Saturday, November 19, 2005


When I couldn’t boot up my notebook yesterday, I suddenly felt as if a part of me is missing.

I couldn’t log on to the company server to download my emails. I could not work my 2006 Plan on the excel spreadsheet, nor could I prepare my power point presentation for the oncoming Sales Conference. I could not get on to the WWW to blog. I couldn’t take notes on a word document to record down the readings of the literature review for my dissertation. I could not go online and make my credit card payments. I couldn’t log on to the online community forum to check on my neighbours’ latest angst. I could not download the photos I have taken via my digital camera. And of course, I couldn’t go online to chat with my friends!

All my work; be it for the job or for my studies and all my own personal jottings plus all my digital photos were saved on the hard disk! And they were all in danger of being erased from the disk; and from my life forever! My goodness! I hadn’t realised how dependant my life is on those digits.

Crazy really if you think of it. Our lives are to a huge extent controlled by those seemingly harmless digits. The idea that one day we will be controlled by a mainframe computer ala Matrix style might be a probability rather than impossibility. Makes one feels like taking the next ride out into the jungles, far away from computers and any form of technology.

But the reality is … am I glad my “baby” is able to boot today. I have my life back for now. Phew!

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