I will check that out later. Talk to you soon. Bye!”
Later, at 3+ pm after my friend left, I remembered the cryptic text message and the strange conversation that I had. I logged on to Dilbert’s blog and the following passage jumped out at me …
“Frankly, this is the hardest book in the world to market. When it first came out in hardcover, booksellers couldn’t decide if it was fiction or nonfiction. Was it philosophy or religion? It’s a religion/science book written by a cartoonist, using hypnosis techniques in the writing. It’s a thought experiment. It’s unlike anything you’ve ever read. How do you sell something that can’t be explained?”
My interest was piqued … Strangely enough; God’s Debris is a serious piece of work from Scott Adams, the cartoonist and writer for the funny Dilbert books and comic strip. Hmm … clearly we shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, huh. : )
The book questions our current beliefs and strives to convince the reader of a simpler (?) but more radical (as in paradigm shift) explanation for those beliefs. As I continued reading it, the book brings to mind another interesting book, Sophie’s World by Jostein Gaarder, that I read six years ago when I was on a soul searching mission. It challenges the current beliefs on God and free will, ESP and UFO, reality and imaginary, etc. etc. The ideas are not exactly new but some examples Scott Adams used to challenge conventional beliefs are pretty interesting and have a very believable logic. For a book of 144 pages with large fonts, every sentence actually builds up to an idea of some significance.
At 4+ pm, the doorbell rang. The whole “siau” gang was here. We were supposed to join Uncle Loke for a trek but since it was raining cats and dogs, everyone decided to adjourn at my place to wait out the rain.
“Have you finished reading the book?” those were the first words out of this friend's mouth. I was at like page 90 but I didn’t want to read while my friends were there. That’s like so rude. In any case, this particular friend was so excited (still is) and so desperate for someone to discuss the contents of the book. Amidst his constant nagging to finish the book, I decided being a good hostess was more important. However, we did cut him some slack and started a cerebral discussion about … well, the meaning of life … all sparked by the enthusiasm of this young man over Scott Adams’ ebook. Thus a healthy and long discussion ensued and varied viewpoints were postulated. At one point, I was shocked to realise that everyone was actually holding a book. What a change from adrenaline and food junkies to cerebral junkies! All too soon, it was time for them to leave me for the Harry Porter movie. Sob! Sob! Cast aside … for Harry Porter! : (
I finished the book later that evening after everyone has left. The last few chapters were interesting. The author spoke of “awareness” and there being five level of “awareness”. That is new to me. I have always believed that there are only two levels; either you are “aware” or you are “unaware”. Truly, this is not an easy book to read and forget. Just like Sophie’s World, this book raises a lot of questions that challenges our current beliefs and status quo.
Socrates (Greek philosopher in Athens ~ 469 BC - 399 BC), one of the greatest minds in history, quotes:
“The only good is knowledge and the only evil is ignorance.”
“I know nothing except the fact of my ignorance.”
Fast forward to 1+ pm on the same day. Ring! Ring! Ring! My mobile went off. I checked the number and guess what?! It was the same friend that sent me the earlier cryptic message on Dilbert.
“Did you read my message on Dilbert?” said he.
“Yeah. Didn’t understand it.” said I.
“The ebook on Dilbert. You downloaded yet?”
“What are you talking about?”
“There’s this ebook on Dilbert’s blog. Go download and read that. We will discuss this when we meet later today. I can’t stop thinking about it.”
“Huh?” I sounded blur because I was blur. I looked apologetically at my friend and tried to end the conversation as soon as possible. I thought humouring the friend at the other end of the mobile would be the best way to do so.
“Uh … ok. I will check that out later. Talk to you soon. Bye!”
Later, at 3+ pm after my friend left, I remembered the cryptic text message and the strange conversation that I had. I logged on to Dilbert’s blog and the following passage jumped out at me …
“Frankly, this is the hardest book in the world to market. When it first came out in hardcover, booksellers couldn’t decide if it was fiction or nonfiction. Was it philosophy or religion? It’s a religion/science book written by a cartoonist, using hypnosis techniques in the writing. It’s a thought experiment. It’s unlike anything you’ve ever read. How do you sell something that can’t be explained?”
My interest was piqued … Strangely enough; God’s Debris is a serious piece of work from Scott Adams, the cartoonist and writer for the funny Dilbert books and comic strip. Hmm … clearly we shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, huh. : )
The book questions our current beliefs and strives to convince the reader of a simpler (?) but more radical (as in paradigm shift) explanation for those beliefs. As I continued reading it, the book brings to mind another interesting book, Sophie’s World by Jostein Gaarder, that I read six years ago when I was on a soul searching mission. It challenges the current beliefs on God and free will, ESP and UFO, reality and imaginary, etc. etc. The ideas are not exactly new but some examples Scott Adams used to challenge conventional beliefs are pretty interesting and have a very believable logic. For a book of 144 pages with large fonts, every sentence actually builds up to an idea of some significance.
At 4+ pm, the doorbell rang. The whole “siau” gang was here. We were supposed to join Uncle Loke for a trek but since it was raining cats and dogs, everyone decided to adjourn at my place to wait out the rain.
“Have you finished reading the book?” those were the first words out of this friend's mouth. I was at like page 90 but I didn’t want to read while my friends were there. That’s like so rude. In any case, this particular friend was so excited (still is) and so desperate for someone to discuss the contents of the book. Amidst his constant nagging to finish the book, I decided being a good hostess was more important. However, we did cut him some slack and started a cerebral discussion about … well, the meaning of life … all sparked by the enthusiasm of this young man over Scott Adams’ ebook. Thus a healthy and long discussion ensued and varied viewpoints were postulated. At one point, I was shocked to realise that everyone was actually holding a book. What a change from adrenaline and food junkies to cerebral junkies! All too soon, it was time for them to leave me for the Harry Porter movie. Sob! Sob! Cast aside … for Harry Porter! : (
I finished the book later that evening after everyone has left. The last few chapters were interesting. The author spoke of “awareness” and there being five level of “awareness”. That is new to me. I have always believed that there are only two levels; either you are “aware” or you are “unaware”. Truly, this is not an easy book to read and forget. Just like Sophie’s World, this book raises a lot of questions that challenges our current beliefs and status quo.
Socrates (Greek philosopher in Athens ~ 469 BC - 399 BC), one of the greatest minds in history, quotes:
“The only good is knowledge and the only evil is ignorance.”
“I know nothing except the fact of my ignorance.”
Yet, isn't ignorance bliss?
Long ago, I came to the conclusion that being “aware” actually complicates life more. We think too much and question too much. Yet the things we question will most likely not be proved nor disproved in our lifetime. Would we not be happier living by our current set of beliefs and perceptions? This is a great book to stimulate our thought processes and allow the cerebral side some activity. But should that not be as far as we take it? After all, if we are living happily within the confines of our own perception and the general perception of society, why rock the boat? Why challenge that paradigm?
Ultimately, I believe that life is a lot simpler than we think or than it is made out to be. And once we accept that, life is perhaps a lot happier and more interesting.
Saturday, November 19, 2005
Had a very interesting conversation with a friend today regarding Xiaxue. "What's dat?" you may ask.
Not a "what" .. but a "who". And it's like, if you haven't heard of her, you are really NOT a blog reader (in this region)! Yup .. she is that famous ... or that notorious, some might say, in the Southeast Asian blogsphere. Oh well ... then I ain't considered a blog reader. :p In any case, I did read about her and "the controversy" in a local newspaper and in hard print too! There's still hope for the printed media! :) And of course the "blog" that got her such "fame"!
Here's an excerpt of our conversation:
No more flu~~ says: A recent survey finds that ppl who visit blogs spend 50% more time than the "average net user" and spend > 30% online. So the money is surely there~~
Leanne says: Err ... Wat money r u refering to?
No more flu~~ says: Making a living eventually from your blog. *Eventually* is the keyword, though. LOL
Leanne says: Ha ha . . I think not in this life
No more flu~~ says: Who knows? Can be famous within 2 years like
Leanne says : Err . . I dont know about her blog until I heard all the controversy. Still haven't checked it out yet.
No more flu~~ says: Keep an open mind when u read it.
Leanne says: Ha ha. Like how open?
No more flu~~ says: *Really* open type.
Leanne says: Hmmmmmm ... I hv an inkling on wat to expect.
No more flu~~ says: Haahaahaa.... it's like a roller coaster ride. But shouldn't be too much a problem for u lah since u the adventure type.
Leanne says: lol. Then again, if it's a prima donna type of blog . . . I am not tat adventurous.
No more flu~~ says: Go hav a look... u be the judge. Like it?
Leanne says: Trying to leave the prejudices from my mind.
No more flu~~ says: That soon u got the prejudices already ah?
Leanne says: No la. Told u I read abt the controversy of her site first. That one didnt show her in good light. Now, trying not to be judgemental when I read. So wat's your view?
No more flu~~ says: She behaves very differently from me, and I most likely will have problems living with her as our sense of value is different.
Leanne says: lol. Very politically correct answer.
No more flu~~ says: Well... that's about all actually. I don't hate her. She has her own thoughts, which I don't necessary agree with. So I was just explaining what would happen when u have her mind and my mind getting together.
Leanne says: Err ... "hate" is a very extreme word to use on a person you dont know.
No more flu~~ says: Some ppl, if you read the comments on her blog, really "Hate" her...
Leanne says: Hmmm
No more flu~~ says: Comments like "I hope you burn in Hell! B***h Interesting to see her thoughts, though. Hard to stop when u read her stuff. Depending on how you think about her writing, it's like a "Let me see how much more ****** (fill in the blank with whatever you think she is) can this get?"
Leanne says: lol. So u dont get turned off even though u dont agree with her. U just get more excited? hehehe
No more flu~~ says: I'm more interested to try to figure out why a person behaves the way he/she does
Leanne says: I just read her blog on Harry Porter. Interesting!
No more flu~~ says: Wait till u read her's on her thailand trip.... Sometimes I dream my life could be as colourful as hers though.
Leanne says: Ha ha. 1) u r not female, 2) u dont have her looks, 3) u dont exploit it like she does, 4) ur values are so different from hers. I think even if given the opportuity, ur life still wont be as colourful as hers.
No more flu~~ says: Yeah.. I guess not. *sigh*
Leanne says: Ha ha . . . well, I just read/ skim through her other blog on all the negative comments given to her blog. Actually . . the more I read, the less negative I feel about her. Hmmm . . . she's possibly spoilt, interestingly intelligent, very colourful language, and quite pretty.
No more flu~~ says: Yup. Once u accept the fact that everyone got the right to express their thoughts, and it's none-of-my-damn-business on what she thinks, there's nothing to be negative about.
Leanne says: Well, if she thinks that, she should not be angry at what people say. After all, they too are entitled to their opinion of her.
Leanne says: Actually, she's a marketer's dream if she has not gone and antagonise a whole lot of people. lol
No more flu~~ says: Ppl who antagonise your competitor is a marketer's dream too.
Leanne says: Ha ha. There's a point to that too.
No more flu~~ says: A "guy kawasaki" wrote a book, "how to make your competitor go crazy"
No more flu~~ says: Judging ppl is god's job, not mine.
Leanne says: Ha ha. Which god I wonder. Thought u dont believe in god.
No more flu~~ says: Yup. But as long as I throw the ball to another department, it's not my problem anymore. I dun really care who would do that.
Leanne says: lol. So essentially, u just dont give a damn!
No more flu~~ says: I do give a damn when things are within my circle of influence. Reading material of the day, Peter Glen's "It's not My Department"
Leanne says: Ha ha ha ... Gosh! I think this is an interesting conversation to blog about.
No more flu~~ says: Go add it in. U can help get more ppl to go read xiaxue.
Leanne says: lol. Does she need anymore readers? hmmm
No more flu~~ says: It's interesting to see the ppl who visit your blog, how would they react to xiaxue, since it's a different type of blog thus attracting different kind of readers.
Leanne says: Ha ha .... Tat's an interesting thought!
So here we are ... an introduction to Xiaxue. You be the judge!
Not a "what" .. but a "who". And it's like, if you haven't heard of her, you are really NOT a blog reader (in this region)! Yup .. she is that famous ... or that notorious, some might say, in the Southeast Asian blogsphere. Oh well ... then I ain't considered a blog reader. :p In any case, I did read about her and "the controversy" in a local newspaper and in hard print too! There's still hope for the printed media! :) And of course the "blog" that got her such "fame"!
Here's an excerpt of our conversation:
No more flu~~ says: A recent survey finds that ppl who visit blogs spend 50% more time than the "average net user" and spend > 30% online. So the money is surely there~~
Leanne says: Err ... Wat money r u refering to?
No more flu~~ says: Making a living eventually from your blog. *Eventually* is the keyword, though. LOL
Leanne says: Ha ha . . I think not in this life
No more flu~~ says: Who knows? Can be famous within 2 years like
Leanne says : Err . . I dont know about her blog until I heard all the controversy. Still haven't checked it out yet.
No more flu~~ says: Keep an open mind when u read it.
Leanne says: Ha ha. Like how open?
No more flu~~ says: *Really* open type.
Leanne says: Hmmmmmm ... I hv an inkling on wat to expect.
No more flu~~ says: Haahaahaa.... it's like a roller coaster ride. But shouldn't be too much a problem for u lah since u the adventure type.
Leanne says: lol. Then again, if it's a prima donna type of blog . . . I am not tat adventurous.
No more flu~~ says: Go hav a look... u be the judge. Like it?
Leanne says: Trying to leave the prejudices from my mind.
No more flu~~ says: That soon u got the prejudices already ah?
Leanne says: No la. Told u I read abt the controversy of her site first. That one didnt show her in good light. Now, trying not to be judgemental when I read. So wat's your view?
No more flu~~ says: She behaves very differently from me, and I most likely will have problems living with her as our sense of value is different.
Leanne says: lol. Very politically correct answer.
No more flu~~ says: Well... that's about all actually. I don't hate her. She has her own thoughts, which I don't necessary agree with. So I was just explaining what would happen when u have her mind and my mind getting together.
Leanne says: Err ... "hate" is a very extreme word to use on a person you dont know.
No more flu~~ says: Some ppl, if you read the comments on her blog, really "Hate" her...
Leanne says: Hmmm
No more flu~~ says: Comments like "I hope you burn in Hell! B***h Interesting to see her thoughts, though. Hard to stop when u read her stuff. Depending on how you think about her writing, it's like a "Let me see how much more ****** (fill in the blank with whatever you think she is) can this get?"
Leanne says: lol. So u dont get turned off even though u dont agree with her. U just get more excited? hehehe
No more flu~~ says: I'm more interested to try to figure out why a person behaves the way he/she does
Leanne says: I just read her blog on Harry Porter. Interesting!
No more flu~~ says: Wait till u read her's on her thailand trip.... Sometimes I dream my life could be as colourful as hers though.
Leanne says: Ha ha. 1) u r not female, 2) u dont have her looks, 3) u dont exploit it like she does, 4) ur values are so different from hers. I think even if given the opportuity, ur life still wont be as colourful as hers.
No more flu~~ says: Yeah.. I guess not. *sigh*
Leanne says: Ha ha . . . well, I just read/ skim through her other blog on all the negative comments given to her blog. Actually . . the more I read, the less negative I feel about her. Hmmm . . . she's possibly spoilt, interestingly intelligent, very colourful language, and quite pretty.
No more flu~~ says: Yup. Once u accept the fact that everyone got the right to express their thoughts, and it's none-of-my-damn-business on what she thinks, there's nothing to be negative about.
Leanne says: Well, if she thinks that, she should not be angry at what people say. After all, they too are entitled to their opinion of her.
Leanne says: Actually, she's a marketer's dream if she has not gone and antagonise a whole lot of people. lol
No more flu~~ says: Ppl who antagonise your competitor is a marketer's dream too.
Leanne says: Ha ha. There's a point to that too.
No more flu~~ says: A "guy kawasaki" wrote a book, "how to make your competitor go crazy"
No more flu~~ says: Judging ppl is god's job, not mine.
Leanne says: Ha ha. Which god I wonder. Thought u dont believe in god.
No more flu~~ says: Yup. But as long as I throw the ball to another department, it's not my problem anymore. I dun really care who would do that.
Leanne says: lol. So essentially, u just dont give a damn!
No more flu~~ says: I do give a damn when things are within my circle of influence. Reading material of the day, Peter Glen's "It's not My Department"
Leanne says: Ha ha ha ... Gosh! I think this is an interesting conversation to blog about.
No more flu~~ says: Go add it in. U can help get more ppl to go read xiaxue.
Leanne says: lol. Does she need anymore readers? hmmm
No more flu~~ says: It's interesting to see the ppl who visit your blog, how would they react to xiaxue, since it's a different type of blog thus attracting different kind of readers.
Leanne says: Ha ha .... Tat's an interesting thought!
So here we are ... an introduction to Xiaxue. You be the judge!
Work, Life, Balance
I think it should be Work, Life, Balance and Sleep!
In my effort to ensure that I don’t miss out the “Life” bits, I have been burning candles at both ends. I have been doing that for so long that I forgot I could run out of wax.
And that’s what happened last week. After all the late nights, long days and crazy weekends, I found myself sprawled on the sofa from dusk till dawn; trying to catch up with sleep and rest. Three nights out of seven is a very telling point that the “machine” (body) needs a major tuning. Thank god not an overhaul yet!
Well, the weekend is here again. Woo hoo! Think moderation, do moderation, eat moderation, exercise moderation, and sleep moderation. That’s the aim! Let there be no temptation … :p
P.S. Tonight or this morning doesn’t count. :D
In my effort to ensure that I don’t miss out the “Life” bits, I have been burning candles at both ends. I have been doing that for so long that I forgot I could run out of wax.
And that’s what happened last week. After all the late nights, long days and crazy weekends, I found myself sprawled on the sofa from dusk till dawn; trying to catch up with sleep and rest. Three nights out of seven is a very telling point that the “machine” (body) needs a major tuning. Thank god not an overhaul yet!
Well, the weekend is here again. Woo hoo! Think moderation, do moderation, eat moderation, exercise moderation, and sleep moderation. That’s the aim! Let there be no temptation … :p
P.S. Tonight or this morning doesn’t count. :D
When I couldn’t boot up my notebook yesterday, I suddenly felt as if a part of me is missing.
I couldn’t log on to the company server to download my emails. I could not work my 2006 Plan on the excel spreadsheet, nor could I prepare my power point presentation for the oncoming Sales Conference. I could not get on to the WWW to blog. I couldn’t take notes on a word document to record down the readings of the literature review for my dissertation. I could not go online and make my credit card payments. I couldn’t log on to the online community forum to check on my neighbours’ latest angst. I could not download the photos I have taken via my digital camera. And of course, I couldn’t go online to chat with my friends!
All my work; be it for the job or for my studies and all my own personal jottings plus all my digital photos were saved on the hard disk! And they were all in danger of being erased from the disk; and from my life forever! My goodness! I hadn’t realised how dependant my life is on those digits.
Crazy really if you think of it. Our lives are to a huge extent controlled by those seemingly harmless digits. The idea that one day we will be controlled by a mainframe computer ala Matrix style might be a probability rather than impossibility. Makes one feels like taking the next ride out into the jungles, far away from computers and any form of technology.
But the reality is … am I glad my “baby” is able to boot today. I have my life back for now. Phew!
I couldn’t log on to the company server to download my emails. I could not work my 2006 Plan on the excel spreadsheet, nor could I prepare my power point presentation for the oncoming Sales Conference. I could not get on to the WWW to blog. I couldn’t take notes on a word document to record down the readings of the literature review for my dissertation. I could not go online and make my credit card payments. I couldn’t log on to the online community forum to check on my neighbours’ latest angst. I could not download the photos I have taken via my digital camera. And of course, I couldn’t go online to chat with my friends!
All my work; be it for the job or for my studies and all my own personal jottings plus all my digital photos were saved on the hard disk! And they were all in danger of being erased from the disk; and from my life forever! My goodness! I hadn’t realised how dependant my life is on those digits.
Crazy really if you think of it. Our lives are to a huge extent controlled by those seemingly harmless digits. The idea that one day we will be controlled by a mainframe computer ala Matrix style might be a probability rather than impossibility. Makes one feels like taking the next ride out into the jungles, far away from computers and any form of technology.
But the reality is … am I glad my “baby” is able to boot today. I have my life back for now. Phew!
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
N – 3
Amidst a beautiful dusk skyline, in a little Chinese restaurant tucked away in a corner near Sunway Pyramid, sat a group of friends having a most interesting conversation about head-hunters and why they collect scalps.
Female #1: Why do the head-hunters want the scalps?
Female #2: Well, they are the spoils of war and the scalps show their … err … what’s the word for it …
Canadian chap: (chips in) … virility … or male fertility …
Female #2: Yeah. That’s it. And the more scalps one has, the more virile he is!
Female #1: (ponders further) Why is it that in the olden days, men have to show their virility? What do today’s men do to show their virility?
(The whole group was stumped for a moment.)
Malaysian chap #1: (the crazy jock says) Eh … they do pump? (as in the gym session of Body Pump)
Malaysian chap #2: (interjects) Frankly, I don’t care.
Female #2: (looks at Malaysian chap #1) Siau la you. Pump pulak?
Female #1: (continues to ponder) What then? How do modern men show their virility?
Female #2: They talk about it I suppose. You notice guys these days like to talk big la … like how many girls they have slept with la. And they like to boast among their male friends on how many notches they have on their bedposts. But in reality, maybe none! (looks at Malaysian chap #1) Like the story you told us about your friend who talks big but later you guys discovered he probably hasn’t done it before.
Canadian chap: Actually in Canada, there’s a rule of thumb on how to discount the extra notches a guy claims to have. Basically, the rule is to use N-3. So whatever the number the guy claims, just minus 3 from that.
Female #1: Why 3? Why not 4 or 5 or ….?
Canadian chap: (smiles) No idea … it’s just the rule of thumb.
As the conversation fades away, this writer still ponders on why the magical number 3 is chosen. Any ideas? And any other thoughts as to how the male species prove their virility in these modern times?
Disclaimer: Above conversation has been edited for more palatable reading to cater to young readers. Thus the accuracy of who says what may have been altered from the original conversation.
Female #1: Why do the head-hunters want the scalps?
Female #2: Well, they are the spoils of war and the scalps show their … err … what’s the word for it …
Canadian chap: (chips in) … virility … or male fertility …
Female #2: Yeah. That’s it. And the more scalps one has, the more virile he is!
Female #1: (ponders further) Why is it that in the olden days, men have to show their virility? What do today’s men do to show their virility?
(The whole group was stumped for a moment.)
Malaysian chap #1: (the crazy jock says) Eh … they do pump? (as in the gym session of Body Pump)
Malaysian chap #2: (interjects) Frankly, I don’t care.
Female #2: (looks at Malaysian chap #1) Siau la you. Pump pulak?
Female #1: (continues to ponder) What then? How do modern men show their virility?
Female #2: They talk about it I suppose. You notice guys these days like to talk big la … like how many girls they have slept with la. And they like to boast among their male friends on how many notches they have on their bedposts. But in reality, maybe none! (looks at Malaysian chap #1) Like the story you told us about your friend who talks big but later you guys discovered he probably hasn’t done it before.
Canadian chap: Actually in Canada, there’s a rule of thumb on how to discount the extra notches a guy claims to have. Basically, the rule is to use N-3. So whatever the number the guy claims, just minus 3 from that.
Female #1: Why 3? Why not 4 or 5 or ….?
Canadian chap: (smiles) No idea … it’s just the rule of thumb.
As the conversation fades away, this writer still ponders on why the magical number 3 is chosen. Any ideas? And any other thoughts as to how the male species prove their virility in these modern times?
Disclaimer: Above conversation has been edited for more palatable reading to cater to young readers. Thus the accuracy of who says what may have been altered from the original conversation.
EI ~ Manage or Manipulate?
EI (Emotional Intelligence) refers to the capacity for recognizing our own feelings and those of others, for motivating ourselves, and for managing emotions in us and in our relationships. EI describes abilities distinct from, but complementary to, academic intelligence or the purely cognitive capacities measured by IQ.
Random conversation on EI:
Jack: The course taught us that by applying different methods in handling people, we would be able to get them to agree or accept or do something we wish far easier. Understanding people is the key to learning to handle them.
Jill: How so?
Jack: Well … take for instance you and your sister. You are more open to new ideas, therefore I would tell a far fetch idea to you straight. Your sister, on the other hand, tends to stick to the comfort zone. She would need more convincing. So perhaps, I would relate the idea to her in a different manner. Maybe propose the idea in a roundabout way and lead her to draw that conclusion on her own or lead her to think that she is the one who came up with the idea.
Jill: That sounds like manipulation, don’t you think?
Jack: No. That’s EI or EQ some might call it. It’s how you manage the people around you. Manipulation has a negative slant to it. It implies that one is being crafty or sly in getting their way.
Jill: But that’s what EI sounds like to me. Or rather what your example sounds to me.
Jack: No, it’s not. There’s a fine line between manipulation and managing.
Jill: Well, I still don’t see that fine line. I think it’s pretty crafty to get your friend to do something but not being forthright about it. I can understand using EI to handle your staff, your peers or your boss. But using EI on your friends? That still smack of manipulation to me. I thought friendship means honesty and showing your friends “your true face” … not a façade.
Jack: It’s not a façade. And it does not matter in what circumstances; whether at the work place or with your friends. And you are straying away from the point of discussion! EI is all about knowing the person you are dealing with and getting the message across in the least antagonistic and most tactful way.
Jill: I still don’t buy that. OK, I can accept that you handle your colleagues and business partners like that. But friends ... I feel that is a sacred relationship and should not be manipulated by whatever new age management study….
Jack: Urrghhh … talking to you is like hitting my head against a brick wall. *glares at Jill*
Jill: That is just my opinion la. Maybe you are not putting your EI into practice very well. Otherwise, I should be convinced by now. *grins back at Jack*
Random conversation on EI:
Jack: The course taught us that by applying different methods in handling people, we would be able to get them to agree or accept or do something we wish far easier. Understanding people is the key to learning to handle them.
Jill: How so?
Jack: Well … take for instance you and your sister. You are more open to new ideas, therefore I would tell a far fetch idea to you straight. Your sister, on the other hand, tends to stick to the comfort zone. She would need more convincing. So perhaps, I would relate the idea to her in a different manner. Maybe propose the idea in a roundabout way and lead her to draw that conclusion on her own or lead her to think that she is the one who came up with the idea.
Jill: That sounds like manipulation, don’t you think?
Jack: No. That’s EI or EQ some might call it. It’s how you manage the people around you. Manipulation has a negative slant to it. It implies that one is being crafty or sly in getting their way.
Jill: But that’s what EI sounds like to me. Or rather what your example sounds to me.
Jack: No, it’s not. There’s a fine line between manipulation and managing.
Jill: Well, I still don’t see that fine line. I think it’s pretty crafty to get your friend to do something but not being forthright about it. I can understand using EI to handle your staff, your peers or your boss. But using EI on your friends? That still smack of manipulation to me. I thought friendship means honesty and showing your friends “your true face” … not a façade.
Jack: It’s not a façade. And it does not matter in what circumstances; whether at the work place or with your friends. And you are straying away from the point of discussion! EI is all about knowing the person you are dealing with and getting the message across in the least antagonistic and most tactful way.
Jill: I still don’t buy that. OK, I can accept that you handle your colleagues and business partners like that. But friends ... I feel that is a sacred relationship and should not be manipulated by whatever new age management study….
Jack: Urrghhh … talking to you is like hitting my head against a brick wall. *glares at Jill*
Jill: That is just my opinion la. Maybe you are not putting your EI into practice very well. Otherwise, I should be convinced by now. *grins back at Jack*
Monday, November 14, 2005
Woo hoo! I did a 10 km run yesterday!
Ever since I heard that the rest of the group has gone on a 10 km run on the treadmill last week, I was itching to do so myself. I am not a masochist (really!) but as I have mentioned before, I am often done in by that little devil called “competitiveness”. In any case, after the early morning trek, I was quite inspired to do a bit more exercise. Fixing the distance at 10 km on the machine and the speed at 9.0 km per hour, I was ready to face my first 10 km challenge.
The first 5 km was a breeze. I have run that distance before and knew I have the stamina to do so again and maintain my run at that speed. The following 3 km was a challenge. I could feel my legs getting heavier and slower; and I had to work extremely hard to maintain the speed. It didn’t help that there was a maniacal runner on the left machine going at 10.0 km an hour continuously and pounding onwards with such energy and concentration! I surreptitiously checked his distance meter and the reading was at 16 km! He started much later than me. How could that be possible?
In any case, I had to deal with completing my run despite being disturbed that someone who started later than me could overtake my distance. Dang! Something is definitely wrong with his machine. :p In any case, the final 2 km for me was a real struggle ~ it seemed to take eons for the distance meter to jump 0.01 km. I reached the stage where I had to literally rotate between walking at the speed of 6.9 km per hour for 0.50 km and running at 10.0 km per hour for 0.50 km. The distance meter seemed to move in slow motion … 9.98 km, 9.99 km … 10.00 km! Whoopie! I finally hit the 10 km distance at a time of 1 hour and 9 minutes. * Does the victory dance! *
I really needed a massage after that but I thought a few relaxing moments in the pool would help too. Off we went to the young lecturer’s condo for a leisurely swim. Sigh! I don’t think this group of people do things in half measures (me included)! We ended up having a leisurely swim but also doing some contortionist moves under water. It was a lot of fun but I have a great feeling that I will suffer for yesterday’s antics in the next few days.
A friend once told me, “You can’t starve for six days and binge on the seventh day! It’s most unhealthy.” That couldn’t be helped though as my crazy schedule last week conspired to place me in such a predicament once again. And really, this was all a spur of the moment thing. Life doesn’t get better than this eh?! :D
The first 5 km was a breeze. I have run that distance before and knew I have the stamina to do so again and maintain my run at that speed. The following 3 km was a challenge. I could feel my legs getting heavier and slower; and I had to work extremely hard to maintain the speed. It didn’t help that there was a maniacal runner on the left machine going at 10.0 km an hour continuously and pounding onwards with such energy and concentration! I surreptitiously checked his distance meter and the reading was at 16 km! He started much later than me. How could that be possible?
In any case, I had to deal with completing my run despite being disturbed that someone who started later than me could overtake my distance. Dang! Something is definitely wrong with his machine. :p In any case, the final 2 km for me was a real struggle ~ it seemed to take eons for the distance meter to jump 0.01 km. I reached the stage where I had to literally rotate between walking at the speed of 6.9 km per hour for 0.50 km and running at 10.0 km per hour for 0.50 km. The distance meter seemed to move in slow motion … 9.98 km, 9.99 km … 10.00 km! Whoopie! I finally hit the 10 km distance at a time of 1 hour and 9 minutes. * Does the victory dance! *
I really needed a massage after that but I thought a few relaxing moments in the pool would help too. Off we went to the young lecturer’s condo for a leisurely swim. Sigh! I don’t think this group of people do things in half measures (me included)! We ended up having a leisurely swim but also doing some contortionist moves under water. It was a lot of fun but I have a great feeling that I will suffer for yesterday’s antics in the next few days.
A friend once told me, “You can’t starve for six days and binge on the seventh day! It’s most unhealthy.” That couldn’t be helped though as my crazy schedule last week conspired to place me in such a predicament once again. And really, this was all a spur of the moment thing. Life doesn’t get better than this eh?! :D
A crazy trail and a chance encounter with an amazing character
Trekking has suddenly become a weekly Sunday morning affair/ ritual especially with the boys ~ two young lecturers and one little monster. I am not quite sure if I should jump for joy or pray for salvation, but be that as it may, we were on a mission yesterday to explore new trails and boy(!) did we do that in great style. Whilst our effort to reach the Telekom Tower was achieved albeit a disappointingly short climb, we did not quite find the actual trail to the top. However, our return journey was another matter altogether as we trail blazed our way downwards.
We followed a steep opening from the hilltop and ended up clambering downwards with our front facing the face of the hill and our backs towards the sun (if the sun could penetrate the dense forest that is); whilst hanging on to “army” ropes that were conveniently “placed” along the unused trail. Quarter way downhill, I lost the trail and had to rely on instinct as we literally slid and scrambled downwards. Spider webs were aplenty and as I was leading the pack, it was inevitable that I get the bulk of the cobwebs all over me. Yucks! Creepy crawlies is definitely not my cup of tea.
Little monster had a moment of sheer agony when he slid on a huge stone/ boulder (?) whilst trying to slide downhill on his butt! Ouch! And of course the continuous lament I received from him was, “can’t you find a path with higher branches?” He he he … For once, being vertically challenge is such a joy to be ~ which brings to mind the following quote “every dog has his day.” :p We were totally lost for a few moments but we kept working our way downhill and we hoped, towards the stream. It was sheer joy for us when we finally found that “magical” stream and were back on familiar territory.
The plan was to continue exploring another path which would lead us to Kampung Kerinchi but luck would have it that we meet a certain Uncle Loke; who was actually clearing paths and making trails for his regular trekkers. Uncle Loke does not look a day over 55 but we found out that he is actually 71. Gosh! I think he has become our new hero and inspiration for further exercise and treks. All of us wanted to look that good at 71! : ) And one young lecturer was quite inspired by Uncle Loke’s biceps because at the ripe old age of 71, his biceps are much larger than all the three boys!
We had an interesting chat with Uncle Loke and he advised us to return using the usual way as we could get completely lost. He subsequently invited us to join his group to explore new trails at Bukit Gasing the following week. I could see the ‘sparkle’ in the eyes of little monster and the one young lecturer; and I knew that they would definitely be joining Uncle Loke next week. As for my participation, we shall see …. No venture, no gain. But no commitments … yet! : )
We followed a steep opening from the hilltop and ended up clambering downwards with our front facing the face of the hill and our backs towards the sun (if the sun could penetrate the dense forest that is); whilst hanging on to “army” ropes that were conveniently “placed” along the unused trail. Quarter way downhill, I lost the trail and had to rely on instinct as we literally slid and scrambled downwards. Spider webs were aplenty and as I was leading the pack, it was inevitable that I get the bulk of the cobwebs all over me. Yucks! Creepy crawlies is definitely not my cup of tea.
Little monster had a moment of sheer agony when he slid on a huge stone/ boulder (?) whilst trying to slide downhill on his butt! Ouch! And of course the continuous lament I received from him was, “can’t you find a path with higher branches?” He he he … For once, being vertically challenge is such a joy to be ~ which brings to mind the following quote “every dog has his day.” :p We were totally lost for a few moments but we kept working our way downhill and we hoped, towards the stream. It was sheer joy for us when we finally found that “magical” stream and were back on familiar territory.
The plan was to continue exploring another path which would lead us to Kampung Kerinchi but luck would have it that we meet a certain Uncle Loke; who was actually clearing paths and making trails for his regular trekkers. Uncle Loke does not look a day over 55 but we found out that he is actually 71. Gosh! I think he has become our new hero and inspiration for further exercise and treks. All of us wanted to look that good at 71! : ) And one young lecturer was quite inspired by Uncle Loke’s biceps because at the ripe old age of 71, his biceps are much larger than all the three boys!
We had an interesting chat with Uncle Loke and he advised us to return using the usual way as we could get completely lost. He subsequently invited us to join his group to explore new trails at Bukit Gasing the following week. I could see the ‘sparkle’ in the eyes of little monster and the one young lecturer; and I knew that they would definitely be joining Uncle Loke next week. As for my participation, we shall see …. No venture, no gain. But no commitments … yet! : )
“Must Love Dogs”
There’s something really heart warming about romantic comedies. And I am the first to admit I am a sucker for those feel good moments. Over the weekend, I managed to catch Must Love Dogs; starring John Cusack and Diane Lane. And I am totally bowled over by it. It’s been awhile since I caught something so refreshingly funny and sweet. (Do I hear someone gagging? :P) For me, it ranks somewhere at the top of the romantic comedy lists; i.e. almost on par with When Harry Met Sally and Sleepless in Seattle.
Must Love Dogs is about a divorcee who had sworn off dating after her husband left her but her family pushed her back to the dating world. Her sister placed an online personal ad for her; declaring that anyone answering it “must love dogs” despite the fact that she did not own a dog herself; and had to borrow her brother’s dog “Mother Theresa” when someone intriguing responded to the ad.
There were some hilarious moments when her first date turned out to be her own Dad (who was also actively seeking for a date). And the subsequent dates she had with a few weird men who answered her ad was equally funny. One cried profusely saying that he had gone on over 70 first dates but never had a second date; and another date talked non stop and never heard a single outrageous word she said. And of course who could forget the moment she met John Cusack and the antics of their dogs!
There were touching moments when Dad told her that he already had the “love of his life” and no one could match up to her mom. What he was looking for now was to find “dates” to pass the time till his death. There were moments with John Cusack; which were so heart warming without going over the top in mushiness. I shall not elaborate more. Watch the movie yourself and be the judge.
I think I am in love with John Cusack’s character. Call me a cynic but a man like this does not exist, or if he does, I have not had the good fortune to meet him. The spectrum between reality and fairy tale endings are so far off. We can only live and enjoy that moment of fantasy. After all, it only exists in the movies. Must Love Dogs is a must see especially for all those closet romantics. : )
Must Love Dogs is about a divorcee who had sworn off dating after her husband left her but her family pushed her back to the dating world. Her sister placed an online personal ad for her; declaring that anyone answering it “must love dogs” despite the fact that she did not own a dog herself; and had to borrow her brother’s dog “Mother Theresa” when someone intriguing responded to the ad.
There were some hilarious moments when her first date turned out to be her own Dad (who was also actively seeking for a date). And the subsequent dates she had with a few weird men who answered her ad was equally funny. One cried profusely saying that he had gone on over 70 first dates but never had a second date; and another date talked non stop and never heard a single outrageous word she said. And of course who could forget the moment she met John Cusack and the antics of their dogs!
There were touching moments when Dad told her that he already had the “love of his life” and no one could match up to her mom. What he was looking for now was to find “dates” to pass the time till his death. There were moments with John Cusack; which were so heart warming without going over the top in mushiness. I shall not elaborate more. Watch the movie yourself and be the judge.
I think I am in love with John Cusack’s character. Call me a cynic but a man like this does not exist, or if he does, I have not had the good fortune to meet him. The spectrum between reality and fairy tale endings are so far off. We can only live and enjoy that moment of fantasy. After all, it only exists in the movies. Must Love Dogs is a must see especially for all those closet romantics. : )
Living it up and packing in the calories
OK. I know I have not been up to speed with my blogs. Was travelling last week and the blardy 5 star hotel couldn't connect me to the WWW. Talk about frustrations! Just as well though ... not sure where I'd find the time or the energy to blog anyway.
In any case, having meetings and conferences in Penang is NOT a good thing. Well ... actually depends if one welcomes extra calories or one is trying to lose some weight. Sigh! Suffice to say I belong to the latter group. And it was a gastronomic trip where we pack in numerous "chao kwei tiau" from Lorong Selamat to Ayer Itam, and we had seafood everday, plus the endless sumptious desserts of cendol and ice kacang. Dang! There goes the diet.
In any case, besides the hard work (that's a given) and the food, the whole trip was really about living it up till the wee hours of dawn and then back to the grindstone again at 9 sharp the next morning! Can't be helped when your boss (who is about 2 decades your senior) has an unhealthy amount of energy that exceeds even the youngest member of his staff! And if you say you are tired, he goes like ... "What? Young people .... like that also tired ..."
We were all almost zombified but he was still alive and raring to go on both the nights that we were there. The first night ended at about 3+ am at the karaoke ... believe me when I say I am no Anita Mui or Leanne Rhymes but sang away we did. Imagine me singing Bohemian Rhapsody ... yeah right ... a Freddy Mercurie song ... very brave of moi ... but the song choice was not mine. It was chosen for me as my colleagues know that I am a "Queen" nut. Well helllooo ... I listen to 'em songs, I never confess to being able to sing them! :P
The next night, we were all dying to sleep in ... but no escape. We were up and about up to 3+ am again. This time at a pub/ disco; playing pool and downing a few vodka shots. I am NOT a target game player. I remember in my teenage years, I was challenged to a game of darts by my cousins. Not only did I not hit the bullseye nor any part of the board, my shots went wayyy off tangent and somehow found its way through the designer holes on the brick wall where the board was hung. Beats me how it got through those holes. Either I am an excellent shot (I live in hope! :P) or ...... In any case, I was at the pool table for 3-4 games that night. And surprise, surprise ... it didn't turn out quite as bad. Hmmm .... maybe a new game to consider in my plethora of activities. :D
Phew! It was a relief when I finally landed in KLIA on Friday eve. Thought I could catch up with some exercise to detox from all the oily food and alcohol that I have been consuming in the last few nights. Blinking hell .... I must be blardy tired. I took a short snooze (or so I thought) at 7pm ... and didn't wake up until 10am the next morn ... depsite a few calls to my mobile. Talk about the sleeping dead!
In any case, having meetings and conferences in Penang is NOT a good thing. Well ... actually depends if one welcomes extra calories or one is trying to lose some weight. Sigh! Suffice to say I belong to the latter group. And it was a gastronomic trip where we pack in numerous "chao kwei tiau" from Lorong Selamat to Ayer Itam, and we had seafood everday, plus the endless sumptious desserts of cendol and ice kacang. Dang! There goes the diet.
In any case, besides the hard work (that's a given) and the food, the whole trip was really about living it up till the wee hours of dawn and then back to the grindstone again at 9 sharp the next morning! Can't be helped when your boss (who is about 2 decades your senior) has an unhealthy amount of energy that exceeds even the youngest member of his staff! And if you say you are tired, he goes like ... "What? Young people .... like that also tired ..."
We were all almost zombified but he was still alive and raring to go on both the nights that we were there. The first night ended at about 3+ am at the karaoke ... believe me when I say I am no Anita Mui or Leanne Rhymes but sang away we did. Imagine me singing Bohemian Rhapsody ... yeah right ... a Freddy Mercurie song ... very brave of moi ... but the song choice was not mine. It was chosen for me as my colleagues know that I am a "Queen" nut. Well helllooo ... I listen to 'em songs, I never confess to being able to sing them! :P
The next night, we were all dying to sleep in ... but no escape. We were up and about up to 3+ am again. This time at a pub/ disco; playing pool and downing a few vodka shots. I am NOT a target game player. I remember in my teenage years, I was challenged to a game of darts by my cousins. Not only did I not hit the bullseye nor any part of the board, my shots went wayyy off tangent and somehow found its way through the designer holes on the brick wall where the board was hung. Beats me how it got through those holes. Either I am an excellent shot (I live in hope! :P) or ...... In any case, I was at the pool table for 3-4 games that night. And surprise, surprise ... it didn't turn out quite as bad. Hmmm .... maybe a new game to consider in my plethora of activities. :D
Phew! It was a relief when I finally landed in KLIA on Friday eve. Thought I could catch up with some exercise to detox from all the oily food and alcohol that I have been consuming in the last few nights. Blinking hell .... I must be blardy tired. I took a short snooze (or so I thought) at 7pm ... and didn't wake up until 10am the next morn ... depsite a few calls to my mobile. Talk about the sleeping dead!
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
Efficient & Effective
“Efficient and effective” … big, big corporate words these days. Funny isn’t it that every time a downturn comes, management consultants make big bucks by calling the same thing by a different name.
Remember the last few economic downturns? Among the terms used were:
- downsizing
- rightsizing
- restructuring
- reorganisation
It just basically means the same thing. A few heads will roll and usually the soldiers get axed; then the generals.
Hmmm … wonder what is in store for us next year. Rumblings on getting companies more efficient and effective are already circulating in the papers these days. Is that a portend of unemployment?
Maybe I should think of a career move into management consultancy! :P
Remember the last few economic downturns? Among the terms used were:
- downsizing
- rightsizing
- restructuring
- reorganisation
It just basically means the same thing. A few heads will roll and usually the soldiers get axed; then the generals.
Hmmm … wonder what is in store for us next year. Rumblings on getting companies more efficient and effective are already circulating in the papers these days. Is that a portend of unemployment?
Maybe I should think of a career move into management consultancy! :P
What is “a Player”?
“What sort of player?” many of you would ask.
“CD player, DVD player, cassette player? Play what?” Ahhh … the plot thickens. Let’s get down to it!
On the Big Bang Breakfast Show this morning on Fly FM, listeners were asked how they define “a Player”. Say what?
Melanie (or was it Natalie? I keep getting them mixed up), the co-host of the programme started the ball rolling! She defined “a player” as a guy who knows how to compliment women and make them feel real good, but then break-up with the women subsequently. Ahhh … see the light yet?
A male caller has his version, or perhaps his justification, of what “a player” is. He said that it is gentlemanly (or chivalrous) to compliment women according to the Gentlemen’s Handbook. Errmm … I didn’t even know such a handbook exists. Neither did Fly because he asked this guy where to get the book. The caller laughed and said, “err … those romance novels la …” which got him a bit of ribbing from Fly and Melanie (or Natalie) on reading Daniel Steele books, etc. The caller further commented, “It is gentlemanly to compliment women. But if the relationship doesn’t work out, it doesn’t work out. Not the guy’s problem. But at least they had fun.” Hmmm … he made it sound complimentary, even justified, to be called “a Player”. Ah huh … are we still talking about the same thing?
My version; ‘A Player is a guy who knows how to push all the right buttons to get what he wants from a woman. But once he achieves his objective, he will leave the woman high and dry real fast!’ I think at the end of the day, the male caller is not wrong in his definition. The only difference is the question of intent. If a guy makes a woman feel good with the right intention and in the end things doesn’t work out, I don’t think he should be labelled “a Player”. Otherwise, … “a Player” he is.
What’s your version?
“CD player, DVD player, cassette player? Play what?” Ahhh … the plot thickens. Let’s get down to it!
On the Big Bang Breakfast Show this morning on Fly FM, listeners were asked how they define “a Player”. Say what?
Melanie (or was it Natalie? I keep getting them mixed up), the co-host of the programme started the ball rolling! She defined “a player” as a guy who knows how to compliment women and make them feel real good, but then break-up with the women subsequently. Ahhh … see the light yet?
A male caller has his version, or perhaps his justification, of what “a player” is. He said that it is gentlemanly (or chivalrous) to compliment women according to the Gentlemen’s Handbook. Errmm … I didn’t even know such a handbook exists. Neither did Fly because he asked this guy where to get the book. The caller laughed and said, “err … those romance novels la …” which got him a bit of ribbing from Fly and Melanie (or Natalie) on reading Daniel Steele books, etc. The caller further commented, “It is gentlemanly to compliment women. But if the relationship doesn’t work out, it doesn’t work out. Not the guy’s problem. But at least they had fun.” Hmmm … he made it sound complimentary, even justified, to be called “a Player”. Ah huh … are we still talking about the same thing?
My version; ‘A Player is a guy who knows how to push all the right buttons to get what he wants from a woman. But once he achieves his objective, he will leave the woman high and dry real fast!’ I think at the end of the day, the male caller is not wrong in his definition. The only difference is the question of intent. If a guy makes a woman feel good with the right intention and in the end things doesn’t work out, I don’t think he should be labelled “a Player”. Otherwise, … “a Player” he is.
What’s your version?
Email Time Capsule
Bet you have heard of time capsules i.e. where you write something to yourself and bury it somewhere to be dug up again sometime in the future. It would be interesting to see your future self read what you wrote today wouldn’t it? : )
Well, Forbes has come up with an “email time capsule” where you can write an email to yourself, and it would only be delivered 1, 3, 5, 10 or even 20 years time; depending on which delivery period you choose and also providing your email address is still valid then! If it really works, you would have a great time reading this some time down the line.
Check it out at
I had great fun writing to myself and below I share with you one of my future emails. Have fun with your own.
Re: 10 Years Down the Road
Dear Me or should I say dearie me? :P
Hope you have not lost your sense of humour yet. I suppose you can't still be acting like you are 28 since you have already hit your 40s.
Are you still running around with younger men? Or have you gone the opposite end and started going out with men who have a foot in their graves? :)
If you are still with the current company, you should reward yourself with a medal. Twelve years of service in one company is no joke for you!!!
I sure hope you have some success in the writing arena. Maybe it's time to activate your early retirement plan. Lecture, travel and write. (That'd get you out of the company! Hahahaha)
Still active and climbing mountains? I sure hope so. I think that'd help you accept the aging process better. :P
Oh .. and the favourite question of all time! Settled down yet? I really can't imagine you doing that. But since you'd be getting that question every year, no harm me asking you here again. :D
Well, Forbes has come up with an “email time capsule” where you can write an email to yourself, and it would only be delivered 1, 3, 5, 10 or even 20 years time; depending on which delivery period you choose and also providing your email address is still valid then! If it really works, you would have a great time reading this some time down the line.
Check it out at
I had great fun writing to myself and below I share with you one of my future emails. Have fun with your own.
Re: 10 Years Down the Road
Dear Me or should I say dearie me? :P
Hope you have not lost your sense of humour yet. I suppose you can't still be acting like you are 28 since you have already hit your 40s.
Are you still running around with younger men? Or have you gone the opposite end and started going out with men who have a foot in their graves? :)
If you are still with the current company, you should reward yourself with a medal. Twelve years of service in one company is no joke for you!!!
I sure hope you have some success in the writing arena. Maybe it's time to activate your early retirement plan. Lecture, travel and write. (That'd get you out of the company! Hahahaha)
Still active and climbing mountains? I sure hope so. I think that'd help you accept the aging process better. :P
Oh .. and the favourite question of all time! Settled down yet? I really can't imagine you doing that. But since you'd be getting that question every year, no harm me asking you here again. :D
Sunday, November 06, 2005
The week that was …
A quiet week to relax and rejuvenate I thought. But oh no! Staying back in KL is even more strenuous. Trekking, squash, dancing, drinking, eating … wo wo wo! I did attempt to read up on my dissertation but it just kept getting swept under tons of other activities. After all, I can resist anything … except temptation! :p
It was a productive week of some sort beside my frequent outings with the “siau” gang. My neighbour helped me out with some drilling at my place; and I finally got to put up mirrors, towel rails and soap racks. Dad and Mom have no grounds to complain on how sparse my bathrooms are anymore. Yippee! And thank god for such sweet neighbours. I also got my place swept and vacuumed; and my clothes washed. Managed to catch up with my previous neighbours and had my hands full dealing with my favourite little “devil” that melts my heart every time he says something cheeky and grins that toothy smile. Also caught up with my ex and current MBA coursemates during a Raya Open House. Had a whole wonderful bitching session about the trials of dissertation writing! Ahhh … misery so do love company! :p
Today was supposed to be another attempt at adhering to the discipline of working on my dissertation. Dang! How I hate that word. I am probably the most undisciplined person on the face of the earth. But that’s another story for another day. I have thus far resisted the temptation of going to another Open House. I prevented myself from going off to the gym and I just said no to a friend on watching “Bride and Prejudice”! (I so wanna watch that movie!) And as Sunday draws to an end soon and Monday dawns, I am still none the closer to a dissertation question. The more I read the more I realise I have undertaken a task of behemoth proportions! I am not complaining here … just a statement of fact. And trying to get that bit to sink into my brain. I wish words come as easily to my dissertation as they do to my blog! Or maybe I am spending a lot more time on my blog than I should.
Oh well .. back to the grindstone.
It was a productive week of some sort beside my frequent outings with the “siau” gang. My neighbour helped me out with some drilling at my place; and I finally got to put up mirrors, towel rails and soap racks. Dad and Mom have no grounds to complain on how sparse my bathrooms are anymore. Yippee! And thank god for such sweet neighbours. I also got my place swept and vacuumed; and my clothes washed. Managed to catch up with my previous neighbours and had my hands full dealing with my favourite little “devil” that melts my heart every time he says something cheeky and grins that toothy smile. Also caught up with my ex and current MBA coursemates during a Raya Open House. Had a whole wonderful bitching session about the trials of dissertation writing! Ahhh … misery so do love company! :p
Today was supposed to be another attempt at adhering to the discipline of working on my dissertation. Dang! How I hate that word. I am probably the most undisciplined person on the face of the earth. But that’s another story for another day. I have thus far resisted the temptation of going to another Open House. I prevented myself from going off to the gym and I just said no to a friend on watching “Bride and Prejudice”! (I so wanna watch that movie!) And as Sunday draws to an end soon and Monday dawns, I am still none the closer to a dissertation question. The more I read the more I realise I have undertaken a task of behemoth proportions! I am not complaining here … just a statement of fact. And trying to get that bit to sink into my brain. I wish words come as easily to my dissertation as they do to my blog! Or maybe I am spending a lot more time on my blog than I should.
Oh well .. back to the grindstone.
Trekking … again?
Gently does it ... body balance on the stream trail.

Peik Lean Y.
I swore I wasn’t going to write another piece about trekking again! But I think that’s like promising not to drink coffee anymore?! And yes, this is another addiction. This is what (?) … the third piece … or is it the fourth piece on trekking? Heck … who is counting anyway. Not moi!
As promised, we were back on the Gasing slopes again on Friday. True to form and our maniacal intent, we were supposed to start trekking at 8.30 am on yet another public holiday. I am beginning to see a pattern here and all I can say is “Lord help me.” :p Due to unforeseen circumstances in the form of my benefactor, everyone had to await moi to complete the task for my benefactor. It’s important not to bite the hand that feeds me. After all, there are many more mountains I want to climb, seas I want to dive and exotic countries I want to explore! Ahem! : )
I think the fame of our little treks have spread far and wide ~ thanks to a few very enthusiastic ‘siau’ members who must have been promoting the little non events. On this beautiful Friday morning fit for another sleep-in, eight other “siau” people greeted me upon my arrival. Two more new faces got suckered in. :p Gosh! If I only have such enthusiastic sales staff, I would have over achieved my targets by now.
We decided to slow down the hyper and little monsters with bottles of water on their backs. Little monster had new trekking shoes … pheewwiiittt … with ankle high backs which we hoped would slow him down further. In any case, the plan was to split the group into two and let the folks run “wild”. It was a fantastic plan if I must say so myself.
The second group was definitely faster this time and as they did not need to keep up with the first group, they managed to push themselves further. We took a much longer trail this time. First across our favourite monkey bridge and then up our first little breath snagging hill! Then downward and upward again on to the second steeper little hill. And so on and so forth on the usual trail. We arrived at the bridge at the base of the “Mount Kinabalu” like steps towards the Watch Tower and was greeted by our hyper and little monsters who decided they had more than enough breath to do the extra rounds with us while their first group members await at the Watch Tower!
Then with the first group in tow, we took another way down to the same bridge again. Here, we detoured to the stream; which lost none of the magical beauty we saw a few days before. This time, I had my digicam with me and started clicking away like a professional shutterbug. The operation word here being “like”! : )
But uh oh! Before we could go further, “nature” called out to a member of the second group who had been having queasy stomach from the start of the trek. PW, one of the pioneers of the “Siau Club”, could not hold in her $#!& anymore. We told the first group to go ahead while we helped find a spot marked “X” for her to “plant” her pot of gold. It was a difficult task at first as every spot seemed crowded with shrubs. But at the end, “nature” prevailed and “plant” it she did! With a lighter PW, we trudged ahead and made it back to the Watch Tower.
From there on, the group split up further. It was the last league home but we decided that we could still push the group further. Thus, instead of taking the easy trek out, we climbed again up and down the two little steep hills towards the monkey bridge. And I must admit that the two new recruits took to the whole trail like experienced troopers! I was told much later that they were cursing under their breath! Hahahaha … No sweat, no pain. No pain, no gain. We have probably converted another two people into trekking because one did question us if we are doing it again on Sunday.
I wonder if the trail is doing the magic or it’s the enthusiasm of the members or we are just plain gluttons for punishment. We are probably a bunch of masochist who enjoys pleasure in pain … hmmmmm.

Peik Lean Y.
I swore I wasn’t going to write another piece about trekking again! But I think that’s like promising not to drink coffee anymore?! And yes, this is another addiction. This is what (?) … the third piece … or is it the fourth piece on trekking? Heck … who is counting anyway. Not moi!
As promised, we were back on the Gasing slopes again on Friday. True to form and our maniacal intent, we were supposed to start trekking at 8.30 am on yet another public holiday. I am beginning to see a pattern here and all I can say is “Lord help me.” :p Due to unforeseen circumstances in the form of my benefactor, everyone had to await moi to complete the task for my benefactor. It’s important not to bite the hand that feeds me. After all, there are many more mountains I want to climb, seas I want to dive and exotic countries I want to explore! Ahem! : )
I think the fame of our little treks have spread far and wide ~ thanks to a few very enthusiastic ‘siau’ members who must have been promoting the little non events. On this beautiful Friday morning fit for another sleep-in, eight other “siau” people greeted me upon my arrival. Two more new faces got suckered in. :p Gosh! If I only have such enthusiastic sales staff, I would have over achieved my targets by now.
We decided to slow down the hyper and little monsters with bottles of water on their backs. Little monster had new trekking shoes … pheewwiiittt … with ankle high backs which we hoped would slow him down further. In any case, the plan was to split the group into two and let the folks run “wild”. It was a fantastic plan if I must say so myself.
The second group was definitely faster this time and as they did not need to keep up with the first group, they managed to push themselves further. We took a much longer trail this time. First across our favourite monkey bridge and then up our first little breath snagging hill! Then downward and upward again on to the second steeper little hill. And so on and so forth on the usual trail. We arrived at the bridge at the base of the “Mount Kinabalu” like steps towards the Watch Tower and was greeted by our hyper and little monsters who decided they had more than enough breath to do the extra rounds with us while their first group members await at the Watch Tower!
Then with the first group in tow, we took another way down to the same bridge again. Here, we detoured to the stream; which lost none of the magical beauty we saw a few days before. This time, I had my digicam with me and started clicking away like a professional shutterbug. The operation word here being “like”! : )
But uh oh! Before we could go further, “nature” called out to a member of the second group who had been having queasy stomach from the start of the trek. PW, one of the pioneers of the “Siau Club”, could not hold in her $#!& anymore. We told the first group to go ahead while we helped find a spot marked “X” for her to “plant” her pot of gold. It was a difficult task at first as every spot seemed crowded with shrubs. But at the end, “nature” prevailed and “plant” it she did! With a lighter PW, we trudged ahead and made it back to the Watch Tower.
From there on, the group split up further. It was the last league home but we decided that we could still push the group further. Thus, instead of taking the easy trek out, we climbed again up and down the two little steep hills towards the monkey bridge. And I must admit that the two new recruits took to the whole trail like experienced troopers! I was told much later that they were cursing under their breath! Hahahaha … No sweat, no pain. No pain, no gain. We have probably converted another two people into trekking because one did question us if we are doing it again on Sunday.
I wonder if the trail is doing the magic or it’s the enthusiasm of the members or we are just plain gluttons for punishment. We are probably a bunch of masochist who enjoys pleasure in pain … hmmmmm.
Kids ~ little angels in disguise or little devils?
My favourite little "devil". Look at that cheeky smile! :)

Peik Lean Y.
Whoever says that kids are honest might have to rethink their concept. Kids can be little “devils” and I mean that in the nicest, kindest possible way. Their cheekiness is boundless and because they say and do things with such toothless glee and cute, devilish expressions, we forgive them for their transgressions and continue to pander to their whims and fancies. Their hugs can melt the steeliest of hearts and make marshmallows of them.
There is this particular “little devil” that I am very fond of. He is really one of the cheekiest, cutest and smartest kids around. Imagine a kid of barely 3 years old telling you the brand names of cars when you take him for a drive? And he doesn’t just say, “that’s a big car” or “that’s a small car”. He points at a car and says, “Aunty Peik Lean, BMW, Mercedez, Sentra.” He even corrected his mom, “Kelisa la,” as opposed to his mom saying Kancil. And he knows that Daddy drives a Multipla. And etc. etc.
I remember a couple of months ago when his parents first started weaning him off his diapers. You should see how the adults scrambled in panic the moment he said, “Daddy, wee wee!” His parents will try to get him to a loo or an area where he can pee ASAP to prevent having to clean up after him. But the cheeky bugger wise up to the adults predicament and he started saying wee wee every half hour or less. You should see his face when the adults started scrambling to get him ready for the loo. Ha ha ha … I didn’t know if I should spank him or just laugh at the devilish little grin on that cute, cheeky face.
Just two nights ago, we went out for dinner and he was having a little “fit” because he could not sit with his mom on the front seat. The poor kid was perhaps feeling a wee bit insecure and jealous as his mom is pregnant with a second baby. He was whining about sitting in front with mom and so a friend decided to distract him. “This is Uncle Army’s dada,” Army said whilst pointing at his chest. And the kid started poking at his chest. We all warned the kid that he can only do that to Uncle Army and Daddy. And no one else! But … guest what? When we started carrying him, he made a play for our breasts. I had to beat his hand and tell him, “You can touch only Uncle Army’s and Daddy’s!” And he gave me another one of his toothy, cheeky grin. Good Lord … kids! “Wor te tien ar!”
Yet … gosh! Kids know the quickest way to your heart. I was travelling a bit a year plus ago when he was still very little. He could hardly pronounce my name then. After a few months of not being able to make dinner with the family, I finally found time to do so. And the first thing the little bugger did was run to me, gave me a big hug and called my name. That moment is forever etched in my memory. And just two nights ago after I gently scolded him for some little transgressions, he ran to me for a hug and a kiss just before he went home. Dang! How could one stay stern in the face of such unparalleled bribery? Kids ~ little angels in disguise or little devils? Does it matter when you succumb to their blatant bribery anyway?! :P

Peik Lean Y.
Whoever says that kids are honest might have to rethink their concept. Kids can be little “devils” and I mean that in the nicest, kindest possible way. Their cheekiness is boundless and because they say and do things with such toothless glee and cute, devilish expressions, we forgive them for their transgressions and continue to pander to their whims and fancies. Their hugs can melt the steeliest of hearts and make marshmallows of them.
There is this particular “little devil” that I am very fond of. He is really one of the cheekiest, cutest and smartest kids around. Imagine a kid of barely 3 years old telling you the brand names of cars when you take him for a drive? And he doesn’t just say, “that’s a big car” or “that’s a small car”. He points at a car and says, “Aunty Peik Lean, BMW, Mercedez, Sentra.” He even corrected his mom, “Kelisa la,” as opposed to his mom saying Kancil. And he knows that Daddy drives a Multipla. And etc. etc.
I remember a couple of months ago when his parents first started weaning him off his diapers. You should see how the adults scrambled in panic the moment he said, “Daddy, wee wee!” His parents will try to get him to a loo or an area where he can pee ASAP to prevent having to clean up after him. But the cheeky bugger wise up to the adults predicament and he started saying wee wee every half hour or less. You should see his face when the adults started scrambling to get him ready for the loo. Ha ha ha … I didn’t know if I should spank him or just laugh at the devilish little grin on that cute, cheeky face.
Just two nights ago, we went out for dinner and he was having a little “fit” because he could not sit with his mom on the front seat. The poor kid was perhaps feeling a wee bit insecure and jealous as his mom is pregnant with a second baby. He was whining about sitting in front with mom and so a friend decided to distract him. “This is Uncle Army’s dada,” Army said whilst pointing at his chest. And the kid started poking at his chest. We all warned the kid that he can only do that to Uncle Army and Daddy. And no one else! But … guest what? When we started carrying him, he made a play for our breasts. I had to beat his hand and tell him, “You can touch only Uncle Army’s and Daddy’s!” And he gave me another one of his toothy, cheeky grin. Good Lord … kids! “Wor te tien ar!”
Yet … gosh! Kids know the quickest way to your heart. I was travelling a bit a year plus ago when he was still very little. He could hardly pronounce my name then. After a few months of not being able to make dinner with the family, I finally found time to do so. And the first thing the little bugger did was run to me, gave me a big hug and called my name. That moment is forever etched in my memory. And just two nights ago after I gently scolded him for some little transgressions, he ran to me for a hug and a kiss just before he went home. Dang! How could one stay stern in the face of such unparalleled bribery? Kids ~ little angels in disguise or little devils? Does it matter when you succumb to their blatant bribery anyway?! :P
What does a “wife” mean to you?
Excerpts from a conversation on house cleaning.
Male 1: First, you sweep the floor, then vacuum, and then mop.
Male 2: I just sweep and then mop.
Female (interjects): Huh? You can’t do that. It will still be dusty. You need to vacuum.
Male 2: What sort of mop you use? You need to get the special mop that can mop away the dust as well.
Female: Err … got different types of mop meh? I thought a mop is just a mop la.
Male 3 (interjects): There are many types wan.
Female (looks admiring at her male friends): Wah. You guys not bad eh … can clean, can cook. Wah liao wei ..
Male 3: Yeah la. What you think? These days, guys make better wives than girls.
Female: Wait a sec. Hold it right there. Your concept of “wife” is wrong la. Wife does not mean clean and cook la.
Interesting bit of conversation there; this got me thinking of the concept of a wife in this day and age. According to my trusted Little Oxford Dictionary, “wife” is defined as “married woman esp. in relation to her husband”. Hmm … no cooking and cleaning in the definition. I decided to seek a second opinion and search the meaning of “wife” on which yielded the following results…….
Wife n. pl. wives
A woman joined to a man in marriage; a female spouse.
Source: The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
Wife n.
A married woman; a man's partner in marriage
Source: WordNet ® 2.0, © 2003 Princeton University
What?! Also, no cooking and cleaning here. Now what?! Where did the association of the word “wife” with “cook” and “clean” come from? The definition sounds so archaic and made me think of the Stone Age where man said, “Me man. You woman. Me hunt. You cook and clean.”
But I thought over the past centuries and in the last few decades, especially with the movement on the emancipation of woman, such archaic thoughts would have been eradicated from the minds of today’s generation. Looks like Chairman Mao Zedong did a better job at brain washing (mind cleansing) the Chinese during his Cultural Revolution than women did to the general population on woman’s rights and equality. There seem to be a problem with the not so new paradigm shift. While men can accept women being in the workforce and being the breadwinner in some instances, it seems that there are still those that expect the wife to cook and clean as well.
In the Stone Age, there was division of labour due to necessity. Women, being the fairer sex and so-called weaker sex in terms of hard labour (since it’s more about brawn power than brain power), were consigned to cleaning, gathering firewood and cooking while the men go out to hunt. Fast forward to today, the need for division of labour due to gender segregation is not applicable anymore in the family unit. A woman can be as much a breadwinner as her male counterpart, or at least a wage earner which means she can still live quite independently on her salary. The dynamics of a husband-wife relationship can no longer be in the traditional vein of breadwinner and homemaker as less and less women depend on the benevolence of their husbands for survival.
While it is often admirable to see a man knowing to cook and clean, the question remains, why is it still within the realm of wifely duties to do so and not the husband’s in society’s mindset? Thus, what does a wife mean to you? Think carefully before you answer. For in the end, what you really need could be a maid! If that is so, is it not much easier, cheaper and with fewer strings attached to get a maid instead of a wife?! ;)
Male 1: First, you sweep the floor, then vacuum, and then mop.
Male 2: I just sweep and then mop.
Female (interjects): Huh? You can’t do that. It will still be dusty. You need to vacuum.
Male 2: What sort of mop you use? You need to get the special mop that can mop away the dust as well.
Female: Err … got different types of mop meh? I thought a mop is just a mop la.
Male 3 (interjects): There are many types wan.
Female (looks admiring at her male friends): Wah. You guys not bad eh … can clean, can cook. Wah liao wei ..
Male 3: Yeah la. What you think? These days, guys make better wives than girls.
Female: Wait a sec. Hold it right there. Your concept of “wife” is wrong la. Wife does not mean clean and cook la.
Interesting bit of conversation there; this got me thinking of the concept of a wife in this day and age. According to my trusted Little Oxford Dictionary, “wife” is defined as “married woman esp. in relation to her husband”. Hmm … no cooking and cleaning in the definition. I decided to seek a second opinion and search the meaning of “wife” on which yielded the following results…….
Wife n. pl. wives
A woman joined to a man in marriage; a female spouse.
Source: The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
Wife n.
A married woman; a man's partner in marriage
Source: WordNet ® 2.0, © 2003 Princeton University
What?! Also, no cooking and cleaning here. Now what?! Where did the association of the word “wife” with “cook” and “clean” come from? The definition sounds so archaic and made me think of the Stone Age where man said, “Me man. You woman. Me hunt. You cook and clean.”
But I thought over the past centuries and in the last few decades, especially with the movement on the emancipation of woman, such archaic thoughts would have been eradicated from the minds of today’s generation. Looks like Chairman Mao Zedong did a better job at brain washing (mind cleansing) the Chinese during his Cultural Revolution than women did to the general population on woman’s rights and equality. There seem to be a problem with the not so new paradigm shift. While men can accept women being in the workforce and being the breadwinner in some instances, it seems that there are still those that expect the wife to cook and clean as well.
In the Stone Age, there was division of labour due to necessity. Women, being the fairer sex and so-called weaker sex in terms of hard labour (since it’s more about brawn power than brain power), were consigned to cleaning, gathering firewood and cooking while the men go out to hunt. Fast forward to today, the need for division of labour due to gender segregation is not applicable anymore in the family unit. A woman can be as much a breadwinner as her male counterpart, or at least a wage earner which means she can still live quite independently on her salary. The dynamics of a husband-wife relationship can no longer be in the traditional vein of breadwinner and homemaker as less and less women depend on the benevolence of their husbands for survival.
While it is often admirable to see a man knowing to cook and clean, the question remains, why is it still within the realm of wifely duties to do so and not the husband’s in society’s mindset? Thus, what does a wife mean to you? Think carefully before you answer. For in the end, what you really need could be a maid! If that is so, is it not much easier, cheaper and with fewer strings attached to get a maid instead of a wife?! ;)
Of Dancing Shoes and Coming of Age
The "siau" gang in their moment of sobriety! Little Mary and tall Derek, our belly dancers are missing from the pix. Of course moi the camera woman is behind the camera! :)

Peik Lean Y.
Dang! It’s 4.30 am and my eyes are wide open. I got home from a really fun night out in celebration of a friend’s coming of age (we hope, we pray …:p)! I have showered, am clean and am all ready for bed. But my eyes are still wide open. I have decided to let my muse run wild this dawn. I am all prepared with a lovely hot mug of coffee in hand with the beautiful, romantic tunes from Il Divo at the background. In the words of a friend, “such beautiful voices, such beautiful boys!” ;) OK, ok … focus.
I finally found my “dancing shoes” tonight! They have been missing for ages. Even though the music was so-so and the crowd was err … less than desired (meaning tak boleh cuci mata) BUT the company was just RIGHT! It’s amazing how two left feet can be the “perfect pair” when the company is right. And boy (!), did we shake our bon-bon and our bun-bun come to think of it. He he he … It was astounding to find a couple of belly dancers among the group and did they shake it out man! “Go Derek, go! Shake Mary, shake! Woo hoo!” There were all kinds of moves on our side of the dance floor ~ from cha-cha to twist, and rock-and-roll to “dirty dancing” and “belly dancing”. There were also plenty DIY (Do-It-Yourself) moves, jive bunny plus balance, combat and pump moves on the dance floor. Eh … if the description sounds a little risqué, pardon moi! A few of the moves was a little risqué but NOT the “pump” moves la! That’s not what you might think it is! :P It was a real sight to behold ~ good or not I leave it to the crowd to decide. We simply didn’t care and couldn’t care! Reputation be damned! Hahaha …
The highlight of the night was when the live band sang a birthday song to the birthday boy and he suddenly became so shy … or was that coyness? Ahem! Imagine a coy 27 year old man? Uh … Can’t imagine? Dang! A pity I was too enthralled and enthusiastic with finding my “dancing shoes” again that I forgot to take any photos at the disco. At first, our birthday boy was sitting quietly in a corner, with his halo shining brightly. But soon after and with such enthusiastic encouragements from his dear, dear friends (read “carrots” and “threats” here); we finally got him down on the dance floor. But heck, he lost his inhibitions real soon. And there was no stopping him after that.
Hmmm … come to think of it, all these “new experiences” that we introduced him to can be quite harmful and detrimental to our health and sanity. First it was the food, then the bowling and … the last one was the trekking! Hope we won’t live to regret the dancing bit! :p One thing, we need to educate the birthday boy on “moderation”. I doubt that is in his current vocabulary. Any takers to educate a nice, young man …. that can evolve into a little monster with every new experience? Hehehehe … Just kidding!
In any case, a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! And please don’t torture your poor friends today at the gym just because you didn’t get to trek this morning. :P

Peik Lean Y.
Dang! It’s 4.30 am and my eyes are wide open. I got home from a really fun night out in celebration of a friend’s coming of age (we hope, we pray …:p)! I have showered, am clean and am all ready for bed. But my eyes are still wide open. I have decided to let my muse run wild this dawn. I am all prepared with a lovely hot mug of coffee in hand with the beautiful, romantic tunes from Il Divo at the background. In the words of a friend, “such beautiful voices, such beautiful boys!” ;) OK, ok … focus.
I finally found my “dancing shoes” tonight! They have been missing for ages. Even though the music was so-so and the crowd was err … less than desired (meaning tak boleh cuci mata) BUT the company was just RIGHT! It’s amazing how two left feet can be the “perfect pair” when the company is right. And boy (!), did we shake our bon-bon and our bun-bun come to think of it. He he he … It was astounding to find a couple of belly dancers among the group and did they shake it out man! “Go Derek, go! Shake Mary, shake! Woo hoo!” There were all kinds of moves on our side of the dance floor ~ from cha-cha to twist, and rock-and-roll to “dirty dancing” and “belly dancing”. There were also plenty DIY (Do-It-Yourself) moves, jive bunny plus balance, combat and pump moves on the dance floor. Eh … if the description sounds a little risqué, pardon moi! A few of the moves was a little risqué but NOT the “pump” moves la! That’s not what you might think it is! :P It was a real sight to behold ~ good or not I leave it to the crowd to decide. We simply didn’t care and couldn’t care! Reputation be damned! Hahaha …
The highlight of the night was when the live band sang a birthday song to the birthday boy and he suddenly became so shy … or was that coyness? Ahem! Imagine a coy 27 year old man? Uh … Can’t imagine? Dang! A pity I was too enthralled and enthusiastic with finding my “dancing shoes” again that I forgot to take any photos at the disco. At first, our birthday boy was sitting quietly in a corner, with his halo shining brightly. But soon after and with such enthusiastic encouragements from his dear, dear friends (read “carrots” and “threats” here); we finally got him down on the dance floor. But heck, he lost his inhibitions real soon. And there was no stopping him after that.
Hmmm … come to think of it, all these “new experiences” that we introduced him to can be quite harmful and detrimental to our health and sanity. First it was the food, then the bowling and … the last one was the trekking! Hope we won’t live to regret the dancing bit! :p One thing, we need to educate the birthday boy on “moderation”. I doubt that is in his current vocabulary. Any takers to educate a nice, young man …. that can evolve into a little monster with every new experience? Hehehehe … Just kidding!
In any case, a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! And please don’t torture your poor friends today at the gym just because you didn’t get to trek this morning. :P
Friday, November 04, 2005
Relationships and Chemistry
“What is it that you look for in a man? Money, status, security …?” The usual refrain started. But what was surprising was it came out from the mouth of my boss (ex-boss now). Shocked that I was even hassled by my boss about my single status, I just gave a flippant reply. “Chemistry!” I said, in the hopes that he would take the hint and shut up. But no, as bosses go, they would want to have the last word, even on these subjects. “Oh! In that case, I’ll introduce you to my brother-in-law,” said he. I looked at him, confused. “He is single and he is … a Chemist,” he continued half seriously. :p
The joke was definitely on me then. Although the reply I gave my boss was meant to be flippant, I believe whole heartedly that chemistry or rather the right chemistry is what makes the difference between two people. Let’s not single out man-woman relationship. Let’s look at the wider scope which includes friendship, boss-staff relationship, parent-child relationship, relationship between siblings, peers, etc …. What makes a relationship tick? Why is it that you can talk non-stop to one person but you have to crack your brain for conversation with another? Why does a boss favour one staff to another? (Besides the usual reasons of some people “sucking up” to bosses. :p) Why do you get along better with your mom compared to your dad or vice versa? Personally I believe it boils down to chemistry.
chem·is·try n. pl. chem·is·tries
1. The science of the composition, structure, properties, and reactions of matter, especially of atomic and molecular systems.
2. The composition, structure, properties, and reactions of a substance.
3. The elements of a complex entity and their dynamic interrelation: “Now that they had a leader, a restless chemistry possessed the group” (John Updike).
4. Mutual attraction or sympathy; rapport: The chemistry was good between the partners.
Source: The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
Note the 3rd and 4th definitions. My interpretation; a cosmic alignment at a moment in time when you meet this person and bang! you feel that everything is coming together for you (or falling apart).
I have experienced that many times in my life. I was introduced to one of my best friends in varsity days in a lecture hall and traded insults on the first day we met. But the stars must have aligned themselves then because something clicked and we hit it off instantaneously and became fast friends. I can’t even remember the day I met one of my ex-bosses but we got on famously since then. And for that period of time I worked in the company, I rarely have any issues with him. In fact he was my mentor and my confidant. The first day I met D, again there must have been a precise cosmic alignment because we just talked and talked from early eve till late night … we probably chatted for 7-8 hours that first day. We used to burn the telephone lines. Digi and Time (then) made a lot of money from our calls. The opposite has happened to me too. There have been moments in my life when I meet a person and took an instantaneous dislike to that person. And no matter how I try not to make any judgement, even little things about that person irritates the hell out of me. In rare instances like this, I try to limit our contact so as not to create a bad situation.
Recently I met a new group of friends and we just hit it off. We talked about anything and everything under the sun, and our conversations are almost no holds barred. There is really no rhyme, no reason why we get along so well. There are age differences, characteristics differences, diversity in professions, etc. But yet, … when we get together, it’s like the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. And it is a whole lot of fun! It’s a mystery to me how that happens. A friend calls it group dynamics. I call it simply the right chemistry. :D
The joke was definitely on me then. Although the reply I gave my boss was meant to be flippant, I believe whole heartedly that chemistry or rather the right chemistry is what makes the difference between two people. Let’s not single out man-woman relationship. Let’s look at the wider scope which includes friendship, boss-staff relationship, parent-child relationship, relationship between siblings, peers, etc …. What makes a relationship tick? Why is it that you can talk non-stop to one person but you have to crack your brain for conversation with another? Why does a boss favour one staff to another? (Besides the usual reasons of some people “sucking up” to bosses. :p) Why do you get along better with your mom compared to your dad or vice versa? Personally I believe it boils down to chemistry.
chem·is·try n. pl. chem·is·tries
1. The science of the composition, structure, properties, and reactions of matter, especially of atomic and molecular systems.
2. The composition, structure, properties, and reactions of a substance.
3. The elements of a complex entity and their dynamic interrelation: “Now that they had a leader, a restless chemistry possessed the group” (John Updike).
4. Mutual attraction or sympathy; rapport: The chemistry was good between the partners.
Source: The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
Note the 3rd and 4th definitions. My interpretation; a cosmic alignment at a moment in time when you meet this person and bang! you feel that everything is coming together for you (or falling apart).
I have experienced that many times in my life. I was introduced to one of my best friends in varsity days in a lecture hall and traded insults on the first day we met. But the stars must have aligned themselves then because something clicked and we hit it off instantaneously and became fast friends. I can’t even remember the day I met one of my ex-bosses but we got on famously since then. And for that period of time I worked in the company, I rarely have any issues with him. In fact he was my mentor and my confidant. The first day I met D, again there must have been a precise cosmic alignment because we just talked and talked from early eve till late night … we probably chatted for 7-8 hours that first day. We used to burn the telephone lines. Digi and Time (then) made a lot of money from our calls. The opposite has happened to me too. There have been moments in my life when I meet a person and took an instantaneous dislike to that person. And no matter how I try not to make any judgement, even little things about that person irritates the hell out of me. In rare instances like this, I try to limit our contact so as not to create a bad situation.
Recently I met a new group of friends and we just hit it off. We talked about anything and everything under the sun, and our conversations are almost no holds barred. There is really no rhyme, no reason why we get along so well. There are age differences, characteristics differences, diversity in professions, etc. But yet, … when we get together, it’s like the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. And it is a whole lot of fun! It’s a mystery to me how that happens. A friend calls it group dynamics. I call it simply the right chemistry. :D
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
Adrenaline Junkies
What does a sane person do on a public holiday? Sleep in of course! But then again, you are not a member of the recently formed “Siau” Club (herein known as SC). As far as I could ascertain after today, this club consists not only of food junkies, but adrenaline junkies too!
On such a beautiful Diwali morning, instead of sleeping in, I was up and about at 7+ am, getting ready to meet my fellow SC members for a morning trek up Gasing Hill. Yeah, famous last words ~ trek. After a hectic weekend and a really long and energy draining Monday, I almost called it off. But for friendship’s sake, prevail I did. : )
I was supposed to take two guys on this trail but that became three due to a last minute addition the night before. Therefore, imagine my utter surprise to see four guys waiting for me at the starting point of the trail. Okay ~ a rose among the thorns. I am cool. I can definitely handle that. Some might say I am darn lucky, taking a group of “young” men up the trail. :P
From the start of the trek, I knew that this group is very different from my other first time converts. I usually leave them high and dry during the initial climb up the steep little hill. This time, I can hear them breathing down my neck from behind. Gee wheez! Why didn’t I expect it since I am taking a group of gym maniacs up the trail? They should be hell of a lot fitter than moi!
And true to my belated realisation, this group are adrenaline junkies! I did say we will be trekking but obviously that word holds an entirely different definition for these guys. They were practically running all through out the trek. My God! Their energy level is astounding!
At one point, my steel laden feet refused to move any faster even with the extra push that one adrenaline junkie gave me. Onward we walked, ran and hopped. We lost one member along the way as he was just too impatient (?) or too excited (?) to wait. As such, we had to alter our route and waited for him at the Watch Tower in the hopes that he would eventually find himself there. Lucky for us, he did.
The good thing was that we then continued to explore a different trail which is along the stream. It’s been awhile since I took the trail along the stream that I had forgotten how picturesque it was. I definitely have to bring my camera along the next time round. After a couple of wrong turns, we found the right trail and once again, my very gungho troop of adrenaline junkies continued their uphill run. Off they went, up and down hills and man-made steps, never breaking strides, never losing breath. I was too tired to keep up by then and with a throbbing knee to deal with, I decided to continue at a much slower pace with another member who had twisted his ankle.
Despite a longer trail and at a slower pace, I still finished in record time of 1 hour and 10 minutes ~ a pretty fast pace compared to my previous efforts. Then again, those attempts were jungle trekking, this is jungle running! :P In any case, I must admit my pride was a little battered. Oh well, Friday is another day and who is to say, I can’t make a comeback? :p Oh shush! Ignore that bit. My competitive devil is suddenly making an appearance!
One SC member likened me to a chemist who has created a potion that has suddenly gone out of control. For me, it’s like lighting a small fire that has suddenly grown into a conflagration! Hahahaha … dramatic as it may sound, I’ll let the truth speaks for itself. :P
On such a beautiful Diwali morning, instead of sleeping in, I was up and about at 7+ am, getting ready to meet my fellow SC members for a morning trek up Gasing Hill. Yeah, famous last words ~ trek. After a hectic weekend and a really long and energy draining Monday, I almost called it off. But for friendship’s sake, prevail I did. : )
I was supposed to take two guys on this trail but that became three due to a last minute addition the night before. Therefore, imagine my utter surprise to see four guys waiting for me at the starting point of the trail. Okay ~ a rose among the thorns. I am cool. I can definitely handle that. Some might say I am darn lucky, taking a group of “young” men up the trail. :P
From the start of the trek, I knew that this group is very different from my other first time converts. I usually leave them high and dry during the initial climb up the steep little hill. This time, I can hear them breathing down my neck from behind. Gee wheez! Why didn’t I expect it since I am taking a group of gym maniacs up the trail? They should be hell of a lot fitter than moi!
And true to my belated realisation, this group are adrenaline junkies! I did say we will be trekking but obviously that word holds an entirely different definition for these guys. They were practically running all through out the trek. My God! Their energy level is astounding!
At one point, my steel laden feet refused to move any faster even with the extra push that one adrenaline junkie gave me. Onward we walked, ran and hopped. We lost one member along the way as he was just too impatient (?) or too excited (?) to wait. As such, we had to alter our route and waited for him at the Watch Tower in the hopes that he would eventually find himself there. Lucky for us, he did.
The good thing was that we then continued to explore a different trail which is along the stream. It’s been awhile since I took the trail along the stream that I had forgotten how picturesque it was. I definitely have to bring my camera along the next time round. After a couple of wrong turns, we found the right trail and once again, my very gungho troop of adrenaline junkies continued their uphill run. Off they went, up and down hills and man-made steps, never breaking strides, never losing breath. I was too tired to keep up by then and with a throbbing knee to deal with, I decided to continue at a much slower pace with another member who had twisted his ankle.
Despite a longer trail and at a slower pace, I still finished in record time of 1 hour and 10 minutes ~ a pretty fast pace compared to my previous efforts. Then again, those attempts were jungle trekking, this is jungle running! :P In any case, I must admit my pride was a little battered. Oh well, Friday is another day and who is to say, I can’t make a comeback? :p Oh shush! Ignore that bit. My competitive devil is suddenly making an appearance!
One SC member likened me to a chemist who has created a potion that has suddenly gone out of control. For me, it’s like lighting a small fire that has suddenly grown into a conflagration! Hahahaha … dramatic as it may sound, I’ll let the truth speaks for itself. :P
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