This is not a kiss-and-tell session in case you are wondering. Hahaha
This story is about the night that was my first ... Neighbourhood Watch (NW) … and the morning after. My brain is definitely not functioning normally the morning after. Staying up late watching DVD or reading or partying is definitely different from staying up haunting the hallowed corridors of our beloved condo home.
The Night that Was … 28th December
Personally, I didn’t really know what to expect. When Dad used to go for Rukun Tetangga, I thought it was such a grand adventure. But when you are faced with the thought of keeping your eyes wide open and your mind sharp after a long day at work, the adventure seems to have lost its lustre. But if others could do it, there should not be a reason why I couldn’t.
So there I was, about an hour late (I overslept), dressed in track bottoms, a t-shirt and a pair of running shoes, and wielding my trusty mobile. I was all ready to cause mayhem to anyone who dared disturb the peace of this neighbourhood. Yeah right! The choice of footwear was important as I wanted to be prepared for all eventualities i.e. in case I needed to run after or run from someone. I reckon the most likely scenario would probably be the latter. :p
The Watch wasn’t so bad after all; after I got past the initial “yawning” moments. As we had full attendance that night, we split up and worked on alternate floors ~ ensuring that the fire exits were all locked save for one, and be on the look out for anything strange or out of the ordinary. Luckily, all was quiet on the “western front”.
I had other interesting findings though. Did you know …
* All the 22nd floors had great views and fantastic breeze at night! You get what you paid for eh! : )
* We could run a grill competition. The various types, patterns and colours of grills on display are most fascinating. Puts mine to shame though.
* The number and types of padlocks varies in types and usage. Some locked themselves to the nines. Others not. A few others use bicycle locks. Hmmm …. And yet others have padlocks but did not use them. Either they have forgotten or they have grown tired of locking and unlocking so many locks every day.
* There is no end to the creativity of the residents. We found a feng shui door and several fascinating prints/paintings and lamps at the entrances.
And if that is not enough to pique your interest, I have funny, zany neighbours during my Watch. They kept me on my toes with their antics.
We finished the Watch by 2+ am and returned to our respective units. By then I was truly wide awake. It took me another hour plus to drop off to sleep.
The Morning After …
I was late for work … like really, really late for work. My eyes felt grainy and puffy and I probably needed toothpicks to prop my eyelids open. A colleague offered to draw eyes on my eyelids if I close them for forty winks. How helpful eh. :p I am not sure how some neighbours could still function normally at work the next day. I salute them their energy. Thank God my next two shifts are on Friday nights. Sleeping in sounds great the morning after!
And THAT was what transpired … Pretty easy eh. All in a Night's work. You can do it too.
Neighbourhood Watch anyone? : )
Friday, December 30, 2005
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
The year that was!
Gosh! It’s that time of year again. How time flies when you are keeping busy, fighting fires and having fun. And all you want to say is, “HALT! I am NOT DONE with 2005 yet!” But “they” never listen, do “they”?
Before I start sounding like a kook, here’s a countdown of the year that was for me! The good, the bad, the ugly and the freaky!
January – The Good
The final taught module (Statistics) for the part time MBA programme ended. It marked the end of three long years of attending part time three-hour a week classes per module. A taxing time it was trying to keep up with classes and group projects while juggling a heavy workload. Hooray for that!
But I dreadfully miss the camaraderie and friendships made during those three years. It is never the same again after the classes ended. We all moved on with our lives.
February – The Bad
Almost threw in the towel at work. I was hanging on by a thread; overwhelmed with new responsibilities. I had problems with the boss, got almost buried by office politics, and had to deal with a blardy new global MI system that screwed up our database and the demarcation of our businesses and plagued us with endless moving targets for the first few months of the year. Anything and everything that could go wrong went wrong!
March – Beginnings of The Good
Start of my journey in managing change of self and change at the workplace. Major reflections on what I want, what I could change and what I could accept; also gave myself until mid-year to resolve the issues at work. If I could not manage a turnaround on all my problems, it was time to move on.
Also collected the keys to my new condo!
April – The Good mostly : )
April marked the beginning of some heavy travelling for the year. I attended my second regional meeting in Macau (representing the passenger car oil business) on my own without my boss breathing down my neck. It was also the first time I felt I could spread my wings and that I have gained a modicum of trust from my superior since I was given these new responsibilities at the end of last year.
Extended my stay over the weekend in Hong Kong and met up with two old buddies from school days. It was an enlightening visit. I discovered that Hong Kong is more than just a shopping and eating paradise. Hong Kong also caters to a few good walking and trekking trails. We ventured out to the outlaying islands for a very different experience of Hong Kong. I had a good chat with that old buddy regarding dealing with difficult bosses and office politics. The conversation proved to be a turning point in my life and I am forever grateful we had that chat.
Also started looking for quotations to renovate my condo. Discovered a can of worms regarding the quality of work of the condo developer!
Finally collected my long overdue new company car! Good things come to those who wait. Yabadabadoo!!!
May – The Good and The Freaky
Reaped the profits of previous year’s labour as I was part of the team that met the target. Italy ~ there we went and thus we conquered! Hooray! It was my first experience following a tour group of 40 people. At times, it was nerve-wrecking and a pain in the “you-know-where”. Rushing here and rushing there. It was an interesting experience but that would be my limit. Tours equal company trips and that’s that.
Extended another week and met some friends at a neighbouring country, Slovenia. We backpacked and drove from the Mediterranean coast at the south of Slovenia to the Alps at the north. It was a most memorable trip, with me almost getting robbed at the Milan train station and a close encounter with “death” on my solo river kayaking adventure. I am very glad I live to tell the tale.
Also had an image changing moment. Changed my hair colour but instead of turning to a warm brown effect, I ended up with copper brown coloured hair. It was an experiment gone “bad” and my sales team who was travelling with me then had a jaw dropping moment! I managed to live with that for a month before I coloured it back to black.
June – The Bad mostly
Back to the grindstone. Pressures on sales and gross margins continued, with escalating raw material and crude oil costs driving the business targets off track. Malaysia business was under greater pressure (and so was I) as we have been delivering the numbers and were asked to deliver more by the region to help cover a few countries that under deliver.
We kicked start our roadshows this month, beginning with Penang. This is the start of the end of having quiet, weekends at home.
Finally started condo renovations and purchasing stuff for the condo. Money pressures abound. Huge conflicts with my parents over decisions on condo renovations and furniture purchases. Conflicts over time spent at work versus overseeing renovation works.
Paid my final rental and had to shift out of the rented condo! I had to do so as it was getting way too expensive to pay both rental and instalment. Continued being an illegal resident at my sister’s condo and drove her up the wall!
Altogether a very, very trying month.
July – The Bad continued
More travelling ~ JB and Penang once again. The JB event was an exercise in growing up overnight. Read my previous block on this.
Dissertation deadline with nothing to show for it. Requested for a temporary suspension i.e. stop the clock from counting down to the deadline and stop all work on dissertation. That was easy as I had my hands full with work, renovations and shifting in.
Condo renovations continued and finally, after all the rush, all the conflicts of opinions, we moved in at the end of July. A week after moving in, a young girl died in the condo swimming pool.
August – Recovering from The Bad
Malacca, there we went and another weekend was burnt! It was all about work, work and more work!
Reconnected with my seniors from school and started hanging out with them and a few gym “kaki”. The Siau Club was formed from there. Was drawn to rediscover questions on our purpose in life and in this world. Phooeeeyyy … it felt like those soul searching moments that I went through in my youthful tirade.
And finally a deserving week off from all the work stress. Met up with my crazy friends from UM and we explored the wilds of Bario. No phones, no TV, no roads. It was heaven on earth.
September – The Bad once again
Two more weekends burnt at work. At that point, I was craving to just stay home and hibernate. One trip down to Bangkok to discuss the 2006 Plan. Work, work, work. Travel, travel, travel. At that point, it felt like “Life’s a bitch till you die!”
Managed to spend some quality time with mom and sis during the extended weekend in Bangkok, doing what stereotypical female does in Bangkok ~ SHOP!
Discovered blogging and that managed to keep my sanity going.
October – The Bad and The Good
Off to Kuching and KK we went for another two roadshows. Stole a weekend there and went island hopping with an old friend.
Suddenly I remembered that I was supposed to start on my dissertation again! I quickly wrote an email to the University for another Deadline Extension and promptly received a “heart attack” when they told me I had to submit in December. At that point, I have yet to find a supervisor and a topic. Suffice to say it was a hairy moment in my life. I had all but given up on completing the paper. Thank God for Mr Z. For the moment, a temporary reprieve. But honestly, I am still plagued with dissertation blues.
Introduced the Siau gang to trekking and I created monsters instead! But boy, did we have a good time!
November – The Good and The Bad
Spent the long Deepavali and Raya holidays in KL, hoping to get on with my dissertation. It was a slow, long, and agonising process ploughing through the wordy and dry research literatures. It’s slow getting started. Met up with my UNIM mates. Most of them have completed their dissertation and are ready to graduate. I had to sit through some horror stories about my supervisor. Oh woe is moi! : (
Half the time during the long hols, I was distracted by the Siau gang. Going for trekking la, makan la, mamak la, gym la … So much “quality” time together. I missed those days already.
Reality bites once again. Getting the company efficient and effective, right-sizing, whatever … Bottom line, someone got the chop. And the news is my portfolio will be expanded for next year to cover the Singapore business. So off to Singapore we went.
December – The Good hopefully … we shall see
A memorable 1st December with 7 break-ins at my condo. Then there was a car explosion just outside of my condo perimeters. Never a dull moment here it seems.
I had thought November would be the end of all that travelling. But oh no! Off to Singapore once again for a business handover meeting. Then it was to Genting for a final training to end the year.
Another image change over the Xmas Hols. I will never learn will I? But it's just a blardy hairdo. I hope everyone else will get over it so I can get on with my life! :p
Three more days to go and I am still chasing targets here. So near yet so far. Wish me luck!
As to my dissertation, this time I seriously wonder if I could whizz through yet another one. Is there such a thing as too much good luck in studies? I sure hope not. I need every ounce of luck and discipline to see this through.
And there goes 2005. I really do not want it to end just yet!
Before I start sounding like a kook, here’s a countdown of the year that was for me! The good, the bad, the ugly and the freaky!
January – The Good
The final taught module (Statistics) for the part time MBA programme ended. It marked the end of three long years of attending part time three-hour a week classes per module. A taxing time it was trying to keep up with classes and group projects while juggling a heavy workload. Hooray for that!
But I dreadfully miss the camaraderie and friendships made during those three years. It is never the same again after the classes ended. We all moved on with our lives.
February – The Bad
Almost threw in the towel at work. I was hanging on by a thread; overwhelmed with new responsibilities. I had problems with the boss, got almost buried by office politics, and had to deal with a blardy new global MI system that screwed up our database and the demarcation of our businesses and plagued us with endless moving targets for the first few months of the year. Anything and everything that could go wrong went wrong!
March – Beginnings of The Good
Start of my journey in managing change of self and change at the workplace. Major reflections on what I want, what I could change and what I could accept; also gave myself until mid-year to resolve the issues at work. If I could not manage a turnaround on all my problems, it was time to move on.
Also collected the keys to my new condo!
April – The Good mostly : )
April marked the beginning of some heavy travelling for the year. I attended my second regional meeting in Macau (representing the passenger car oil business) on my own without my boss breathing down my neck. It was also the first time I felt I could spread my wings and that I have gained a modicum of trust from my superior since I was given these new responsibilities at the end of last year.
Extended my stay over the weekend in Hong Kong and met up with two old buddies from school days. It was an enlightening visit. I discovered that Hong Kong is more than just a shopping and eating paradise. Hong Kong also caters to a few good walking and trekking trails. We ventured out to the outlaying islands for a very different experience of Hong Kong. I had a good chat with that old buddy regarding dealing with difficult bosses and office politics. The conversation proved to be a turning point in my life and I am forever grateful we had that chat.
Also started looking for quotations to renovate my condo. Discovered a can of worms regarding the quality of work of the condo developer!
Finally collected my long overdue new company car! Good things come to those who wait. Yabadabadoo!!!
May – The Good and The Freaky
Reaped the profits of previous year’s labour as I was part of the team that met the target. Italy ~ there we went and thus we conquered! Hooray! It was my first experience following a tour group of 40 people. At times, it was nerve-wrecking and a pain in the “you-know-where”. Rushing here and rushing there. It was an interesting experience but that would be my limit. Tours equal company trips and that’s that.
Extended another week and met some friends at a neighbouring country, Slovenia. We backpacked and drove from the Mediterranean coast at the south of Slovenia to the Alps at the north. It was a most memorable trip, with me almost getting robbed at the Milan train station and a close encounter with “death” on my solo river kayaking adventure. I am very glad I live to tell the tale.
Also had an image changing moment. Changed my hair colour but instead of turning to a warm brown effect, I ended up with copper brown coloured hair. It was an experiment gone “bad” and my sales team who was travelling with me then had a jaw dropping moment! I managed to live with that for a month before I coloured it back to black.
June – The Bad mostly
Back to the grindstone. Pressures on sales and gross margins continued, with escalating raw material and crude oil costs driving the business targets off track. Malaysia business was under greater pressure (and so was I) as we have been delivering the numbers and were asked to deliver more by the region to help cover a few countries that under deliver.
We kicked start our roadshows this month, beginning with Penang. This is the start of the end of having quiet, weekends at home.
Finally started condo renovations and purchasing stuff for the condo. Money pressures abound. Huge conflicts with my parents over decisions on condo renovations and furniture purchases. Conflicts over time spent at work versus overseeing renovation works.
Paid my final rental and had to shift out of the rented condo! I had to do so as it was getting way too expensive to pay both rental and instalment. Continued being an illegal resident at my sister’s condo and drove her up the wall!
Altogether a very, very trying month.
July – The Bad continued
More travelling ~ JB and Penang once again. The JB event was an exercise in growing up overnight. Read my previous block on this.
Dissertation deadline with nothing to show for it. Requested for a temporary suspension i.e. stop the clock from counting down to the deadline and stop all work on dissertation. That was easy as I had my hands full with work, renovations and shifting in.
Condo renovations continued and finally, after all the rush, all the conflicts of opinions, we moved in at the end of July. A week after moving in, a young girl died in the condo swimming pool.
August – Recovering from The Bad
Malacca, there we went and another weekend was burnt! It was all about work, work and more work!
Reconnected with my seniors from school and started hanging out with them and a few gym “kaki”. The Siau Club was formed from there. Was drawn to rediscover questions on our purpose in life and in this world. Phooeeeyyy … it felt like those soul searching moments that I went through in my youthful tirade.
And finally a deserving week off from all the work stress. Met up with my crazy friends from UM and we explored the wilds of Bario. No phones, no TV, no roads. It was heaven on earth.
September – The Bad once again
Two more weekends burnt at work. At that point, I was craving to just stay home and hibernate. One trip down to Bangkok to discuss the 2006 Plan. Work, work, work. Travel, travel, travel. At that point, it felt like “Life’s a bitch till you die!”
Managed to spend some quality time with mom and sis during the extended weekend in Bangkok, doing what stereotypical female does in Bangkok ~ SHOP!
Discovered blogging and that managed to keep my sanity going.
October – The Bad and The Good
Off to Kuching and KK we went for another two roadshows. Stole a weekend there and went island hopping with an old friend.
Suddenly I remembered that I was supposed to start on my dissertation again! I quickly wrote an email to the University for another Deadline Extension and promptly received a “heart attack” when they told me I had to submit in December. At that point, I have yet to find a supervisor and a topic. Suffice to say it was a hairy moment in my life. I had all but given up on completing the paper. Thank God for Mr Z. For the moment, a temporary reprieve. But honestly, I am still plagued with dissertation blues.
Introduced the Siau gang to trekking and I created monsters instead! But boy, did we have a good time!
November – The Good and The Bad
Spent the long Deepavali and Raya holidays in KL, hoping to get on with my dissertation. It was a slow, long, and agonising process ploughing through the wordy and dry research literatures. It’s slow getting started. Met up with my UNIM mates. Most of them have completed their dissertation and are ready to graduate. I had to sit through some horror stories about my supervisor. Oh woe is moi! : (
Half the time during the long hols, I was distracted by the Siau gang. Going for trekking la, makan la, mamak la, gym la … So much “quality” time together. I missed those days already.
Reality bites once again. Getting the company efficient and effective, right-sizing, whatever … Bottom line, someone got the chop. And the news is my portfolio will be expanded for next year to cover the Singapore business. So off to Singapore we went.
December – The Good hopefully … we shall see
A memorable 1st December with 7 break-ins at my condo. Then there was a car explosion just outside of my condo perimeters. Never a dull moment here it seems.
I had thought November would be the end of all that travelling. But oh no! Off to Singapore once again for a business handover meeting. Then it was to Genting for a final training to end the year.
Another image change over the Xmas Hols. I will never learn will I? But it's just a blardy hairdo. I hope everyone else will get over it so I can get on with my life! :p
Three more days to go and I am still chasing targets here. So near yet so far. Wish me luck!
As to my dissertation, this time I seriously wonder if I could whizz through yet another one. Is there such a thing as too much good luck in studies? I sure hope not. I need every ounce of luck and discipline to see this through.
And there goes 2005. I really do not want it to end just yet!
It’s Just a Blardy Hairdo, Get Over It!
It’s just one of those rash moments in life.
I was back home in Batu Gajah. It was noon on Monday 26th December. I needed a haircut or something to get rid of the mess on my head. And hey, the New Year is approaching, why not a new hairdo?
The aftermath of it is not unexpected.
Remarks from various parties:
* Mom ~ “I warned you not to do it. Looks so flat.”
* Dad ~ “You look just fine. Don’t worry. Now you look like your cousin Mun.”
* Eldest sis ~ “OK. I am getting used to it. Just needed some time to adjust to your new look.”
* Youngest sis and bro-in-law ~ Grinned from ear to ear and tried very hard to keep from commenting. Bro-in-law couldn’t help himself and took a picture on his camera phone.
* Colleagues (the brasher ones) ~ “What did you do to your hair?” “Why?”
* Colleagues (the timid ones) ~ Stopped short for a moment, stared, and then continued talking. Tried to act natural but surreptitiously looked my way every now and then.
* A more vocal colleague and the bane of my office existence ~ “You tried to improve on perfection. But you failed miserably.”
* The office cleaner ~ Even she noticed and commented, “Rambut baru?” (Hmmm … I am sure she meant “stail rambut baru”! :P )
* Neighbour ~ “Hey! New hairdo! Nice!” (Listen to this man. He has taste!)
* Colleagues (who just found out from other colleagues) ~ Found excuses to walk over to my cubicle to talk to me and then stare at my new hairdo. (I feel like a blardy freak show. I should start charging per view.)
* UNIM friend ~ “What did you do to your hair?” That’s becoming a natural refrain. Hmmm …
* Little Monster ~ Eye-popped, jaw-dropped and went absolutely speechless. When he finally found his voice he asked, “Why?” Then he claimed that he is scarred for life from my hairdo and promptly announced to the Siau Club of my hair condition. One thing for sure, he couldn’t stop staring at me during lunch.
I almost had my hair redone but the thought that it will frizzle and fall off my head kept me stuck to the current hairdo. After all, this is only going to be a temporary condition. I had thoughts of going into hibernation as well but better to take the bull by the horns eh?
After all, the New Year party is coming up this Saturday and there is no way I can avoid it as it is being held at my place. The only recourse is to set a few ground/house rules for the party:
1. All cameras to be deposited with the condo owner.
2. All camera phones to be deposited with the condo owner.
3. The only person allowed to wield a camera is the condo owner.
4. The theme for the night is Bandana Night! Everyone has to come wearing a bandana and no one is allowed to take off the condo owner's bandana!
Regrets in life, I had a few, but then again, never as big as this one! Sigh! In any case, I am trying to look at this philosophically. How many people can claim to be the talk of “town” and the talk of the office? How many people actually had folks walking up to their cubicles just to look at them? How many folks could actually claim that they created an eye-popping, jaw-dropping moment? How many can claim to have stopped conversations in mid-way just by being there? Not many, for sure.
Every cloud does have a silver lining. And this is just a blardy hairdo. Get over it! In weeks to come, it would be yesterday’s news. Bah!
I was back home in Batu Gajah. It was noon on Monday 26th December. I needed a haircut or something to get rid of the mess on my head. And hey, the New Year is approaching, why not a new hairdo?
The aftermath of it is not unexpected.
Remarks from various parties:
* Mom ~ “I warned you not to do it. Looks so flat.”
* Dad ~ “You look just fine. Don’t worry. Now you look like your cousin Mun.”
* Eldest sis ~ “OK. I am getting used to it. Just needed some time to adjust to your new look.”
* Youngest sis and bro-in-law ~ Grinned from ear to ear and tried very hard to keep from commenting. Bro-in-law couldn’t help himself and took a picture on his camera phone.
* Colleagues (the brasher ones) ~ “What did you do to your hair?” “Why?”
* Colleagues (the timid ones) ~ Stopped short for a moment, stared, and then continued talking. Tried to act natural but surreptitiously looked my way every now and then.
* A more vocal colleague and the bane of my office existence ~ “You tried to improve on perfection. But you failed miserably.”
* The office cleaner ~ Even she noticed and commented, “Rambut baru?” (Hmmm … I am sure she meant “stail rambut baru”! :P )
* Neighbour ~ “Hey! New hairdo! Nice!” (Listen to this man. He has taste!)
* Colleagues (who just found out from other colleagues) ~ Found excuses to walk over to my cubicle to talk to me and then stare at my new hairdo. (I feel like a blardy freak show. I should start charging per view.)
* UNIM friend ~ “What did you do to your hair?” That’s becoming a natural refrain. Hmmm …
* Little Monster ~ Eye-popped, jaw-dropped and went absolutely speechless. When he finally found his voice he asked, “Why?” Then he claimed that he is scarred for life from my hairdo and promptly announced to the Siau Club of my hair condition. One thing for sure, he couldn’t stop staring at me during lunch.
I almost had my hair redone but the thought that it will frizzle and fall off my head kept me stuck to the current hairdo. After all, this is only going to be a temporary condition. I had thoughts of going into hibernation as well but better to take the bull by the horns eh?
After all, the New Year party is coming up this Saturday and there is no way I can avoid it as it is being held at my place. The only recourse is to set a few ground/house rules for the party:
1. All cameras to be deposited with the condo owner.
2. All camera phones to be deposited with the condo owner.
3. The only person allowed to wield a camera is the condo owner.
4. The theme for the night is Bandana Night! Everyone has to come wearing a bandana and no one is allowed to take off the condo owner's bandana!
Regrets in life, I had a few, but then again, never as big as this one! Sigh! In any case, I am trying to look at this philosophically. How many people can claim to be the talk of “town” and the talk of the office? How many people actually had folks walking up to their cubicles just to look at them? How many folks could actually claim that they created an eye-popping, jaw-dropping moment? How many can claim to have stopped conversations in mid-way just by being there? Not many, for sure.
Every cloud does have a silver lining. And this is just a blardy hairdo. Get over it! In weeks to come, it would be yesterday’s news. Bah!
Expenses of a fresh grad NOW and THEN
During a family gathering recently, my cousin was teased mercilessly by his siblings on joining the workforce soon. Being the oldest in his family, it’s certainly an event of some importance. We all got into the fray and ribbed him on his expected expenses and managed to extract a mini list.
I can’t help but compare a fresh graduate’s expenses today compared to say, 10 years ago.
Fresh grad list NOW:
* Room rental preferable condo
* Laundry & ironing bill
* Petrol and car maintenance bills
* Hand phone bill
* Internet bill
* Occasional lifestyle hangout i.e. Coffee Bean, Starbucks, Dome, etc
* Cinema (RM9-10 per movie)
* Food
Fresh grad list THEN:
* Room rental (shared basis)
* Public transport fare
* Food (usually chap fan)
* Hangout i.e. mamak
* Cinema (RM5-6 per movie)
As you can see, it’s a much shorter list THEN compared to NOW. Laundry and ironing were both DIY then. I had no handphone bills. I used to call from the public phone. Public transport was usually by bus. Only on very rare occasions would I use the taxi. I had no internet bills then because I didn’t even own a computer nor do I have a fixed line.
I remember my first salary was RM1,600 then. Market rate for fresh grads now is about RM2,000. Looking at the difference in terms of more items on the expense list plus an estimated CAGR of 4% inflation over time (very conservative no.), I wonder how fresh grads today survive on their salary with such expenses. I remember a few older colleagues complained about topping up their children’s expenses especially those who just started working.
Are employers paying too little or are fresh grads asking too much to live up to a certain lifestyle? Or should fresh grads now get more due to increasing prices of products and lifestyle changes?
I can’t help but compare a fresh graduate’s expenses today compared to say, 10 years ago.
Fresh grad list NOW:
* Room rental preferable condo
* Laundry & ironing bill
* Petrol and car maintenance bills
* Hand phone bill
* Internet bill
* Occasional lifestyle hangout i.e. Coffee Bean, Starbucks, Dome, etc
* Cinema (RM9-10 per movie)
* Food
Fresh grad list THEN:
* Room rental (shared basis)
* Public transport fare
* Food (usually chap fan)
* Hangout i.e. mamak
* Cinema (RM5-6 per movie)
As you can see, it’s a much shorter list THEN compared to NOW. Laundry and ironing were both DIY then. I had no handphone bills. I used to call from the public phone. Public transport was usually by bus. Only on very rare occasions would I use the taxi. I had no internet bills then because I didn’t even own a computer nor do I have a fixed line.
I remember my first salary was RM1,600 then. Market rate for fresh grads now is about RM2,000. Looking at the difference in terms of more items on the expense list plus an estimated CAGR of 4% inflation over time (very conservative no.), I wonder how fresh grads today survive on their salary with such expenses. I remember a few older colleagues complained about topping up their children’s expenses especially those who just started working.
Are employers paying too little or are fresh grads asking too much to live up to a certain lifestyle? Or should fresh grads now get more due to increasing prices of products and lifestyle changes?
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
The price of being BOLD and RASH!
Oops! I did it again!
Every once in a while I thought a change of image would be good for me. You know, keeping your friends and family on their toes so they won't take you for granted and expect you to be the same old you all the time.
Well, every once in a while, the change may also turn out to be a BIG BOO BOO!
So, here's to another freakingly bold step. But I do so miss the old me!
*Wonders if I could do anything to salvage the Look!* Hah!
Every once in a while I thought a change of image would be good for me. You know, keeping your friends and family on their toes so they won't take you for granted and expect you to be the same old you all the time.
Well, every once in a while, the change may also turn out to be a BIG BOO BOO!
So, here's to another freakingly bold step. But I do so miss the old me!
*Wonders if I could do anything to salvage the Look!* Hah!
Saturday, December 24, 2005
Xmas shopping is here again!
Have a Merry, Merry Xmas!

Peik Lean Y.
Have you been nottie or nice? Coz Santarina Leanney is coming to town! And she’d rather not shop till she drops to find those pressies. Given a choice she’d rather give out ang pows instead! Oops! Then again it’s the wrong season and the wrong festival. And on top of that, Leanney is NOT eligible to give out any ang pows once again this year. Ho Ho Ho Ho …
Shopping is a pain. Seriously! Shopping for my own stuff is painful enough but shopping for others is even worse. I ain’t no shop-a-holic. Shopping all of five times a year is a record. But then, when I do shop, it is literally shopping i.e. purchasing stuff, not merely window shopping. Best to maximise my time eh? : )
I had a rather fruitful Xmas shopping today and luckily, I made it through my entire “nice” list. :D Then again, the aim is to get the pressies today (!) since I am running outta time. I sure hope my family like those pressies coz I don’t suppose they are money back guaranteed. Never heard of such things in Malaysia anyway.
The problem with shopping for adults is that they have everything they want. And the problem with shopping for teenagers is that there are so many new age gadgets around. You don’t know which is still in fashion or if they already own that in-thingie! And the problem with shopping for senior citizens is that they seem to possess no interest other than the idiot box and our lives! And it’s difficult to figure out what they all want (that is within budget) within a few short hours, short of asking them point blank ~ which is a NO NO for Xmas pressies.
However, I do so hate buying pressies that people throw aside after ooh-aah-ing over them during Xmas. Thus today’s adventure was pretty painful. Up and down I went. In and out of shops in KLCC. Ok. Ok. To be truthful, I only explored Times Book Store and the multiple levels of Parkson Grand. I ended up getting a few Feng Shui books for mom, sis and moi. I admit that every time I looked at something interesting for someone, I ended up (almost) buying one for myself as well. My cousins are getting some fluffy stuff which looks kinda new age. They better like ‘em pressies coz I am tired of getting t-shirts. So boring!
I must say, I am kinda happy with my purchases. Then again, the pressies might end up being ooh-ed and aah-ed over, then thrown aside like yesterday’s news. Oh well. Gotta look at this philosophically. At least, I am contributing to the local economy. And the promoters and sales girls sure went home happier by making a few sales from moi.
Tis the time of giving and spreading Xmas cheer. Ho Ho Ho Ho again everyone! Keep Santa happy and if you can’t be nice, buy your own pressies! :p

Peik Lean Y.
Have you been nottie or nice? Coz Santarina Leanney is coming to town! And she’d rather not shop till she drops to find those pressies. Given a choice she’d rather give out ang pows instead! Oops! Then again it’s the wrong season and the wrong festival. And on top of that, Leanney is NOT eligible to give out any ang pows once again this year. Ho Ho Ho Ho …
Shopping is a pain. Seriously! Shopping for my own stuff is painful enough but shopping for others is even worse. I ain’t no shop-a-holic. Shopping all of five times a year is a record. But then, when I do shop, it is literally shopping i.e. purchasing stuff, not merely window shopping. Best to maximise my time eh? : )
I had a rather fruitful Xmas shopping today and luckily, I made it through my entire “nice” list. :D Then again, the aim is to get the pressies today (!) since I am running outta time. I sure hope my family like those pressies coz I don’t suppose they are money back guaranteed. Never heard of such things in Malaysia anyway.
The problem with shopping for adults is that they have everything they want. And the problem with shopping for teenagers is that there are so many new age gadgets around. You don’t know which is still in fashion or if they already own that in-thingie! And the problem with shopping for senior citizens is that they seem to possess no interest other than the idiot box and our lives! And it’s difficult to figure out what they all want (that is within budget) within a few short hours, short of asking them point blank ~ which is a NO NO for Xmas pressies.
However, I do so hate buying pressies that people throw aside after ooh-aah-ing over them during Xmas. Thus today’s adventure was pretty painful. Up and down I went. In and out of shops in KLCC. Ok. Ok. To be truthful, I only explored Times Book Store and the multiple levels of Parkson Grand. I ended up getting a few Feng Shui books for mom, sis and moi. I admit that every time I looked at something interesting for someone, I ended up (almost) buying one for myself as well. My cousins are getting some fluffy stuff which looks kinda new age. They better like ‘em pressies coz I am tired of getting t-shirts. So boring!
I must say, I am kinda happy with my purchases. Then again, the pressies might end up being ooh-ed and aah-ed over, then thrown aside like yesterday’s news. Oh well. Gotta look at this philosophically. At least, I am contributing to the local economy. And the promoters and sales girls sure went home happier by making a few sales from moi.
Tis the time of giving and spreading Xmas cheer. Ho Ho Ho Ho again everyone! Keep Santa happy and if you can’t be nice, buy your own pressies! :p
Friday, December 23, 2005
When shit hits the fan ...
It's a pressure cooker where I am sitting now. The target is so close that I could almost taste the sweet victory. But it's yet so far! While sales and marketing are chasing targets like crazy, suddenly supply chain tells us we are out-of-stock! My God!!! What is happening?
While the different divisions scramble around pointing fingers at each other for not making the right forecast, achieving the targeted numbers suddenly seem like an impossibility. My crystal ball tells me that if we miss, we will miss by a whisker of 1-2%! Duh! And this would definitely be due to out-of-stock.
Already all divisions are scrambling around covering their back side and finger pointing at other divisions. We are right in the middle of the fray again and the funniest bits is marketing is not accountable for forecasting. Yet, again we have been singed.
Sigh! When shit hits the fan, all hell breaks lose. Normal human suddenly become ogres. I can't wait for the year to end.
Meanwhile, I think I will focus on Santa and spread joy & cheer!
While the different divisions scramble around pointing fingers at each other for not making the right forecast, achieving the targeted numbers suddenly seem like an impossibility. My crystal ball tells me that if we miss, we will miss by a whisker of 1-2%! Duh! And this would definitely be due to out-of-stock.
Already all divisions are scrambling around covering their back side and finger pointing at other divisions. We are right in the middle of the fray again and the funniest bits is marketing is not accountable for forecasting. Yet, again we have been singed.
Sigh! When shit hits the fan, all hell breaks lose. Normal human suddenly become ogres. I can't wait for the year to end.
Meanwhile, I think I will focus on Santa and spread joy & cheer!
We Dare Not Because ...
I came across the following phrase today.
'It's not because things are difficult that we dare not, it's because we dare not that things are difficult.'
~ Seneca (5 BC - 65 AD) Roman dramatist, philosopher, & politician
That set me thinking. It is true isn't it? Sometimes we are so afraid of the unknown that we immediately raise non existent barriers in our minds. Before we do it, our minds have already accepted defeat. And thus when we fail, we feel justified. After all, didn't we expect to fail in the first place? Didn't we say it is difficult?
The way our mind perceives each battle or task determines 50% of the outcome. At least that is what I think. In any case, someone once said, it is how you perceive a task. If you think you can do it, you can. Well, I can't remember who said it but I bet someone sure did! Otherwise, would you believe the amount of wisdom I have suddenly garnered out of the blue! Hahahaha ...
'It's not because things are difficult that we dare not, it's because we dare not that things are difficult.'
~ Seneca (5 BC - 65 AD) Roman dramatist, philosopher, & politician
That set me thinking. It is true isn't it? Sometimes we are so afraid of the unknown that we immediately raise non existent barriers in our minds. Before we do it, our minds have already accepted defeat. And thus when we fail, we feel justified. After all, didn't we expect to fail in the first place? Didn't we say it is difficult?
The way our mind perceives each battle or task determines 50% of the outcome. At least that is what I think. In any case, someone once said, it is how you perceive a task. If you think you can do it, you can. Well, I can't remember who said it but I bet someone sure did! Otherwise, would you believe the amount of wisdom I have suddenly garnered out of the blue! Hahahaha ...
Why is it that when you are right, you still feel wrong?
Have you ever felt as if you are fighting a losing game? How is it that even when you are right, you still feel wrong?
A case in point was yesterday when my staff was wrongly accused of making a small error which has a huge negative impact on sales. And this error was brought to the attention of the Sales Director.
Now, usually I am not the calculative sort. If an error has been made (be it ours or someone elses), we just identify the problem and seek a solution. I am not much into laying blame or castigating folks on errors. We just live and learn; and ensure we do NOT repeat the same error again.
However, as the year draws to an end and everyone is chasing for sales, such an accusation would put the marketing team in very bad light. And seeing that the error was not even made at our end, I had to clarify the situation, which then put another division in very bad light since the error came from there. It was a tough call to make to write that email as it makes me feel extremely petty. But I had to do it! I tried to lighten the situation by indicating remedial actions for the future. (Am I trying very hard to justify my actions?)
In any case, after the deed was done, I feel absolutely terrible as I work very closely with the manager from the other division. He is a wonderful guy but ... In any case, I called him up to apologise and explain my stand to him. I know that he was not happy but we manage to mend our fences after the call, I hope.
But I still feel wrong. Strange isn't it when in all intents and purposes I am in the right!
A case in point was yesterday when my staff was wrongly accused of making a small error which has a huge negative impact on sales. And this error was brought to the attention of the Sales Director.
Now, usually I am not the calculative sort. If an error has been made (be it ours or someone elses), we just identify the problem and seek a solution. I am not much into laying blame or castigating folks on errors. We just live and learn; and ensure we do NOT repeat the same error again.
However, as the year draws to an end and everyone is chasing for sales, such an accusation would put the marketing team in very bad light. And seeing that the error was not even made at our end, I had to clarify the situation, which then put another division in very bad light since the error came from there. It was a tough call to make to write that email as it makes me feel extremely petty. But I had to do it! I tried to lighten the situation by indicating remedial actions for the future. (Am I trying very hard to justify my actions?)
In any case, after the deed was done, I feel absolutely terrible as I work very closely with the manager from the other division. He is a wonderful guy but ... In any case, I called him up to apologise and explain my stand to him. I know that he was not happy but we manage to mend our fences after the call, I hope.
But I still feel wrong. Strange isn't it when in all intents and purposes I am in the right!
Malaysia's Most Beautiful
Goodness! The advertising campaign for Malaysia’s Most Beautiful is overwhelming. I am not sure how long it has been running but every time I turn on the radio or watch the idiot box, the advertisement will appear. Kudos to the media buyer! I wonder how much the sponsors paid for the programme.
The copy goes something like this, “ …. where 15 women will be tested for their inner and outer beauty.” One wonders how inner beauty is tested onscreen though and in such a short period of time. My initial take on the programme before I even watch it is that it is a lot of fluff. Adam from 8TV Quickie describes the show as being catty. Hmmm … one wonders how cattiness can translate to inner beauty
Tonight I finally took the time to watch the show. Otherwise I wouldn't be able to bitch about the show here right? I must do my investigations as well. Hahaha ... In a way, the show was better than I expected. It was less catty and bitchy. (Although I did see a few major signs of cattiness after the task was completed and neither team won.) Perhaps there were fewer women left in this show or maybe the catty ones have already been eliminated? Or perhaps today’s task was tougher than the ladies anticipated?
The contestants were asked to come up with a PR event to launch Revlon’s age defying product. Seriously, I wonder how this task can help viewers and judges decide how beautiful (internally and externally) a person is. All it showed me was how intellectually lacking they are. Ouch! Perhaps that is unfair. After all, the task is more suitable for programmes such as The Apprentice.
Well, at the end of the show, six were left standing. As a contestant commented on the official website, the results will reflect Malaysia’s perception of beauty. Personally my take is that, internal beauty can’t be measured and it certainly can’t be determined in front of a camera and in a matter of weeks. How true can these women be? Would someone with internal beauty be even vain enough to participate in such a competition? Without the inner beauty part, would outer beauty not be better left for beauty pageants in the likes of Miss Universe or Miss World? There would certainly be less pretensions in front of the camera.
Perhaps it should be retitled Malaysia’s Most Bitchy. I am sure the ratings will sky-rocket. Hahaha … Whatever my views are, the programme seems to be thriving. Like any other reality show, it has garnered its own fan club. We shall see if it can last another season …
The copy goes something like this, “ …. where 15 women will be tested for their inner and outer beauty.” One wonders how inner beauty is tested onscreen though and in such a short period of time. My initial take on the programme before I even watch it is that it is a lot of fluff. Adam from 8TV Quickie describes the show as being catty. Hmmm … one wonders how cattiness can translate to inner beauty
Tonight I finally took the time to watch the show. Otherwise I wouldn't be able to bitch about the show here right? I must do my investigations as well. Hahaha ... In a way, the show was better than I expected. It was less catty and bitchy. (Although I did see a few major signs of cattiness after the task was completed and neither team won.) Perhaps there were fewer women left in this show or maybe the catty ones have already been eliminated? Or perhaps today’s task was tougher than the ladies anticipated?
The contestants were asked to come up with a PR event to launch Revlon’s age defying product. Seriously, I wonder how this task can help viewers and judges decide how beautiful (internally and externally) a person is. All it showed me was how intellectually lacking they are. Ouch! Perhaps that is unfair. After all, the task is more suitable for programmes such as The Apprentice.
Well, at the end of the show, six were left standing. As a contestant commented on the official website, the results will reflect Malaysia’s perception of beauty. Personally my take is that, internal beauty can’t be measured and it certainly can’t be determined in front of a camera and in a matter of weeks. How true can these women be? Would someone with internal beauty be even vain enough to participate in such a competition? Without the inner beauty part, would outer beauty not be better left for beauty pageants in the likes of Miss Universe or Miss World? There would certainly be less pretensions in front of the camera.
Perhaps it should be retitled Malaysia’s Most Bitchy. I am sure the ratings will sky-rocket. Hahaha … Whatever my views are, the programme seems to be thriving. Like any other reality show, it has garnered its own fan club. We shall see if it can last another season …
Sunday, December 18, 2005
High Drama at XXX Condo
PETALING JAYA: The serene atmosphere was shattered by a loud explosion around 9+ pm last night. According to a resident, she did not investigate after she heard the explosions as she heard similar explosions the night before and found that they were from a fireworks display at the stadium next door.
It was only after hearing the continuous sound of siren that she went to her balcony to investigate. To her shock, she saw a car in flames. The bomba arrived and put out the fire. The car was parked just outside the perimeter of the condo. She was informed later that the cars parked in front and behind the flaming car were unfortunately affected by the event i.e. the car tyres melted. Fortunately there was no casualty.
She was told later that the make of the car is a Nissan X-Trail. The cause of the explosion is yet to be determined at press time. It seemed that it is suspected arson but the claim is yet to be substantiated.
This is yet another dramatic event in a series of events that has rocked this condo since July with the swimming pool issue still unresolved. Since the drowning of an eight year old school girl then, there followed a series of burglaries that hit an all time high of seven burglaries in a day on 1st December, that culminated into a resident showdown with management at a press conference held only last Saturday. However, management did not turn up claiming that they were not invited for the said press conference.
As of press time, this writer has yet to approach the management and the authorities for a statement.
Certainly, there is never a dull moment for residents in XXX Condo.
Disclaimer: The report is written from the statement of a single eye witness and the second-hand info conveyed by the said witness has yet to be substantiated. Further details of the event have yet to be established.
PETALING JAYA: The serene atmosphere was shattered by a loud explosion around 9+ pm last night. According to a resident, she did not investigate after she heard the explosions as she heard similar explosions the night before and found that they were from a fireworks display at the stadium next door.
It was only after hearing the continuous sound of siren that she went to her balcony to investigate. To her shock, she saw a car in flames. The bomba arrived and put out the fire. The car was parked just outside the perimeter of the condo. She was informed later that the cars parked in front and behind the flaming car were unfortunately affected by the event i.e. the car tyres melted. Fortunately there was no casualty.
She was told later that the make of the car is a Nissan X-Trail. The cause of the explosion is yet to be determined at press time. It seemed that it is suspected arson but the claim is yet to be substantiated.
This is yet another dramatic event in a series of events that has rocked this condo since July with the swimming pool issue still unresolved. Since the drowning of an eight year old school girl then, there followed a series of burglaries that hit an all time high of seven burglaries in a day on 1st December, that culminated into a resident showdown with management at a press conference held only last Saturday. However, management did not turn up claiming that they were not invited for the said press conference.
As of press time, this writer has yet to approach the management and the authorities for a statement.
Certainly, there is never a dull moment for residents in XXX Condo.
Disclaimer: The report is written from the statement of a single eye witness and the second-hand info conveyed by the said witness has yet to be substantiated. Further details of the event have yet to be established.
Cruelty to Animals ~ TIME WE PUT A STOP TO THAT!
Remember the blog I wrote regarding the poor German Shepherd that was neglected to death by her owner in Subang Jaya but the owner was only slapped with a RM100 fine? The fact that the Animal Ordinance carries the maximum fine of only RM200 or six months jail or both is shameful.
Well, here is a chance for us to act! SPCA started a petition to the prime minister to raise the cruelty fine from RM200 to a significantly higher fine of around RM10,000.00. You can sign the petition online at the following site -
It matters not if you are not a Malaysian. You can also sign the online petition. SPCA is targeting 100,000 signatures by September 2006. They have collected 20,000 signatures previously and the count for the current collection is at 12,919 when I signed earlier tonight.
Please do your bit to help prevent cruelty to animals.
The petition reads as follows:
- spay/neuter their pets, adequate food, space, exercise, love and medical attention and to be considerate neighbours.
Well, here is a chance for us to act! SPCA started a petition to the prime minister to raise the cruelty fine from RM200 to a significantly higher fine of around RM10,000.00. You can sign the petition online at the following site -
It matters not if you are not a Malaysian. You can also sign the online petition. SPCA is targeting 100,000 signatures by September 2006. They have collected 20,000 signatures previously and the count for the current collection is at 12,919 when I signed earlier tonight.
Please do your bit to help prevent cruelty to animals.
The petition reads as follows:
- spay/neuter their pets, adequate food, space, exercise, love and medical attention and to be considerate neighbours.
We can’t be always right, can we?
One of human’s biggest downfalls is that we believe we are always right. And none of us are spared from this “vice”. No wonder there are so much dissension in this world.
Imagine that we both have differences in opinion but we are both equally convinced that we are right. No amount of discussion, confrontation, argument is going to make us change our minds. As a result we are at an impasse. We could either agree to disagree and go on our merry way or we could end up fighting tooth and nail to prove our point. By doing the latter, the consequences could get ugly. After all, who would like to be proven oh so wrong especially at a certain stage of the ‘fight’?! Besides, when any party gets to that stage of the ‘fight’, it is not just a matter of right and wrong anymore. It is also a matter of pride.
But right and wrong is a matter of perception. And perception is not necessary real or true. Confusing so far?
Consider this:
- The Have perceives money differently from the Have-not.
- The Beautiful perceives internal and external beauty differently from the Less Beautiful.
- The Rich perceives hardship differently from the Poor.
- The Old perceives certain behaviours differently from the Young.
And so on and so forth. Imagine the varied upbringing of people in this country i.e. racial and cultural differences being the tip of the iceberg. Religion, education level, life experiences, etc are some other differences I could think of. The list is endless. We are a product of our environment and upbringing. Our perceptions are formed by these variables we have encountered in our lives thus making every thought and perception of things different from the next person.
But the point is we can’t be always right, can we? And even if we think we are and thus unable to come to a consensus, isn’t it less aggravating to just agree to disagree?
Imagine that we both have differences in opinion but we are both equally convinced that we are right. No amount of discussion, confrontation, argument is going to make us change our minds. As a result we are at an impasse. We could either agree to disagree and go on our merry way or we could end up fighting tooth and nail to prove our point. By doing the latter, the consequences could get ugly. After all, who would like to be proven oh so wrong especially at a certain stage of the ‘fight’?! Besides, when any party gets to that stage of the ‘fight’, it is not just a matter of right and wrong anymore. It is also a matter of pride.
But right and wrong is a matter of perception. And perception is not necessary real or true. Confusing so far?
Consider this:
- The Have perceives money differently from the Have-not.
- The Beautiful perceives internal and external beauty differently from the Less Beautiful.
- The Rich perceives hardship differently from the Poor.
- The Old perceives certain behaviours differently from the Young.
And so on and so forth. Imagine the varied upbringing of people in this country i.e. racial and cultural differences being the tip of the iceberg. Religion, education level, life experiences, etc are some other differences I could think of. The list is endless. We are a product of our environment and upbringing. Our perceptions are formed by these variables we have encountered in our lives thus making every thought and perception of things different from the next person.
But the point is we can’t be always right, can we? And even if we think we are and thus unable to come to a consensus, isn’t it less aggravating to just agree to disagree?
Friday, December 16, 2005
Anger Management
The slow burn of anger begins at the pit of the stomach. Like a wisp of smoke or mist, it slowly unfurls and grows until it seeps through every pore of your being. It grows and grows until you feel like exploding at the person or situation that causes you such ire!
How many times have you felt that in your life? For me, it is very rare. I am slow to anger but once I am angry, it’s best to get out of the way. Remember the famous phrase from The Incredible Hulk, “Don’t make me angry. You won’t like me when I am angry.” It is just as well that when I do get angry, I tend to walk away from a situation and allow myself time to cool down and put things into perspective. This is to prevent myself from doing anything rash that I would regret later.
It’s been a long while since I have last felt that burning anger but it happened on Tuesday. Since Monday, a friend has been sharing some of her frustrations. And as I listened to the events that unfolded, I grew angrier and angrier at her situation and at the person who had caused her so much grief. But I had to play my role ~ lend a listening ear and be a voice of reason. The problem is I know the person who treated her so unfairly and I have seen the way he operates. I know too that he is perfectly capable of treating people that way. Whilst the rational part of me was calming her down, the irrational part wanted to interfere so badly i.e. call up the person and point out his childishness and immaturity!
Like acid, I can feel anger “eating” at the pit of my stomach on Tuesday afternoon and no matter what I do at work, anger and frustration at her situation kept invading my thoughts. The fact that I am totally helpless in helping her cause kept my frustration growing. By evening, I can feel gastric building up and by the time I left the office, the feeling of frustration has reached my throat. I am not joking. I believe I might get physically ill if I don’t find a venue to vent out my frustrations. The few times that that happened, I had to let it go by talking to someone else and ranting out my frustrations and anger. The other thing I had done before was to hit squash balls at a wall. Believe you me, both methods are highly therapeutic and effective. Thank god my sister was the perfect therapist that evening. Thanks sis for listening to my angst!
Why not just let lose my anger, some might ask. Why do I exert so much control when the person do not even bother to do so himself? Firstly, it is not my battle to fight. Secondly, meddling in the affair would only make matters worse for my friend and me. Thirdly, I would not stoop to that level of handling things. Neither would my friend. Fourthly, if I read the person correctly, he would not even bother to say sorry because he would still believe he is right. And he will go on defensive mode.
I have dealt with characters like this before; i.e. folks who think they know everything and believe that they are always right. It is sad really for such people are usually highly intelligent and has so much potential. However if a person’s attitude is wrong, such intelligence and potential matters not in my book. Day by day, I am losing respect for the person. The point is, if a person is not open to feedback, no matter what anyone says, the person’s mind is close to your words and the person will just grow more and more defensive. Anything you do or say to the person is tantamount to hitting your head against a brick wall. At the end of the day, only you would lose out because you get angrier and more frustrated.
I’m glad I am over that anger. I am glad too to hear that my friend is also slowly letting go of her anger and frustrations. Anger management is such a delicate balance. But if we want to retain sanity in our lives, we have to learn to manage our anger and let go.
How many times have you felt that in your life? For me, it is very rare. I am slow to anger but once I am angry, it’s best to get out of the way. Remember the famous phrase from The Incredible Hulk, “Don’t make me angry. You won’t like me when I am angry.” It is just as well that when I do get angry, I tend to walk away from a situation and allow myself time to cool down and put things into perspective. This is to prevent myself from doing anything rash that I would regret later.
It’s been a long while since I have last felt that burning anger but it happened on Tuesday. Since Monday, a friend has been sharing some of her frustrations. And as I listened to the events that unfolded, I grew angrier and angrier at her situation and at the person who had caused her so much grief. But I had to play my role ~ lend a listening ear and be a voice of reason. The problem is I know the person who treated her so unfairly and I have seen the way he operates. I know too that he is perfectly capable of treating people that way. Whilst the rational part of me was calming her down, the irrational part wanted to interfere so badly i.e. call up the person and point out his childishness and immaturity!
Like acid, I can feel anger “eating” at the pit of my stomach on Tuesday afternoon and no matter what I do at work, anger and frustration at her situation kept invading my thoughts. The fact that I am totally helpless in helping her cause kept my frustration growing. By evening, I can feel gastric building up and by the time I left the office, the feeling of frustration has reached my throat. I am not joking. I believe I might get physically ill if I don’t find a venue to vent out my frustrations. The few times that that happened, I had to let it go by talking to someone else and ranting out my frustrations and anger. The other thing I had done before was to hit squash balls at a wall. Believe you me, both methods are highly therapeutic and effective. Thank god my sister was the perfect therapist that evening. Thanks sis for listening to my angst!
Why not just let lose my anger, some might ask. Why do I exert so much control when the person do not even bother to do so himself? Firstly, it is not my battle to fight. Secondly, meddling in the affair would only make matters worse for my friend and me. Thirdly, I would not stoop to that level of handling things. Neither would my friend. Fourthly, if I read the person correctly, he would not even bother to say sorry because he would still believe he is right. And he will go on defensive mode.
I have dealt with characters like this before; i.e. folks who think they know everything and believe that they are always right. It is sad really for such people are usually highly intelligent and has so much potential. However if a person’s attitude is wrong, such intelligence and potential matters not in my book. Day by day, I am losing respect for the person. The point is, if a person is not open to feedback, no matter what anyone says, the person’s mind is close to your words and the person will just grow more and more defensive. Anything you do or say to the person is tantamount to hitting your head against a brick wall. At the end of the day, only you would lose out because you get angrier and more frustrated.
I’m glad I am over that anger. I am glad too to hear that my friend is also slowly letting go of her anger and frustrations. Anger management is such a delicate balance. But if we want to retain sanity in our lives, we have to learn to manage our anger and let go.
What motivates you?
“Why are you still working so hard? It’s nearing the end of the year. Businesses are winding down.” This is what I have often been asked.
“Ahh … she is working for the fat bonus and her company incentive trip.” Some friends might think of that. “She is hoping for a promotion. She is just very ambitious.” A few others would assume.
The truth is it is none of the above! I work hard because I am committed to deliver what I promised to deliver. Contrary to what people think, our bonuses are no longer fat. Since the change in the remuneration policy this year, the difference in bonus between achieving your target and not achieving it is marginal.
Company incentive trip? That is an organised tour that one rushes through from Day 1 to Day 7. Not to sound arrogant, but it is not something I am extremely motivated by. I am the “backpack and plan your own route” type of person.
Promotion? Ambition? Seriously, I wouldn’t mind staying in my current position for the rest of my corporate life, and what would be even better is a yearly increment of 10% or more. Wishful thinking? … Yeah! Ambition means I would have to get promoted to the next level which would be my boss’ level. And the type of politicking one is drawn into at that level is too tiring for me to even think, let alone comprehend.
Eliminating all this, I could only conclude that I am a masochist and I thrive on internal motivation and satisfaction.
The strange thing about this company is that marketing is answerable to sales targets and the bottom line. The common practice is that sales is responsible for sales targets whilst marketing is answerable to the P&L and market share. Due to the uncommon KPIs that I am measured by, I have to work my butt off to achieve the sales target as well. Thus, my continuous effort to hit that magical plan number!
I am getting tired though. Truly I need a breather. I need a break from the endless travelling for work. I need time to get my dissertation going. But … it is getting tougher to find time. Beginning 1st January, in addition to my current portfolio, I will also be responsible and accountable for the Singapore business and the OEM business in Malaysia. A part of me feels challenged by that. Another part of me is just exhausted. It is not like I am getting a promotion; it is merely a job expansion.
2006 is looking to be a challenging year. With the economic slow down and my job expansion, it doesn’t look like I am going to get any long breaks. I am just wondering when I will run out of fuel. How long can internal motivation last? I really do wonder.
“Ahh … she is working for the fat bonus and her company incentive trip.” Some friends might think of that. “She is hoping for a promotion. She is just very ambitious.” A few others would assume.
The truth is it is none of the above! I work hard because I am committed to deliver what I promised to deliver. Contrary to what people think, our bonuses are no longer fat. Since the change in the remuneration policy this year, the difference in bonus between achieving your target and not achieving it is marginal.
Company incentive trip? That is an organised tour that one rushes through from Day 1 to Day 7. Not to sound arrogant, but it is not something I am extremely motivated by. I am the “backpack and plan your own route” type of person.
Promotion? Ambition? Seriously, I wouldn’t mind staying in my current position for the rest of my corporate life, and what would be even better is a yearly increment of 10% or more. Wishful thinking? … Yeah! Ambition means I would have to get promoted to the next level which would be my boss’ level. And the type of politicking one is drawn into at that level is too tiring for me to even think, let alone comprehend.
Eliminating all this, I could only conclude that I am a masochist and I thrive on internal motivation and satisfaction.
The strange thing about this company is that marketing is answerable to sales targets and the bottom line. The common practice is that sales is responsible for sales targets whilst marketing is answerable to the P&L and market share. Due to the uncommon KPIs that I am measured by, I have to work my butt off to achieve the sales target as well. Thus, my continuous effort to hit that magical plan number!
I am getting tired though. Truly I need a breather. I need a break from the endless travelling for work. I need time to get my dissertation going. But … it is getting tougher to find time. Beginning 1st January, in addition to my current portfolio, I will also be responsible and accountable for the Singapore business and the OEM business in Malaysia. A part of me feels challenged by that. Another part of me is just exhausted. It is not like I am getting a promotion; it is merely a job expansion.
2006 is looking to be a challenging year. With the economic slow down and my job expansion, it doesn’t look like I am going to get any long breaks. I am just wondering when I will run out of fuel. How long can internal motivation last? I really do wonder.
Respect has to be earned!
Isn’t it funny that people demand and expect respect?
Here’s a newsflash! Respect has to be earned!!!! It doesn’t matter how much you earn, what’s your education level, what’s your rank, what’s your age and gender, how eloquent you speak, how bombastic you write, whether you are in uniform or not, etc. ~ bottom line is, RESPECT HAS TO BE EARNED!
Sadly, more often than not, people in positions of power expect to be respected. Yet, their very actions show their immaturity and instead of gaining respect, they lose the respect of the very people they demand respect from. Sometimes, by their very actions, they drive away more and more people.
Unfortunately, these folks do not realise that. They sit on their patronising, domineering “chair” high up in Never Never Land, surrounded by a troop of “yes” men and women, and think in their arrogance that everything is hunky dory.
It’s a pity. Reality is down here. And while they make decisions that they think is right (but which are isolated from reality), the REAL people could be suffering. The REAL people could be totally turned off. The REAL people could one day rebel.
Respect will not be served on a silver platter for anyone’s consumption. Respect has to be earned.
Just food for thought …
Here’s a newsflash! Respect has to be earned!!!! It doesn’t matter how much you earn, what’s your education level, what’s your rank, what’s your age and gender, how eloquent you speak, how bombastic you write, whether you are in uniform or not, etc. ~ bottom line is, RESPECT HAS TO BE EARNED!
Sadly, more often than not, people in positions of power expect to be respected. Yet, their very actions show their immaturity and instead of gaining respect, they lose the respect of the very people they demand respect from. Sometimes, by their very actions, they drive away more and more people.
Unfortunately, these folks do not realise that. They sit on their patronising, domineering “chair” high up in Never Never Land, surrounded by a troop of “yes” men and women, and think in their arrogance that everything is hunky dory.
It’s a pity. Reality is down here. And while they make decisions that they think is right (but which are isolated from reality), the REAL people could be suffering. The REAL people could be totally turned off. The REAL people could one day rebel.
Respect will not be served on a silver platter for anyone’s consumption. Respect has to be earned.
Just food for thought …
Sunday, December 11, 2005
The grass is always greener at the other side of the fence
When we are young, we can’t wait to grow up. When we get older, we try to “stop” time and the ageing process with botox or plastic surgery or numerous expensive creams and whatnots! The dark wants to be fair; the fair wants to be tanned. Those who have curly hair would go for rebonding to straighten their hair and those who have straight hair would go for perms. Those who are short want to be tall. Then there are the tall ones who want to be petite. We are never satisfied with what we have.
It’s been a while now that I have thought of getting out of the rat race. It is tiring and I am fed-up with the office politics that pervade every corporate job I ever had. More so now that I am in a position to deal with it “up close and personal”. I had thought lecturing and writing were good alternatives. The only drawback is earning enough to support the lifestyle I am used to. During Friday’s dinner with my ex colleagues from Mars, again the topic of conversation centred upon office politics. Interesting enough, I was not the only one who has thoughts of getting out of the rat race and getting into lecturing or training or project management.
Now, let’s wind back to a couple of weeks ago. I had a conversation with a couple of lecturers who happen to be my friends as well. I was quite surprised to discover that a few of them wants to venture into the corporate world. Despite some reservations, they seem drawn to the idea of working in the corporate world.
A few weeks before that, I discovered that another lecturer friend has actually left the profession and joined the corporate world as she was absolutely pissed off with the politics she had to deal with in college. Nine months down the line now, she is questioning her reasons for leaving lecturing.
However, I am still determined to continue with my future plans of getting out of the rat race. I recognise that there will always be politics wherever I go but I believe that politics in academia would be more manageable than those in the corporate world.
Is that myopia on my part? Is this one of those cases of the grass being greener at the other side of the fence? Perhaps … perhaps not.
It’s been a while now that I have thought of getting out of the rat race. It is tiring and I am fed-up with the office politics that pervade every corporate job I ever had. More so now that I am in a position to deal with it “up close and personal”. I had thought lecturing and writing were good alternatives. The only drawback is earning enough to support the lifestyle I am used to. During Friday’s dinner with my ex colleagues from Mars, again the topic of conversation centred upon office politics. Interesting enough, I was not the only one who has thoughts of getting out of the rat race and getting into lecturing or training or project management.
Now, let’s wind back to a couple of weeks ago. I had a conversation with a couple of lecturers who happen to be my friends as well. I was quite surprised to discover that a few of them wants to venture into the corporate world. Despite some reservations, they seem drawn to the idea of working in the corporate world.
A few weeks before that, I discovered that another lecturer friend has actually left the profession and joined the corporate world as she was absolutely pissed off with the politics she had to deal with in college. Nine months down the line now, she is questioning her reasons for leaving lecturing.
However, I am still determined to continue with my future plans of getting out of the rat race. I recognise that there will always be politics wherever I go but I believe that politics in academia would be more manageable than those in the corporate world.
Is that myopia on my part? Is this one of those cases of the grass being greener at the other side of the fence? Perhaps … perhaps not.
To what extent would you fight for your rights and beliefs?
How far would you fight for your rights and beliefs? It is a question that has been haunting me for weeks now.
I heard from a neighbour today that residents of another condo have given up making complaints to management because a person is marked when he makes a complaint and he would find his car scratched a few days later. This allegedly has happened enough times in that condo that residents have given up complaining and are living with the sorry condition of the condo management.
You would have read of the security lapses in my condo by now. It irks me no end that security guards are being laxed with those who drive into the condo without access cards; especially now that we have a spate of burglaries. The rule is, whether one is a resident or not, as long as you do not have an access card with you, you would have to register and surrender your IC or driving license at the security. It is a simple rule and it is the height of stupidity if one cannot follow such a simple rule.
A couple of weeks ago, I witnessed two cases where our security guards allowed two cars to enter without registering them. One entered through the visitor’s gate by the wave of a hand and the other used the same card twice (this is another grouse we have with management) to allow their guest to enter. I managed to take down both the car registration numbers and walked up to the guardhouse to complain. My parents were totally against me doing that. They fear that I would be harmed or my property would be harmed by my actions.
Which comes to my question of to what extent are we willing to fight for our rights and beliefs? If everyone stops complaining because of the possible unethical repercussions, would we not be living in fear? Eventually, the perpetrators will get bolder and bolder because they have no fear of repercussions from anyone. Our actions, or lack thereof, would be a signal to them that they could put the fear of god in us and that they could control us by such possible threats. How different would this be then from countries where the people are suppressed? The moment we allow our lives to be ruled by fear, we would be succumbing ourselves to repression.
Yet, my parents are also not wrong. When the threat of being hurt is there, is it not wiser to let sleeping dogs lie? I do not have an answer. But I know that I should not let fear stop me from doing what is right. What is left then is to ensure that everyone else within the community should not let fear stop them either.
I live in hope that if enough voices are heard; eventually our rights will be safe guarded. Naïve thinking? I hope not!
I heard from a neighbour today that residents of another condo have given up making complaints to management because a person is marked when he makes a complaint and he would find his car scratched a few days later. This allegedly has happened enough times in that condo that residents have given up complaining and are living with the sorry condition of the condo management.
You would have read of the security lapses in my condo by now. It irks me no end that security guards are being laxed with those who drive into the condo without access cards; especially now that we have a spate of burglaries. The rule is, whether one is a resident or not, as long as you do not have an access card with you, you would have to register and surrender your IC or driving license at the security. It is a simple rule and it is the height of stupidity if one cannot follow such a simple rule.
A couple of weeks ago, I witnessed two cases where our security guards allowed two cars to enter without registering them. One entered through the visitor’s gate by the wave of a hand and the other used the same card twice (this is another grouse we have with management) to allow their guest to enter. I managed to take down both the car registration numbers and walked up to the guardhouse to complain. My parents were totally against me doing that. They fear that I would be harmed or my property would be harmed by my actions.
Which comes to my question of to what extent are we willing to fight for our rights and beliefs? If everyone stops complaining because of the possible unethical repercussions, would we not be living in fear? Eventually, the perpetrators will get bolder and bolder because they have no fear of repercussions from anyone. Our actions, or lack thereof, would be a signal to them that they could put the fear of god in us and that they could control us by such possible threats. How different would this be then from countries where the people are suppressed? The moment we allow our lives to be ruled by fear, we would be succumbing ourselves to repression.
Yet, my parents are also not wrong. When the threat of being hurt is there, is it not wiser to let sleeping dogs lie? I do not have an answer. But I know that I should not let fear stop me from doing what is right. What is left then is to ensure that everyone else within the community should not let fear stop them either.
I live in hope that if enough voices are heard; eventually our rights will be safe guarded. Naïve thinking? I hope not!
“If you dare to die, then you should dare to live!”
I remember my first chemistry class in Form 4 more than a decade ago. Our chemistry teacher then told us the different ways we could commit suicide. (Nowadays, we could easily get such information just from “googling” it.) Now, before anyone jumps the gun and thinks to report the said teacher to the authorities or condemns that teacher, allow me to finish the story. Our teacher went on to tell us the pain we would have to endure for each method we use and the terrible consequences we face should we fail in the attempt. For instance, what if we fail in our attempt to jump off a high building and end up paralysed instead. This method to bring awareness of the reality of suicide was indeed shocking but pretty effective then.
In the last couple of years, I have read more and more cases of young people falling into depression and attempting suicide. It is a strange phenomenon ~ the more progressive a society becomes, the more social ill prevails. There seems to be a correlation between progressiveness and suicide attempts. I could be wrong but I thought perhaps life is too good for youngsters today (at least for many of them) i.e. they do not have to worry about earning enough money to pay tuition fees, they do not need to scrimp and save to buy something they like, etc. ~ life is literally served on a silver platter. Perhaps with so much less to worry, youngsters have too much time to think. After all, isn’t an idle mind a devil’s playing field?
A week back, during a heart to heart session with a group of friends, I was shocked to discover that a few of my friends have thought of suicide and a few have attempted suicide before in their youth. A few came from broken homes and thus, the act was a way to gain attention. A few others came from good homes, but along the way, life has gotten too stormy to handle. Whatever the motivation, the end result was to end one’s own life. Those who have made the attempt before came out of the experience very much stronger. They see life as something worth living. In the words of a wise friend who went through the whole experience, “If you dare to die, then you should dare to live!”
For me, the idea of suicide is enough to snap me out of whatever depression I am in; let alone think of the different methods to die. There are so many people out there dying of starvation, dying of AIDS, bird flu, illnesses, dying in a war they did not start, dying from terrorist attacks, dying from other people’s idealism! And these are the same folks who would die for a chance to live. (Pardon the pun.) Put in such a context, should we not strive to keep this life? It’s the only one we will have in this life time.
But, a friend told me it is not the same, that there is no comparison in the world, that when a person compares and ceases to act, the person is merely sweeping the issue under the carpet. Years from now, the issue would crop up and drive the person to suicide again. Having no such experience, it is extremely difficult for me to visualise and comprehend. I am the first to admit that I could not fathom why people would attempt suicide. Perhaps because I see life as a half full glass, I believe there is so much to live for.
Isn’t it a matter of shifting our paradigm on how we look at a situation? Perhaps it is my stubbornness to always find that silver lining in every cloud, but what is so wrong with looking at the silver lining instead of the cloud? One friend claimed that that is literally sweeping our problems under the carpet. I beg to differ. I see it as looking at a situation with a different perspective. For a dramatic example, a person loses his sight. He could either, wallow in self pity, rage at the entire world and live a bitter life or he could enhance his other senses and use that to live a better life. The reality is, his blindness will not change but his perception of his helplessness has changed. I know that it is not easy but would one want to live the rest of his life in bitterness or would one want to live his life in peace and a modicum of happiness.
Of course, there is always another way out ~ suicide. But isn’t that a coward’s way out? After all, if we dare to die, why not take that extra step and dare to live?
I dare you to live!
In the last couple of years, I have read more and more cases of young people falling into depression and attempting suicide. It is a strange phenomenon ~ the more progressive a society becomes, the more social ill prevails. There seems to be a correlation between progressiveness and suicide attempts. I could be wrong but I thought perhaps life is too good for youngsters today (at least for many of them) i.e. they do not have to worry about earning enough money to pay tuition fees, they do not need to scrimp and save to buy something they like, etc. ~ life is literally served on a silver platter. Perhaps with so much less to worry, youngsters have too much time to think. After all, isn’t an idle mind a devil’s playing field?
A week back, during a heart to heart session with a group of friends, I was shocked to discover that a few of my friends have thought of suicide and a few have attempted suicide before in their youth. A few came from broken homes and thus, the act was a way to gain attention. A few others came from good homes, but along the way, life has gotten too stormy to handle. Whatever the motivation, the end result was to end one’s own life. Those who have made the attempt before came out of the experience very much stronger. They see life as something worth living. In the words of a wise friend who went through the whole experience, “If you dare to die, then you should dare to live!”
For me, the idea of suicide is enough to snap me out of whatever depression I am in; let alone think of the different methods to die. There are so many people out there dying of starvation, dying of AIDS, bird flu, illnesses, dying in a war they did not start, dying from terrorist attacks, dying from other people’s idealism! And these are the same folks who would die for a chance to live. (Pardon the pun.) Put in such a context, should we not strive to keep this life? It’s the only one we will have in this life time.
But, a friend told me it is not the same, that there is no comparison in the world, that when a person compares and ceases to act, the person is merely sweeping the issue under the carpet. Years from now, the issue would crop up and drive the person to suicide again. Having no such experience, it is extremely difficult for me to visualise and comprehend. I am the first to admit that I could not fathom why people would attempt suicide. Perhaps because I see life as a half full glass, I believe there is so much to live for.
Isn’t it a matter of shifting our paradigm on how we look at a situation? Perhaps it is my stubbornness to always find that silver lining in every cloud, but what is so wrong with looking at the silver lining instead of the cloud? One friend claimed that that is literally sweeping our problems under the carpet. I beg to differ. I see it as looking at a situation with a different perspective. For a dramatic example, a person loses his sight. He could either, wallow in self pity, rage at the entire world and live a bitter life or he could enhance his other senses and use that to live a better life. The reality is, his blindness will not change but his perception of his helplessness has changed. I know that it is not easy but would one want to live the rest of his life in bitterness or would one want to live his life in peace and a modicum of happiness.
Of course, there is always another way out ~ suicide. But isn’t that a coward’s way out? After all, if we dare to die, why not take that extra step and dare to live?
I dare you to live!
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
Heart4Hope Project
Christmas is drawing near. A time of giving and a time to bring cheer to some people. Below is the story of a courageous young lady who has survived against all odds. Not only that, she has bravely trudge on to bring awareness of a condition known as Neurofibromatosis. I hope that you would be able to contribute in your way to help her plight.
In the words of a wonderful neighbour and friend of mine, Cordelia, who has been championing Yvonne's cause.
"Heart4Hope Project is one that is undertaken by an extremely brave gal named Yvonne Foong."
Can you remember your teenage schooling years when you are between the ages of 13 – 17? For her, it's a series of medical checkups, losing her sense of balance & hearing due to benign tumours growing in her brain & spine. She has gone through operation after operation on its removal.
Through no fault of hers, her peers initially ostracised her then for being different, misinterpreting her condition as cancer, others offering unhelpful suggestions that her parents were to blame for conceiving her late in life and so on. What she has is Neurofibromatosis, a genetic disorder which unfortunately falls onto certain individuals.
Did she moan her life? Of course she did initially, like most of us do after a fall. Did she let her misfortune define her life? No. Instead of moping on her own misfortunes, she opened her heart to help others like participating in the blogathon in August 2005 ie blogging for charity cause for Eden Handicap Service Centre. She even started an online support group for Neurofibromatosis.
Through her blog, she had brought countless awareness to others who are in need:
- Poesy Liang (, asking readers to donate any spare cash to her for her benign spine tumour operation.
- Lori Miller. This young lady suffers from Adenocarcinoma, stage-IV, asking readers of her blog to donate.
& many more.
Fyi, I'd seen her grow as a beautiful person, even more so after she embraced Christ in her life. She has been through much tribulations in life for someone so young at 19 and yet she can still face her life with a positive attitude and dignity in spite of this.
Could you open your heart for a caring & brave girl like her? She needs funds for an operation to remove her brain tumours that led to her being completely deaf now & a hearing aid.
In Yvonne's words:
"This tumor can grow large enough to push my brainstem out of position, thus distrupting oxygen flow to the brain. It will lead to difficulty in breathing, swallowing, and subsequently death."
Please contribute to her t-shirt fund-raiser as follows:-
i) RM 30.00 for one, RM 50.00 for two.
ii) Sizes: Baby T, M, L and XL (Yvonne is wearing Baby T size as the model)
iii) To know how the t-shirt looks like, please click on the link below:-
Buy a t-shirt, save a life today!Please email me at for more details on this project especially if you are interested to buy this t-shirt. At the same time, could you please forward this email to your friends? Thank you.
May God Bless you for making a difference.
In the words of a wonderful neighbour and friend of mine, Cordelia, who has been championing Yvonne's cause.
"Heart4Hope Project is one that is undertaken by an extremely brave gal named Yvonne Foong."
Can you remember your teenage schooling years when you are between the ages of 13 – 17? For her, it's a series of medical checkups, losing her sense of balance & hearing due to benign tumours growing in her brain & spine. She has gone through operation after operation on its removal.
Through no fault of hers, her peers initially ostracised her then for being different, misinterpreting her condition as cancer, others offering unhelpful suggestions that her parents were to blame for conceiving her late in life and so on. What she has is Neurofibromatosis, a genetic disorder which unfortunately falls onto certain individuals.
Did she moan her life? Of course she did initially, like most of us do after a fall. Did she let her misfortune define her life? No. Instead of moping on her own misfortunes, she opened her heart to help others like participating in the blogathon in August 2005 ie blogging for charity cause for Eden Handicap Service Centre. She even started an online support group for Neurofibromatosis.
Through her blog, she had brought countless awareness to others who are in need:
- Poesy Liang (, asking readers to donate any spare cash to her for her benign spine tumour operation.
- Lori Miller. This young lady suffers from Adenocarcinoma, stage-IV, asking readers of her blog to donate.
& many more.
Fyi, I'd seen her grow as a beautiful person, even more so after she embraced Christ in her life. She has been through much tribulations in life for someone so young at 19 and yet she can still face her life with a positive attitude and dignity in spite of this.
Could you open your heart for a caring & brave girl like her? She needs funds for an operation to remove her brain tumours that led to her being completely deaf now & a hearing aid.
In Yvonne's words:
"This tumor can grow large enough to push my brainstem out of position, thus distrupting oxygen flow to the brain. It will lead to difficulty in breathing, swallowing, and subsequently death."
Please contribute to her t-shirt fund-raiser as follows:-
i) RM 30.00 for one, RM 50.00 for two.
ii) Sizes: Baby T, M, L and XL (Yvonne is wearing Baby T size as the model)
iii) To know how the t-shirt looks like, please click on the link below:-
Buy a t-shirt, save a life today!Please email me at for more details on this project especially if you are interested to buy this t-shirt. At the same time, could you please forward this email to your friends? Thank you.
May God Bless you for making a difference.
Sitting ducks!
Just heard the news ~ 3 more attempted break-ins on Saturday. Of which, one has been burglarised before. I am sure most residents are feeling like I do. A veritable sitting duck!
You worry when you are away. You worry when you are at home. And you wonder which is worse i.e. that they strike when you are in or when you are not in.
I was told not to worry too much. After all, there’s nothing much to steal. But that’s not the point. The point is I will feel violated. I already feel insecure and unsafe! This is our home, our sanctuary. This is the place where we relax and leave behind the frustrations of the day.
Now, I am always vigilant. I see someone in the lift and I get suspicious ~ are they residents, visitors or burglars? Just yesterday, two guys wearing cleaner’s uniforms was on their way up to one of the floors. They were not carrying any cleaning equipment. Immediately my radar was on full alert. But I can’t stop someone and report someone just because they were seen at my block. Just because they are foreigners do not automatically make them criminals. This is no way to treat people. They too are here to earn a living and I can only hope they earn it the honest way! I am sorry to say I can’t be impartial these days. I can’t help being suspicious.
I don’t want to live this way ~ suspicious and worried. I refuse to be cowed by these burglars! I am thankful for having neighbours who care. Neighbours who have put a lot of effort into tightening the security of the place such as organising the Neighbourhood Watch, contacting the MP to push our case forward and more. I hope the issue will be resolved soon. Management have to buck up or ship out. That’s the only way.
Meanwhile, we remain sitting ducks!
You worry when you are away. You worry when you are at home. And you wonder which is worse i.e. that they strike when you are in or when you are not in.
I was told not to worry too much. After all, there’s nothing much to steal. But that’s not the point. The point is I will feel violated. I already feel insecure and unsafe! This is our home, our sanctuary. This is the place where we relax and leave behind the frustrations of the day.
Now, I am always vigilant. I see someone in the lift and I get suspicious ~ are they residents, visitors or burglars? Just yesterday, two guys wearing cleaner’s uniforms was on their way up to one of the floors. They were not carrying any cleaning equipment. Immediately my radar was on full alert. But I can’t stop someone and report someone just because they were seen at my block. Just because they are foreigners do not automatically make them criminals. This is no way to treat people. They too are here to earn a living and I can only hope they earn it the honest way! I am sorry to say I can’t be impartial these days. I can’t help being suspicious.
I don’t want to live this way ~ suspicious and worried. I refuse to be cowed by these burglars! I am thankful for having neighbours who care. Neighbours who have put a lot of effort into tightening the security of the place such as organising the Neighbourhood Watch, contacting the MP to push our case forward and more. I hope the issue will be resolved soon. Management have to buck up or ship out. That’s the only way.
Meanwhile, we remain sitting ducks!
Monday, December 05, 2005
What have we “bought” ourselves into??!!
“7 break-ins occurred yesterday afternoon ~ 2 in Block A and 5 in Block B.” The text message came in from a neighbour on Friday morning.
I was shocked. Since the last 3 break-ins, which occurred just after the Hari Raya holidays (that happened during working hours i.e. about 2 pm, I was told), we heard of another 2 attempts. But things have been quiet since then. Residents were concerned and a few have upgraded their security system. The residents’ Pro-Tem Committee (PTC) has worked with the management to increase security measures i.e. patrol around the residential blocks (or so I have read and heard) since the 3 break-ins. Residents were also talking about having a Neighbourhood Watch.
But 7 break-ins in one day and all happened between the 5- 6 pm period (I have yet to ascertain as to the accuracy of the time) is outrageous. That signals two things ~ one, the burglars are getting bolder and two, it must be an inside job. Speculations are rife i.e. from burglars renting a unit to stash their ill-gotten gains and to hole up there, to whether the cleaners, gardeners and security guards are involved.
One thing for sure, the residents are feeling extremely unhappy and dissatisfied with management. For a new condo (occupancy began in March-April this year), there have been just too many issues cropping up in a matter of months ~ from the unresolved swimming pool incident to matters such as exorbitant deposits for renovation works and usage of BBQ area, cracks at the parking grounds and recently, at the walls of the apartments, car park woes, inadequate security measures i.e. lack of CCTV, the laid back attitude of some of the security guards, etc! The “tidak apa” attitude of the Resident Manager and the management does not help either.
What is getting on our nerves is that almost every request made is turned down; with management claiming a lack of funds or that it is not in the S&P that we signed! Management claimed that many residents have yet to pay up on management fees. Strange, I thought collection of management fees is under the responsibility of management and it should have no bearings on the delivery of the promise to the whole. Pardon my limited understanding of the law but shouldn’t the laws of businesses or corporations apply? Can you imagine that I have to tell my clients that I cannot deliver certain goods to them because my other clients have not paid up! Where is the blardy logic in that?
But wait …, management is still collecting management fees for a swimming pool that residents have been unable to utilise for almost 4 months now! And what about security measures??!! When we bought a condo, we bought it for our peace-of-mind with the thought that security is taken care of. What happened to the security services we paid for and are still paying for on a monthly basis if we can’t live with peace-of-mind? If management is being so calculative about the S&P, should we not be equally calculative on the delivery of the services stated in the S&P or the lack thereof?
For many residents here, this is our first home. There are many young couples and working class here; who have probably dumped their life savings for a nice, safe home. In the true spirit of neighbourliness, many of us have tried to adhere to the “house rules” of living in a gated community. And aside from a few bad apples, this is a very nice neighbourhood to live in.
Cotton candy or sour plum? Sugar or Spice?
Thursday’s events seemed to be “the straw that broke the camel’s back” for some residents. There have been differing opinions as to how to handle the innumerable issues here i.e. security being utmost in everyone’s mind. There are those who still advocate diplomacy and others who are absolutely fed-up with the lack of commitment from management and are calling for stronger actions ~ amongst which are involving the press, refusal to pay management fees, etc. to pressure management to act. Others have started to take security measures into their own hands i.e. installing their own private “CCTV”, signing up for the Neighbourhood Watch, reinforcing their locks, getting relatives to stay home during working hours to look after the place, etc.
Diplomacy or aggression? Cotton candy or sour plum? Sugar or spice? The discussion rages on. I have been a firm believer that diplomacy works better than aggression but now, I am questioning this belief. Almost nine months of occupancy and although certain things have improved, on the whole things seem to have worsen in this condo. Is it management’s fault or did they just have an incredible run of bad luck? I am beginning to believe in the former.
Those who maintain that diplomacy is the best plan to move forward argue that it is easier to get things done via the cotton candy way i.e. it is easy to convince someone with soft words and praise than confrontation. I do agree with that to some extent especially at the workplace. The more aggressive you get, the more resistance you face until things only move when their KPIs (Key Performance Indexes) are at stake. But on the opposite side of the argument, I have also witnessed complacency when too much leeway is given to these folks i.e. when you are too diplomatic, they take advantage of you. At some point, I have to get the following message across to these folks ~ “Don’t treat my kindness as weakness!” Like it or not, in certain situations, we would have to act aggressively or assertively.
There are those who believe that this is the way things are ~ other condos are facing the same issues and our management are better than some other condos. The law governing consumer rights here sucks compared to many other countries. But, if we are to always accept sub standard services, does it not mean that we are a party to encouraging sub standard services and further digging our own (consumer rights) graves?
The soft approach does not seem to work or if it does work at all, it is at an extremely slow pace. Are we willing to forsake our safety and security and wait for management to finally wake up to the call of residents? Are we going to wait for management to move their sorry arse (pardon the language) when something worse than burglary occurs? What if, instead of burglaries, they start to hurt people? Are we going to chance all that?
I say NO! But the next question is how do we deal with a management that seem so lackadaisical?
One of the suggested actions is to go to the press. But look at the results of the swimming pool incident! Four months down the line, despite the initial interests from the press, nothing much has changed. The pool remains closed and the excuse this time is that they are waiting for a third party to investigate. What the hell does that mean? Who should be pressuring the third party to speed up on the investigation? Are we to wait another year or two before something is done? Meanwhile, we are still paying for swimming pool maintenance fees! We were made to understand that this money will be set aside for future use. My question is where is the proof of that? And what future use? Why can’t the same pool of money be used to set up the CCTV system?
Another suggestion is to stop paying maintenance fees? But, what would be the repercussions of that? The act of one or a handful of residents would not have much impact. But the thought behind that act is pretty sound. The resident that proposed this said that to facilitate a speedier action, we need to act where it hurts most to management. And where else except to hit them at the pockets?! But there is no point doing that if only a handful of residents do not pay. We can’t go off half-corked executing something that will not yield results but would instead hurt us in the end.
Perhaps the game plan is to write a note to management indicating that we expect certain security measures within a specific period of time. These measures and the dates need to be spelt out clearly. Otherwise, the residents would act in accordance i.e. not pay maintenance fees until that has been fulfilled. We might need to look into the legality of the note and what repercussions. We might also need to seek advice or support from the consumers’ rights association or the consumers’ property rights association (if there is one).
I am not sure what is the best way to go but certainly, I believe we have exhausted all diplomatic actions. It is high time we kick some ass!
I was shocked. Since the last 3 break-ins, which occurred just after the Hari Raya holidays (that happened during working hours i.e. about 2 pm, I was told), we heard of another 2 attempts. But things have been quiet since then. Residents were concerned and a few have upgraded their security system. The residents’ Pro-Tem Committee (PTC) has worked with the management to increase security measures i.e. patrol around the residential blocks (or so I have read and heard) since the 3 break-ins. Residents were also talking about having a Neighbourhood Watch.
But 7 break-ins in one day and all happened between the 5- 6 pm period (I have yet to ascertain as to the accuracy of the time) is outrageous. That signals two things ~ one, the burglars are getting bolder and two, it must be an inside job. Speculations are rife i.e. from burglars renting a unit to stash their ill-gotten gains and to hole up there, to whether the cleaners, gardeners and security guards are involved.
One thing for sure, the residents are feeling extremely unhappy and dissatisfied with management. For a new condo (occupancy began in March-April this year), there have been just too many issues cropping up in a matter of months ~ from the unresolved swimming pool incident to matters such as exorbitant deposits for renovation works and usage of BBQ area, cracks at the parking grounds and recently, at the walls of the apartments, car park woes, inadequate security measures i.e. lack of CCTV, the laid back attitude of some of the security guards, etc! The “tidak apa” attitude of the Resident Manager and the management does not help either.
What is getting on our nerves is that almost every request made is turned down; with management claiming a lack of funds or that it is not in the S&P that we signed! Management claimed that many residents have yet to pay up on management fees. Strange, I thought collection of management fees is under the responsibility of management and it should have no bearings on the delivery of the promise to the whole. Pardon my limited understanding of the law but shouldn’t the laws of businesses or corporations apply? Can you imagine that I have to tell my clients that I cannot deliver certain goods to them because my other clients have not paid up! Where is the blardy logic in that?
But wait …, management is still collecting management fees for a swimming pool that residents have been unable to utilise for almost 4 months now! And what about security measures??!! When we bought a condo, we bought it for our peace-of-mind with the thought that security is taken care of. What happened to the security services we paid for and are still paying for on a monthly basis if we can’t live with peace-of-mind? If management is being so calculative about the S&P, should we not be equally calculative on the delivery of the services stated in the S&P or the lack thereof?
For many residents here, this is our first home. There are many young couples and working class here; who have probably dumped their life savings for a nice, safe home. In the true spirit of neighbourliness, many of us have tried to adhere to the “house rules” of living in a gated community. And aside from a few bad apples, this is a very nice neighbourhood to live in.
Cotton candy or sour plum? Sugar or Spice?
Thursday’s events seemed to be “the straw that broke the camel’s back” for some residents. There have been differing opinions as to how to handle the innumerable issues here i.e. security being utmost in everyone’s mind. There are those who still advocate diplomacy and others who are absolutely fed-up with the lack of commitment from management and are calling for stronger actions ~ amongst which are involving the press, refusal to pay management fees, etc. to pressure management to act. Others have started to take security measures into their own hands i.e. installing their own private “CCTV”, signing up for the Neighbourhood Watch, reinforcing their locks, getting relatives to stay home during working hours to look after the place, etc.
Diplomacy or aggression? Cotton candy or sour plum? Sugar or spice? The discussion rages on. I have been a firm believer that diplomacy works better than aggression but now, I am questioning this belief. Almost nine months of occupancy and although certain things have improved, on the whole things seem to have worsen in this condo. Is it management’s fault or did they just have an incredible run of bad luck? I am beginning to believe in the former.
Those who maintain that diplomacy is the best plan to move forward argue that it is easier to get things done via the cotton candy way i.e. it is easy to convince someone with soft words and praise than confrontation. I do agree with that to some extent especially at the workplace. The more aggressive you get, the more resistance you face until things only move when their KPIs (Key Performance Indexes) are at stake. But on the opposite side of the argument, I have also witnessed complacency when too much leeway is given to these folks i.e. when you are too diplomatic, they take advantage of you. At some point, I have to get the following message across to these folks ~ “Don’t treat my kindness as weakness!” Like it or not, in certain situations, we would have to act aggressively or assertively.
There are those who believe that this is the way things are ~ other condos are facing the same issues and our management are better than some other condos. The law governing consumer rights here sucks compared to many other countries. But, if we are to always accept sub standard services, does it not mean that we are a party to encouraging sub standard services and further digging our own (consumer rights) graves?
The soft approach does not seem to work or if it does work at all, it is at an extremely slow pace. Are we willing to forsake our safety and security and wait for management to finally wake up to the call of residents? Are we going to wait for management to move their sorry arse (pardon the language) when something worse than burglary occurs? What if, instead of burglaries, they start to hurt people? Are we going to chance all that?
I say NO! But the next question is how do we deal with a management that seem so lackadaisical?
One of the suggested actions is to go to the press. But look at the results of the swimming pool incident! Four months down the line, despite the initial interests from the press, nothing much has changed. The pool remains closed and the excuse this time is that they are waiting for a third party to investigate. What the hell does that mean? Who should be pressuring the third party to speed up on the investigation? Are we to wait another year or two before something is done? Meanwhile, we are still paying for swimming pool maintenance fees! We were made to understand that this money will be set aside for future use. My question is where is the proof of that? And what future use? Why can’t the same pool of money be used to set up the CCTV system?
Another suggestion is to stop paying maintenance fees? But, what would be the repercussions of that? The act of one or a handful of residents would not have much impact. But the thought behind that act is pretty sound. The resident that proposed this said that to facilitate a speedier action, we need to act where it hurts most to management. And where else except to hit them at the pockets?! But there is no point doing that if only a handful of residents do not pay. We can’t go off half-corked executing something that will not yield results but would instead hurt us in the end.
Perhaps the game plan is to write a note to management indicating that we expect certain security measures within a specific period of time. These measures and the dates need to be spelt out clearly. Otherwise, the residents would act in accordance i.e. not pay maintenance fees until that has been fulfilled. We might need to look into the legality of the note and what repercussions. We might also need to seek advice or support from the consumers’ rights association or the consumers’ property rights association (if there is one).
I am not sure what is the best way to go but certainly, I believe we have exhausted all diplomatic actions. It is high time we kick some ass!
Badminton mania
OK. I spoke too soon. It’s been awhile (a couple of months) since I played badminton. Had a fantastic game on Thursday but two hours straight playing doubles with no reprieve has taken a little toll on this body. No matter how active one is, different sports and games use different muscle groups, therefore the body aches. Or so I would like to think that would happen to everyone. :p Imagine doing lobs, jumping smashes (ahem … TRYING to jump and smash is what I really meant. Yang Yang, I am not!), stretching for net shots, etc ~ all part and parcel of the game; unlike say, running or walking on the machines at the gym, or trekking on the slopes of Bukit Gasing.
Anyway, is it me or did you notice the sudden increase of badminton enthusiasts? Usually out of the 18 courts in Stadium Juara, only about 4 to 6 courts were booked every time we played. Thus imagine my surprise when a sea of faces greeted me when I dropped by Stadium Juara on Thursday. All 18 courts were fully booked. Badminton mania is back! But why now? Not like there’s an All-England or a Thomas Cup event. Usually the spike of interest in the game occurs when these competitions are running. Hmm … the only event occurring now is the SEA Games. Could that be the catalyst?
In any case, my back had a hell of a “beating” during the game. I am postponing the massage until the aches lessen. *groans* I sometimes wonder why I do this to myself … :p
Anyway, is it me or did you notice the sudden increase of badminton enthusiasts? Usually out of the 18 courts in Stadium Juara, only about 4 to 6 courts were booked every time we played. Thus imagine my surprise when a sea of faces greeted me when I dropped by Stadium Juara on Thursday. All 18 courts were fully booked. Badminton mania is back! But why now? Not like there’s an All-England or a Thomas Cup event. Usually the spike of interest in the game occurs when these competitions are running. Hmm … the only event occurring now is the SEA Games. Could that be the catalyst?
In any case, my back had a hell of a “beating” during the game. I am postponing the massage until the aches lessen. *groans* I sometimes wonder why I do this to myself … :p
Thursday, December 01, 2005
Massage “heaven”
Balinese, Thai, Aromatherapy, Traditional, Reflexology, chapalang ~ I’ve done them all. Or rather, they have all been done to me before.
But nothing beats the massage I had last Sunday. I am not exactly sure what the massage is called but believe me when I say it hurts like hell! My masseur is a petite lady with incredible inner strength. She would search out a vein and using her thumb or fingers; she would put pressure on a point and using the same pressure “push” on the vein. If she encountered bumps along the vein, she would put pressure to smoothen out the bumps (which are blocked veins or so I am told). This would be done again and again until it is smoothen to her satisfaction. And she would do this methodically; vein by vein until my entire body become a flaming mass of pure agony.
And all the time, she kept asking me to relax. Blardy hell! How to relax la?! She would put pressure on one point and naturally, my body would tense up and rise to try to withstand the pain. I think I was laughing in pain; especially when she told me that my threshold for pain was pretty good. I was probably gritting my teeth then and she probably thought I was grinning! By the time we left, I swear that every vein had been thoroughly smoothened and the mass of pure agony had become a constant dull ache.
But it did not end there. The saga continues. I couldn’t sleep properly that night as any angle I turned brought me pain. The next morning, the pain continued to haunt my every move. By evening, the pain have abated somewhat but I still can’t put much pressure on certain areas.
But the following morning dawned with hardly any noticeable aches. The truly wonderful thing was that the backache and stiff neck that I have been having for weeks have disappeared. As I am on the road to recovery, I shall test my strength tonight as there is going to be a 2-hour game of badminton. May the force be with me! :D
I am now a believer that pain brings relief. Call me a masochist but I am going back to massage “heaven” this Saturday. Wish me luck!
But nothing beats the massage I had last Sunday. I am not exactly sure what the massage is called but believe me when I say it hurts like hell! My masseur is a petite lady with incredible inner strength. She would search out a vein and using her thumb or fingers; she would put pressure on a point and using the same pressure “push” on the vein. If she encountered bumps along the vein, she would put pressure to smoothen out the bumps (which are blocked veins or so I am told). This would be done again and again until it is smoothen to her satisfaction. And she would do this methodically; vein by vein until my entire body become a flaming mass of pure agony.
And all the time, she kept asking me to relax. Blardy hell! How to relax la?! She would put pressure on one point and naturally, my body would tense up and rise to try to withstand the pain. I think I was laughing in pain; especially when she told me that my threshold for pain was pretty good. I was probably gritting my teeth then and she probably thought I was grinning! By the time we left, I swear that every vein had been thoroughly smoothened and the mass of pure agony had become a constant dull ache.
But it did not end there. The saga continues. I couldn’t sleep properly that night as any angle I turned brought me pain. The next morning, the pain continued to haunt my every move. By evening, the pain have abated somewhat but I still can’t put much pressure on certain areas.
But the following morning dawned with hardly any noticeable aches. The truly wonderful thing was that the backache and stiff neck that I have been having for weeks have disappeared. As I am on the road to recovery, I shall test my strength tonight as there is going to be a 2-hour game of badminton. May the force be with me! :D
I am now a believer that pain brings relief. Call me a masochist but I am going back to massage “heaven” this Saturday. Wish me luck!
Breastfeeding in Public
Should women breastfeed in public? Being a modern woman (or so I would like to think), I’d say why not? After all, if the baby is crying and wants to be fed and mommy is around …. Why not?! That’d be the most natural thing in the world.
A couple of weeks ago, while on a flight to Kota Kinabalu, I was seated next to a woman with her baby. During the entire journey, yes (!) all two hours of it, the woman was trying to breastfeed her baby but the kid refused to be fed. He kept squirming around making it really difficult for the woman to feed him. The woman was wearing a T-shirt, which meant she had to keep the T-shirt rolled up to ensure her breast was exposed so her baby could feed on it.
And my god, that must have been the most uncomfortable flight journey I had in my entire life. From the moment I sat down till the moment I left, I was so distracted by the woman trying to breastfeed her kid. Thinking back, it was quite hilarious indeed. There I was, sitting quietly with a magazine in hand and trying to read. And next to me was this squirming baby with a mom trying desperately to feed him.
Really! None of the words from the magazine registered in my head. All the while, my eyes seemed to be focused on the peripheral vision. I changed my sitting position and decided to face the other angle but that didn’t work either. I changed reading material; brought out a lusty novel but … Nothing could go into my head except perhaps the image of the squirming kid and his mom. I am not exactly sure what made me uncomfortable for I have witnessed my friends breastfeeding before. Perhaps it was the duration of the feeding. All I can remember is wishing that the flight was much shorter.
In any case, I still believe that there is nothing wrong for women to breastfeed in public. All I ask is perhaps for some middle ground. Maybe one need not spend more than half an hour to breastfeed?
A couple of weeks ago, while on a flight to Kota Kinabalu, I was seated next to a woman with her baby. During the entire journey, yes (!) all two hours of it, the woman was trying to breastfeed her baby but the kid refused to be fed. He kept squirming around making it really difficult for the woman to feed him. The woman was wearing a T-shirt, which meant she had to keep the T-shirt rolled up to ensure her breast was exposed so her baby could feed on it.
And my god, that must have been the most uncomfortable flight journey I had in my entire life. From the moment I sat down till the moment I left, I was so distracted by the woman trying to breastfeed her kid. Thinking back, it was quite hilarious indeed. There I was, sitting quietly with a magazine in hand and trying to read. And next to me was this squirming baby with a mom trying desperately to feed him.
Really! None of the words from the magazine registered in my head. All the while, my eyes seemed to be focused on the peripheral vision. I changed my sitting position and decided to face the other angle but that didn’t work either. I changed reading material; brought out a lusty novel but … Nothing could go into my head except perhaps the image of the squirming kid and his mom. I am not exactly sure what made me uncomfortable for I have witnessed my friends breastfeeding before. Perhaps it was the duration of the feeding. All I can remember is wishing that the flight was much shorter.
In any case, I still believe that there is nothing wrong for women to breastfeed in public. All I ask is perhaps for some middle ground. Maybe one need not spend more than half an hour to breastfeed?
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Dessert Test
The below was forwarded to me. Kinda fun to see what your dessert choice tells about you. In my case (although it is not allowed, but who the heck cares?!), I made two choices ~ 1. Brownies (yum yum), 2. Carrot Cake.
Enjoy yourself. Think of what it means when you next make your dessert choice. Hehehe ...
Dessert Test
No cheating. If all of the desserts listed below were sitting in front of you, which would you choose? Pick your dessert, and then look to see what psychiatrists think about you! After taking this dessert personality test, send this e-mail on to others, but when you do, be sure to put YOUR choice of dessert in the subject line above. ALSO, SEND IT TO THE PERSON WHO SENT IT TO YOU! Sorry you can only pick one.
Angel Food Cake ~ a chocolate cake of some sort with white icing
Lemon Meringue Pie
Vanilla Cake with Chocolate Icing
Strawberry Short Cake
Chocolate Icing on Chocolate Cake
Ice Cream
Carrot Cake
NO. You can't change your mind once you scroll down, so think carefully what your choice will be!
OK - Now that you've made your choice, this is what psychiatric research says about you:
Sweet, loving, cuddly. You love all warm and fuzzy items. A little nutty at times. Sometimes you need an ice cream cone at the end of the day. Others perceive you as being childlike and immature at times.
You are adventurous, love new ideas, and are a champion of underdogs and a slayer of dragons. When tempers flare up, you whip out your saber. You are always the oddball with a unique sense of humor and direction. You tend to be very loyal.
Smooth, sexy, and articulate with your hands, you are an excellent after-dinner speaker and a good teacher. But don't try to walk and chew gum at the same time. A bit of a diva at times, but you have many good friends.
Fun loving, sassy, humorous. Not very grounded in life; very indecisive and lack motivation. Everyone enjoys being around you. You are a practical joker. Others should be cautious in making you mad. However, you are a friend for life.
Romantic, warm, loving. You care about other people and can be counted on in a pinch! You also tend to melt.You can be overly emotional at times. And sometimes can be annoying.
Sexy; always ready to give and receive. Very adventurous, ambitious, and passionate. You can appear to have a cold exterior but are warm on the inside. Not afraid to take chances.Will not settle for anything average in life. Love to laugh.
You like sports, whether it is baseball, football, basketball, or soccer. If you could, you would like to participate, but you enjoy watching sports.. You don't like to give up the remote control. You tend to be self-centered and high maintenance.
You are a very fun loving person, who likes to laugh. You are fun to be with. People like to hang out with you. You are a very warm hearted person and a little quirky at times. You have many loyal friends.
Enjoy yourself. Think of what it means when you next make your dessert choice. Hehehe ...
Dessert Test
No cheating. If all of the desserts listed below were sitting in front of you, which would you choose? Pick your dessert, and then look to see what psychiatrists think about you! After taking this dessert personality test, send this e-mail on to others, but when you do, be sure to put YOUR choice of dessert in the subject line above. ALSO, SEND IT TO THE PERSON WHO SENT IT TO YOU! Sorry you can only pick one.
Angel Food Cake ~ a chocolate cake of some sort with white icing
Lemon Meringue Pie
Vanilla Cake with Chocolate Icing
Strawberry Short Cake
Chocolate Icing on Chocolate Cake
Ice Cream
Carrot Cake
NO. You can't change your mind once you scroll down, so think carefully what your choice will be!
OK - Now that you've made your choice, this is what psychiatric research says about you:
Sweet, loving, cuddly. You love all warm and fuzzy items. A little nutty at times. Sometimes you need an ice cream cone at the end of the day. Others perceive you as being childlike and immature at times.
You are adventurous, love new ideas, and are a champion of underdogs and a slayer of dragons. When tempers flare up, you whip out your saber. You are always the oddball with a unique sense of humor and direction. You tend to be very loyal.
Smooth, sexy, and articulate with your hands, you are an excellent after-dinner speaker and a good teacher. But don't try to walk and chew gum at the same time. A bit of a diva at times, but you have many good friends.
Fun loving, sassy, humorous. Not very grounded in life; very indecisive and lack motivation. Everyone enjoys being around you. You are a practical joker. Others should be cautious in making you mad. However, you are a friend for life.
Romantic, warm, loving. You care about other people and can be counted on in a pinch! You also tend to melt.You can be overly emotional at times. And sometimes can be annoying.
Sexy; always ready to give and receive. Very adventurous, ambitious, and passionate. You can appear to have a cold exterior but are warm on the inside. Not afraid to take chances.Will not settle for anything average in life. Love to laugh.
You like sports, whether it is baseball, football, basketball, or soccer. If you could, you would like to participate, but you enjoy watching sports.. You don't like to give up the remote control. You tend to be self-centered and high maintenance.
You are a very fun loving person, who likes to laugh. You are fun to be with. People like to hang out with you. You are a very warm hearted person and a little quirky at times. You have many loyal friends.
It hit me yesterday how independent I have become. I am so used to handling things on my own that it never crossed my mind to ask for help or some pampering/ TLC (tender loving care).
I was down with a bad case of flu and decided to head home earlier than usual. A friend offered to bring some food but I later declined as I thought it would be too much trouble. I reached home, took some bread, popped a few pills and propped myself on the sofa in front of the TV. I must have fallen asleep when I heard the phone rang next. A colleague wanted some info but was extremely apologetic when she realised that I was sick.
“I’m so sorry to disturb you. Anyone taking care of you?” she asked.
It suddenly dawned on me that I told no one in my family that I was sick. My friends knew about it because the flu started on Sunday and I joined them for dinner then. Not that I wanted to keep it a secret but it just never dawned on me to tell anyone in the family. Besides, I hate being fussed over and my parents and eldest sister are sure to fuss. My sis called the next day for dinner and a chat. And only then did she realise that I was a little under the weather. I received some pampering then.
Perhaps I have become too independent and that is not good. Hmm … this is certainly something to think about.
I was down with a bad case of flu and decided to head home earlier than usual. A friend offered to bring some food but I later declined as I thought it would be too much trouble. I reached home, took some bread, popped a few pills and propped myself on the sofa in front of the TV. I must have fallen asleep when I heard the phone rang next. A colleague wanted some info but was extremely apologetic when she realised that I was sick.
“I’m so sorry to disturb you. Anyone taking care of you?” she asked.
It suddenly dawned on me that I told no one in my family that I was sick. My friends knew about it because the flu started on Sunday and I joined them for dinner then. Not that I wanted to keep it a secret but it just never dawned on me to tell anyone in the family. Besides, I hate being fussed over and my parents and eldest sister are sure to fuss. My sis called the next day for dinner and a chat. And only then did she realise that I was a little under the weather. I received some pampering then.
Perhaps I have become too independent and that is not good. Hmm … this is certainly something to think about.
Friday, November 25, 2005
Lost your “cherry”?
Lost your “cherry”?
Yes? No?
Don’t know?
Don’t care?
Does it matter?
“Antara dara dan bukan dara hanya tinggal beberapa detik masa sahaja.”
~ written by Pramoedya Ananta Toer in his novel Keluarga Gerilya.
I sat for Malay Literature in Form Six (don’t ask me why) and one of the readings was Keluarga Gerilya. It is one of the more interesting Malay literatures that I have read. Check out the synopsis at Dari Jiwa Rasa. But I digress.
The above phrase has stayed with me ever since. It's a simple sentence but postulates a powerful message. Translated, it means ... "The difference between a virgin and a non-virgin (for lack of a better word) is only mere seconds apart."
My hobby and passion for backpacking has opened up my contact with people from various cultures and all walks of life. And working in sales and marketing, and recently, in a male dominated environment have further exposed me to conversations peppered with profanities, double entendres, sexual connotations, etc. I just take it in stride. But when necessary, lines have to be drawn on how far and how personal the conversation gets. Over the years, I find myself in several awkward conversations.
The conversations usually start with a statement.
“Aiyah! Where got virgin over 21 these days lah,” my sales colleague would comment, perhaps hoping for some reaction??? Hmmm …
I was out with a gwei lo once and he went, “I have had triple orgasms at one go before.” I was thinking, “Yeah and I need to know because .... ???” And surprise, surprise, guess where the conversation led to?
It’s funny, this cherry business. If you have lost it, you might be thought to be an easy lay. If you have not, you are given the “I don’t believe you” or “You are pulling my legs” looks, or you might be asked, “Are you frigid?” Then again, in certain circles, you are viewed to be a cool dudette if you have lost your cherry. Cooler still if you have gained notches on your bedposts. In other circles, keeping your cherry until marriage means that you are a good, fine woman. Hmmm … any way you slice it, it is a no win situation.
Big stars like Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera and Brooke Shields all have once claimed to be virgins during the peak of their careers and promptly lost it. I have read and heard stories about women going to the extend of having plastic surgery to mend what is broken; but then even the miracles of science can’t help in certain instances, this being one of those. But really, what is the blardy BIG deal about the cherry anyway? After all, it’s a just a little piece of membrane that most active women would have broken long ago, technically speaking. And in Pramoedya Ananta Toer’s words, “Antara dara dan bukan dara hanya tinggal beberapa detik masa sahaja.”
Cherry or no, it’s no one else’s business but your own.
Yes? No?
Don’t know?
Don’t care?
Does it matter?
“Antara dara dan bukan dara hanya tinggal beberapa detik masa sahaja.”
~ written by Pramoedya Ananta Toer in his novel Keluarga Gerilya.
I sat for Malay Literature in Form Six (don’t ask me why) and one of the readings was Keluarga Gerilya. It is one of the more interesting Malay literatures that I have read. Check out the synopsis at Dari Jiwa Rasa. But I digress.
The above phrase has stayed with me ever since. It's a simple sentence but postulates a powerful message. Translated, it means ... "The difference between a virgin and a non-virgin (for lack of a better word) is only mere seconds apart."
My hobby and passion for backpacking has opened up my contact with people from various cultures and all walks of life. And working in sales and marketing, and recently, in a male dominated environment have further exposed me to conversations peppered with profanities, double entendres, sexual connotations, etc. I just take it in stride. But when necessary, lines have to be drawn on how far and how personal the conversation gets. Over the years, I find myself in several awkward conversations.
The conversations usually start with a statement.
“Aiyah! Where got virgin over 21 these days lah,” my sales colleague would comment, perhaps hoping for some reaction??? Hmmm …
I was out with a gwei lo once and he went, “I have had triple orgasms at one go before.” I was thinking, “Yeah and I need to know because .... ???” And surprise, surprise, guess where the conversation led to?
It’s funny, this cherry business. If you have lost it, you might be thought to be an easy lay. If you have not, you are given the “I don’t believe you” or “You are pulling my legs” looks, or you might be asked, “Are you frigid?” Then again, in certain circles, you are viewed to be a cool dudette if you have lost your cherry. Cooler still if you have gained notches on your bedposts. In other circles, keeping your cherry until marriage means that you are a good, fine woman. Hmmm … any way you slice it, it is a no win situation.
Big stars like Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera and Brooke Shields all have once claimed to be virgins during the peak of their careers and promptly lost it. I have read and heard stories about women going to the extend of having plastic surgery to mend what is broken; but then even the miracles of science can’t help in certain instances, this being one of those. But really, what is the blardy BIG deal about the cherry anyway? After all, it’s a just a little piece of membrane that most active women would have broken long ago, technically speaking. And in Pramoedya Ananta Toer’s words, “Antara dara dan bukan dara hanya tinggal beberapa detik masa sahaja.”
Cherry or no, it’s no one else’s business but your own.
Why buy a cow when you can find milk everywhere?
My last blog has elicited some interesting response from readers. A couple of hours after I posted the blog, a friend text me the following message, “Woman, your blog ……” That was it! He was obviously speechless. When prompted, he said that my blog was even better than Xiaxue. I wasn’t sure if that was a compliment or an insult. Hahaha … Some other friends responded by suggesting other words I could blog about i.e. dick, john, come (cum), screw, do, … wow, speak of coming out of the closet with word fetishes!! :D
In any case, today’s blog has nothing to do with semantics; but everything to do with analogy. “Why buy a cow when you can find milk everywhere?” A friend commented some weeks ago out of the blue. We all looked at her absolutely confused.
She explained that “these days there are so many young ladies out there giving their ‘wares’ freely, why would guys want to get one with so many strings attached?” “After all, willing seller, willing buyer,” she said. Hmmm … it kind of makes sense doesn’t it?
In the law of economics, equilibrium is achieved when supply and demand intersects. Therefore if there is a demand for milk and there is boundless supply of milk, why would the buyer look for a cow to produce milk? Why would a buyer go through the trouble of production? You follow me so far?
I had a chat with a male friend the other day and brought up this interesting turn-of-phrase. He claimed that although there was some truth in the phrase, not all men look for milk ~ him, for example. Hmmm … this “claim” came from a man who admitted to having XX number of girlfriends and relationships. Maybe I should put him through the N-3 test to determine the accurate number of XX girlfriends he had gone through. :D After all, how much can you believe a 35 year old man who jumped into a relationship with a 25 year old lady not too long after meeting her? I remained sceptical but since that has no bearing on me, I decided to give him the benefit of the doubt.
But, it’s an interesting analogy isn’t it? “Why buy a cow when you can find milk everywhere?” Hmmm … I wonder if this applies to the female species or are we forever doomed by our emotional needs for love, commitment and fidelity? Then again, for every willing buyer, there is a willing seller! Therefore, this must apply to a few women at the very least. Hmmm …
In any case, today’s blog has nothing to do with semantics; but everything to do with analogy. “Why buy a cow when you can find milk everywhere?” A friend commented some weeks ago out of the blue. We all looked at her absolutely confused.
She explained that “these days there are so many young ladies out there giving their ‘wares’ freely, why would guys want to get one with so many strings attached?” “After all, willing seller, willing buyer,” she said. Hmmm … it kind of makes sense doesn’t it?
In the law of economics, equilibrium is achieved when supply and demand intersects. Therefore if there is a demand for milk and there is boundless supply of milk, why would the buyer look for a cow to produce milk? Why would a buyer go through the trouble of production? You follow me so far?
I had a chat with a male friend the other day and brought up this interesting turn-of-phrase. He claimed that although there was some truth in the phrase, not all men look for milk ~ him, for example. Hmmm … this “claim” came from a man who admitted to having XX number of girlfriends and relationships. Maybe I should put him through the N-3 test to determine the accurate number of XX girlfriends he had gone through. :D After all, how much can you believe a 35 year old man who jumped into a relationship with a 25 year old lady not too long after meeting her? I remained sceptical but since that has no bearing on me, I decided to give him the benefit of the doubt.
But, it’s an interesting analogy isn’t it? “Why buy a cow when you can find milk everywhere?” Hmmm … I wonder if this applies to the female species or are we forever doomed by our emotional needs for love, commitment and fidelity? Then again, for every willing buyer, there is a willing seller! Therefore, this must apply to a few women at the very least. Hmmm …
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Mind the 4-letter F-word!
Fair warning! If you are adverse to vulgar words, expletives and profanities, give this blog a miss.
I am always fascinated by the varied responses on the 4-letter F-word i.e. F-U-C-K. Now there, I have said it … rather, I have type-written it. I have concluded that people can be grouped into various categories on how they deal with or use vulgar words.
1. The Self Perceived Cool Dudes and Dudettes
There is this lady I used to work with, who probably thought she is an American black if you observe her mannerisms. She must have thought it real cool to use the word “fuck”. Her sentences were liberally peppered with that word and other expletives. For example, “What the fuck did you fucking jackass think you are doing? Why did you think we fucking hire you in the first place if you can’t even get this simple fucking project completed?!”
2. The Expletive-users-but-respect-delicate-ears Type
One of my ex-bosses used to swear using the gentler word “fook” in place of the more vulgar one. For example, “I am going to ‘fook’ that guy! No one with half a brain would even do such a stupid thing!!”
3. The Embarrass-to-use-expletive Type
Most of my friends have wholesome childhood. Such words were never in our vocabulary and were frown upon during our growing up years. During one moment when a friend was trying to fit in with her sales team, she said timidly and with slight embarrassment, “It’s … erm … fucking hot today hor.”
4. The Use-expletive-only-when-very-angry/frustrated Type
This type of person uses expletives very sparingly and only in moments of sheer anger or frustration. Or they used it to show how truly displeased and upset they are. Thus, the rare moments of usage lent a truly powerful message to the people hearing it. For example, “Fuck it! There is no point me doing this report over and over again if you do not know exactly what you want!”
5. The Never-use-expletive Type
This type of person frowns at others who use expletives. They can be bias in the sense that they think people who use these words are “bad” or have very bad upbringing. They especially think girls or women who use such words are bad girls who drink, smoke, swear, sleep around, etc. Usually, this group of people belongs to the older generation.
Now, let’s look at the origin of this word. Did you know that the word fuck is a very old word and has been considered crude right from the start?
According to The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition,
“The obscenity fuck is a very old word and has been considered shocking from the first, though it is seen in print much more often now than in the past. Its first known occurrence, in code because of its unacceptability, is in a poem composed in a mixture of Latin and English sometime before 1500. The poem, which satirizes the Carmelite friars of Cambridge, England, takes its title, “Flen flyys,” from the first words of its opening line, “Flen, flyys, and freris,” that is, “fleas, flies, and friars.” The line that contains fuck reads “Non sunt in coeli, quia gxddbov xxkxzt pg ifmk.” …. The whole thus reads in translation: “They are not in heaven because they fuck wives of Ely [a town near Cambridge].” ”
Did you also know that this 4-letter word is so versatile that it can be used in so many ways and has so many different meanings to it?
1. “I want to fuck you.” It means I want to have sexual intercourse with you.
2. “Damn! I have been fucked!” It means that I have been taken advantage of, cheated, betrayed, and victimised.
3. “What the fuck did you do that for?” In this context, the word is used to express extreme displeasure.
4. “Don’t fuck with me.” It means don’t meddle or mess with me.
5. “That fucking moron.” The word can be used to refer to someone that is despised.
6. “Don’t fuck up again.” It means do not make a mistake or do not bungle up again.
7. “It’s fucking hot!” The word is used to emphasise a situation.
8. “Just fuck off!” In this context, it is a signal of angry dismissal.
That’s all I could think of for now but I am sure there are many more creative usage of the word.
In any case, these days, some people use the word so frequently that there is no shock element to it anymore. In certain circles, it might even be considered as part of everyday vocabulary. Strangely enough, after so many centuries, the word has yet to evolve into respectability among the lexicographers (dictionary makers if I am not mistaken). The few dictionaries that I looked up have an abbreviation of vulg. or vulgar slang next to the word.
Hmm … I wonder what is stopping them from giving “fuck” its due and turning the word into respectability. What say you …?
I am always fascinated by the varied responses on the 4-letter F-word i.e. F-U-C-K. Now there, I have said it … rather, I have type-written it. I have concluded that people can be grouped into various categories on how they deal with or use vulgar words.
1. The Self Perceived Cool Dudes and Dudettes
There is this lady I used to work with, who probably thought she is an American black if you observe her mannerisms. She must have thought it real cool to use the word “fuck”. Her sentences were liberally peppered with that word and other expletives. For example, “What the fuck did you fucking jackass think you are doing? Why did you think we fucking hire you in the first place if you can’t even get this simple fucking project completed?!”
2. The Expletive-users-but-respect-delicate-ears Type
One of my ex-bosses used to swear using the gentler word “fook” in place of the more vulgar one. For example, “I am going to ‘fook’ that guy! No one with half a brain would even do such a stupid thing!!”
3. The Embarrass-to-use-expletive Type
Most of my friends have wholesome childhood. Such words were never in our vocabulary and were frown upon during our growing up years. During one moment when a friend was trying to fit in with her sales team, she said timidly and with slight embarrassment, “It’s … erm … fucking hot today hor.”
4. The Use-expletive-only-when-very-angry/frustrated Type
This type of person uses expletives very sparingly and only in moments of sheer anger or frustration. Or they used it to show how truly displeased and upset they are. Thus, the rare moments of usage lent a truly powerful message to the people hearing it. For example, “Fuck it! There is no point me doing this report over and over again if you do not know exactly what you want!”
5. The Never-use-expletive Type
This type of person frowns at others who use expletives. They can be bias in the sense that they think people who use these words are “bad” or have very bad upbringing. They especially think girls or women who use such words are bad girls who drink, smoke, swear, sleep around, etc. Usually, this group of people belongs to the older generation.
Now, let’s look at the origin of this word. Did you know that the word fuck is a very old word and has been considered crude right from the start?
According to The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition,
“The obscenity fuck is a very old word and has been considered shocking from the first, though it is seen in print much more often now than in the past. Its first known occurrence, in code because of its unacceptability, is in a poem composed in a mixture of Latin and English sometime before 1500. The poem, which satirizes the Carmelite friars of Cambridge, England, takes its title, “Flen flyys,” from the first words of its opening line, “Flen, flyys, and freris,” that is, “fleas, flies, and friars.” The line that contains fuck reads “Non sunt in coeli, quia gxddbov xxkxzt pg ifmk.” …. The whole thus reads in translation: “They are not in heaven because they fuck wives of Ely [a town near Cambridge].” ”
Did you also know that this 4-letter word is so versatile that it can be used in so many ways and has so many different meanings to it?
1. “I want to fuck you.” It means I want to have sexual intercourse with you.
2. “Damn! I have been fucked!” It means that I have been taken advantage of, cheated, betrayed, and victimised.
3. “What the fuck did you do that for?” In this context, the word is used to express extreme displeasure.
4. “Don’t fuck with me.” It means don’t meddle or mess with me.
5. “That fucking moron.” The word can be used to refer to someone that is despised.
6. “Don’t fuck up again.” It means do not make a mistake or do not bungle up again.
7. “It’s fucking hot!” The word is used to emphasise a situation.
8. “Just fuck off!” In this context, it is a signal of angry dismissal.
That’s all I could think of for now but I am sure there are many more creative usage of the word.
In any case, these days, some people use the word so frequently that there is no shock element to it anymore. In certain circles, it might even be considered as part of everyday vocabulary. Strangely enough, after so many centuries, the word has yet to evolve into respectability among the lexicographers (dictionary makers if I am not mistaken). The few dictionaries that I looked up have an abbreviation of vulg. or vulgar slang next to the word.
Hmm … I wonder what is stopping them from giving “fuck” its due and turning the word into respectability. What say you …?
Monday, November 21, 2005
God's Debris
Beep! Beep! That was the sound of a text message delivery on the mobile. It was a message from … God! (Just kidding!) It was a message from one of my “siau” friends, which reads, “Dilbert’s blog … download God’s Debris.” (OK. Close enough to God. :P) What a strange message and since I was entertaining another friend that I have not met in months, I ignored the message.
Fast forward to 1+ pm on the same day. Ring! Ring! Ring! My mobile went off. I checked the number and guess what?! It was the same friend that sent me the earlier cryptic message on Dilbert.
“Did you read my message on Dilbert?” said he.
“Yeah. Didn’t understand it.” said I.
“The ebook on Dilbert. You downloaded yet?”
“What are you talking about?”
“There’s this ebook on Dilbert’s blog. Go download and read that. We will discuss this when we meet later today. I can’t stop thinking about it.”
“Huh?” I sounded blur because I was blur. I looked apologetically at my friend and tried to end the conversation as soon as possible. I thought humouring the friend at the other end of the mobile would be the best way to do so.
“Uh … ok. I will check that out later. Talk to you soon. Bye!”
Later, at 3+ pm after my friend left, I remembered the cryptic text message and the strange conversation that I had. I logged on to Dilbert’s blog and the following passage jumped out at me …
“Frankly, this is the hardest book in the world to market. When it first came out in hardcover, booksellers couldn’t decide if it was fiction or nonfiction. Was it philosophy or religion? It’s a religion/science book written by a cartoonist, using hypnosis techniques in the writing. It’s a thought experiment. It’s unlike anything you’ve ever read. How do you sell something that can’t be explained?”
My interest was piqued … Strangely enough; God’s Debris is a serious piece of work from Scott Adams, the cartoonist and writer for the funny Dilbert books and comic strip. Hmm … clearly we shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, huh. : )
The book questions our current beliefs and strives to convince the reader of a simpler (?) but more radical (as in paradigm shift) explanation for those beliefs. As I continued reading it, the book brings to mind another interesting book, Sophie’s World by Jostein Gaarder, that I read six years ago when I was on a soul searching mission. It challenges the current beliefs on God and free will, ESP and UFO, reality and imaginary, etc. etc. The ideas are not exactly new but some examples Scott Adams used to challenge conventional beliefs are pretty interesting and have a very believable logic. For a book of 144 pages with large fonts, every sentence actually builds up to an idea of some significance.
At 4+ pm, the doorbell rang. The whole “siau” gang was here. We were supposed to join Uncle Loke for a trek but since it was raining cats and dogs, everyone decided to adjourn at my place to wait out the rain.
“Have you finished reading the book?” those were the first words out of this friend's mouth. I was at like page 90 but I didn’t want to read while my friends were there. That’s like so rude. In any case, this particular friend was so excited (still is) and so desperate for someone to discuss the contents of the book. Amidst his constant nagging to finish the book, I decided being a good hostess was more important. However, we did cut him some slack and started a cerebral discussion about … well, the meaning of life … all sparked by the enthusiasm of this young man over Scott Adams’ ebook. Thus a healthy and long discussion ensued and varied viewpoints were postulated. At one point, I was shocked to realise that everyone was actually holding a book. What a change from adrenaline and food junkies to cerebral junkies! All too soon, it was time for them to leave me for the Harry Porter movie. Sob! Sob! Cast aside … for Harry Porter! : (
I finished the book later that evening after everyone has left. The last few chapters were interesting. The author spoke of “awareness” and there being five level of “awareness”. That is new to me. I have always believed that there are only two levels; either you are “aware” or you are “unaware”. Truly, this is not an easy book to read and forget. Just like Sophie’s World, this book raises a lot of questions that challenges our current beliefs and status quo.
Socrates (Greek philosopher in Athens ~ 469 BC - 399 BC), one of the greatest minds in history, quotes:
“The only good is knowledge and the only evil is ignorance.”
“I know nothing except the fact of my ignorance.”
Fast forward to 1+ pm on the same day. Ring! Ring! Ring! My mobile went off. I checked the number and guess what?! It was the same friend that sent me the earlier cryptic message on Dilbert.
“Did you read my message on Dilbert?” said he.
“Yeah. Didn’t understand it.” said I.
“The ebook on Dilbert. You downloaded yet?”
“What are you talking about?”
“There’s this ebook on Dilbert’s blog. Go download and read that. We will discuss this when we meet later today. I can’t stop thinking about it.”
“Huh?” I sounded blur because I was blur. I looked apologetically at my friend and tried to end the conversation as soon as possible. I thought humouring the friend at the other end of the mobile would be the best way to do so.
“Uh … ok. I will check that out later. Talk to you soon. Bye!”
Later, at 3+ pm after my friend left, I remembered the cryptic text message and the strange conversation that I had. I logged on to Dilbert’s blog and the following passage jumped out at me …
“Frankly, this is the hardest book in the world to market. When it first came out in hardcover, booksellers couldn’t decide if it was fiction or nonfiction. Was it philosophy or religion? It’s a religion/science book written by a cartoonist, using hypnosis techniques in the writing. It’s a thought experiment. It’s unlike anything you’ve ever read. How do you sell something that can’t be explained?”
My interest was piqued … Strangely enough; God’s Debris is a serious piece of work from Scott Adams, the cartoonist and writer for the funny Dilbert books and comic strip. Hmm … clearly we shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, huh. : )
The book questions our current beliefs and strives to convince the reader of a simpler (?) but more radical (as in paradigm shift) explanation for those beliefs. As I continued reading it, the book brings to mind another interesting book, Sophie’s World by Jostein Gaarder, that I read six years ago when I was on a soul searching mission. It challenges the current beliefs on God and free will, ESP and UFO, reality and imaginary, etc. etc. The ideas are not exactly new but some examples Scott Adams used to challenge conventional beliefs are pretty interesting and have a very believable logic. For a book of 144 pages with large fonts, every sentence actually builds up to an idea of some significance.
At 4+ pm, the doorbell rang. The whole “siau” gang was here. We were supposed to join Uncle Loke for a trek but since it was raining cats and dogs, everyone decided to adjourn at my place to wait out the rain.
“Have you finished reading the book?” those were the first words out of this friend's mouth. I was at like page 90 but I didn’t want to read while my friends were there. That’s like so rude. In any case, this particular friend was so excited (still is) and so desperate for someone to discuss the contents of the book. Amidst his constant nagging to finish the book, I decided being a good hostess was more important. However, we did cut him some slack and started a cerebral discussion about … well, the meaning of life … all sparked by the enthusiasm of this young man over Scott Adams’ ebook. Thus a healthy and long discussion ensued and varied viewpoints were postulated. At one point, I was shocked to realise that everyone was actually holding a book. What a change from adrenaline and food junkies to cerebral junkies! All too soon, it was time for them to leave me for the Harry Porter movie. Sob! Sob! Cast aside … for Harry Porter! : (
I finished the book later that evening after everyone has left. The last few chapters were interesting. The author spoke of “awareness” and there being five level of “awareness”. That is new to me. I have always believed that there are only two levels; either you are “aware” or you are “unaware”. Truly, this is not an easy book to read and forget. Just like Sophie’s World, this book raises a lot of questions that challenges our current beliefs and status quo.
Socrates (Greek philosopher in Athens ~ 469 BC - 399 BC), one of the greatest minds in history, quotes:
“The only good is knowledge and the only evil is ignorance.”
“I know nothing except the fact of my ignorance.”
Yet, isn't ignorance bliss?
Long ago, I came to the conclusion that being “aware” actually complicates life more. We think too much and question too much. Yet the things we question will most likely not be proved nor disproved in our lifetime. Would we not be happier living by our current set of beliefs and perceptions? This is a great book to stimulate our thought processes and allow the cerebral side some activity. But should that not be as far as we take it? After all, if we are living happily within the confines of our own perception and the general perception of society, why rock the boat? Why challenge that paradigm?
Ultimately, I believe that life is a lot simpler than we think or than it is made out to be. And once we accept that, life is perhaps a lot happier and more interesting.
Saturday, November 19, 2005
Had a very interesting conversation with a friend today regarding Xiaxue. "What's dat?" you may ask.
Not a "what" .. but a "who". And it's like, if you haven't heard of her, you are really NOT a blog reader (in this region)! Yup .. she is that famous ... or that notorious, some might say, in the Southeast Asian blogsphere. Oh well ... then I ain't considered a blog reader. :p In any case, I did read about her and "the controversy" in a local newspaper and in hard print too! There's still hope for the printed media! :) And of course the "blog" that got her such "fame"!
Here's an excerpt of our conversation:
No more flu~~ says: A recent survey finds that ppl who visit blogs spend 50% more time than the "average net user" and spend > 30% online. So the money is surely there~~
Leanne says: Err ... Wat money r u refering to?
No more flu~~ says: Making a living eventually from your blog. *Eventually* is the keyword, though. LOL
Leanne says: Ha ha . . I think not in this life
No more flu~~ says: Who knows? Can be famous within 2 years like
Leanne says : Err . . I dont know about her blog until I heard all the controversy. Still haven't checked it out yet.
No more flu~~ says: Keep an open mind when u read it.
Leanne says: Ha ha. Like how open?
No more flu~~ says: *Really* open type.
Leanne says: Hmmmmmm ... I hv an inkling on wat to expect.
No more flu~~ says: Haahaahaa.... it's like a roller coaster ride. But shouldn't be too much a problem for u lah since u the adventure type.
Leanne says: lol. Then again, if it's a prima donna type of blog . . . I am not tat adventurous.
No more flu~~ says: Go hav a look... u be the judge. Like it?
Leanne says: Trying to leave the prejudices from my mind.
No more flu~~ says: That soon u got the prejudices already ah?
Leanne says: No la. Told u I read abt the controversy of her site first. That one didnt show her in good light. Now, trying not to be judgemental when I read. So wat's your view?
No more flu~~ says: She behaves very differently from me, and I most likely will have problems living with her as our sense of value is different.
Leanne says: lol. Very politically correct answer.
No more flu~~ says: Well... that's about all actually. I don't hate her. She has her own thoughts, which I don't necessary agree with. So I was just explaining what would happen when u have her mind and my mind getting together.
Leanne says: Err ... "hate" is a very extreme word to use on a person you dont know.
No more flu~~ says: Some ppl, if you read the comments on her blog, really "Hate" her...
Leanne says: Hmmm
No more flu~~ says: Comments like "I hope you burn in Hell! B***h Interesting to see her thoughts, though. Hard to stop when u read her stuff. Depending on how you think about her writing, it's like a "Let me see how much more ****** (fill in the blank with whatever you think she is) can this get?"
Leanne says: lol. So u dont get turned off even though u dont agree with her. U just get more excited? hehehe
No more flu~~ says: I'm more interested to try to figure out why a person behaves the way he/she does
Leanne says: I just read her blog on Harry Porter. Interesting!
No more flu~~ says: Wait till u read her's on her thailand trip.... Sometimes I dream my life could be as colourful as hers though.
Leanne says: Ha ha. 1) u r not female, 2) u dont have her looks, 3) u dont exploit it like she does, 4) ur values are so different from hers. I think even if given the opportuity, ur life still wont be as colourful as hers.
No more flu~~ says: Yeah.. I guess not. *sigh*
Leanne says: Ha ha . . . well, I just read/ skim through her other blog on all the negative comments given to her blog. Actually . . the more I read, the less negative I feel about her. Hmmm . . . she's possibly spoilt, interestingly intelligent, very colourful language, and quite pretty.
No more flu~~ says: Yup. Once u accept the fact that everyone got the right to express their thoughts, and it's none-of-my-damn-business on what she thinks, there's nothing to be negative about.
Leanne says: Well, if she thinks that, she should not be angry at what people say. After all, they too are entitled to their opinion of her.
Leanne says: Actually, she's a marketer's dream if she has not gone and antagonise a whole lot of people. lol
No more flu~~ says: Ppl who antagonise your competitor is a marketer's dream too.
Leanne says: Ha ha. There's a point to that too.
No more flu~~ says: A "guy kawasaki" wrote a book, "how to make your competitor go crazy"
No more flu~~ says: Judging ppl is god's job, not mine.
Leanne says: Ha ha. Which god I wonder. Thought u dont believe in god.
No more flu~~ says: Yup. But as long as I throw the ball to another department, it's not my problem anymore. I dun really care who would do that.
Leanne says: lol. So essentially, u just dont give a damn!
No more flu~~ says: I do give a damn when things are within my circle of influence. Reading material of the day, Peter Glen's "It's not My Department"
Leanne says: Ha ha ha ... Gosh! I think this is an interesting conversation to blog about.
No more flu~~ says: Go add it in. U can help get more ppl to go read xiaxue.
Leanne says: lol. Does she need anymore readers? hmmm
No more flu~~ says: It's interesting to see the ppl who visit your blog, how would they react to xiaxue, since it's a different type of blog thus attracting different kind of readers.
Leanne says: Ha ha .... Tat's an interesting thought!
So here we are ... an introduction to Xiaxue. You be the judge!
Not a "what" .. but a "who". And it's like, if you haven't heard of her, you are really NOT a blog reader (in this region)! Yup .. she is that famous ... or that notorious, some might say, in the Southeast Asian blogsphere. Oh well ... then I ain't considered a blog reader. :p In any case, I did read about her and "the controversy" in a local newspaper and in hard print too! There's still hope for the printed media! :) And of course the "blog" that got her such "fame"!
Here's an excerpt of our conversation:
No more flu~~ says: A recent survey finds that ppl who visit blogs spend 50% more time than the "average net user" and spend > 30% online. So the money is surely there~~
Leanne says: Err ... Wat money r u refering to?
No more flu~~ says: Making a living eventually from your blog. *Eventually* is the keyword, though. LOL
Leanne says: Ha ha . . I think not in this life
No more flu~~ says: Who knows? Can be famous within 2 years like
Leanne says : Err . . I dont know about her blog until I heard all the controversy. Still haven't checked it out yet.
No more flu~~ says: Keep an open mind when u read it.
Leanne says: Ha ha. Like how open?
No more flu~~ says: *Really* open type.
Leanne says: Hmmmmmm ... I hv an inkling on wat to expect.
No more flu~~ says: Haahaahaa.... it's like a roller coaster ride. But shouldn't be too much a problem for u lah since u the adventure type.
Leanne says: lol. Then again, if it's a prima donna type of blog . . . I am not tat adventurous.
No more flu~~ says: Go hav a look... u be the judge. Like it?
Leanne says: Trying to leave the prejudices from my mind.
No more flu~~ says: That soon u got the prejudices already ah?
Leanne says: No la. Told u I read abt the controversy of her site first. That one didnt show her in good light. Now, trying not to be judgemental when I read. So wat's your view?
No more flu~~ says: She behaves very differently from me, and I most likely will have problems living with her as our sense of value is different.
Leanne says: lol. Very politically correct answer.
No more flu~~ says: Well... that's about all actually. I don't hate her. She has her own thoughts, which I don't necessary agree with. So I was just explaining what would happen when u have her mind and my mind getting together.
Leanne says: Err ... "hate" is a very extreme word to use on a person you dont know.
No more flu~~ says: Some ppl, if you read the comments on her blog, really "Hate" her...
Leanne says: Hmmm
No more flu~~ says: Comments like "I hope you burn in Hell! B***h Interesting to see her thoughts, though. Hard to stop when u read her stuff. Depending on how you think about her writing, it's like a "Let me see how much more ****** (fill in the blank with whatever you think she is) can this get?"
Leanne says: lol. So u dont get turned off even though u dont agree with her. U just get more excited? hehehe
No more flu~~ says: I'm more interested to try to figure out why a person behaves the way he/she does
Leanne says: I just read her blog on Harry Porter. Interesting!
No more flu~~ says: Wait till u read her's on her thailand trip.... Sometimes I dream my life could be as colourful as hers though.
Leanne says: Ha ha. 1) u r not female, 2) u dont have her looks, 3) u dont exploit it like she does, 4) ur values are so different from hers. I think even if given the opportuity, ur life still wont be as colourful as hers.
No more flu~~ says: Yeah.. I guess not. *sigh*
Leanne says: Ha ha . . . well, I just read/ skim through her other blog on all the negative comments given to her blog. Actually . . the more I read, the less negative I feel about her. Hmmm . . . she's possibly spoilt, interestingly intelligent, very colourful language, and quite pretty.
No more flu~~ says: Yup. Once u accept the fact that everyone got the right to express their thoughts, and it's none-of-my-damn-business on what she thinks, there's nothing to be negative about.
Leanne says: Well, if she thinks that, she should not be angry at what people say. After all, they too are entitled to their opinion of her.
Leanne says: Actually, she's a marketer's dream if she has not gone and antagonise a whole lot of people. lol
No more flu~~ says: Ppl who antagonise your competitor is a marketer's dream too.
Leanne says: Ha ha. There's a point to that too.
No more flu~~ says: A "guy kawasaki" wrote a book, "how to make your competitor go crazy"
No more flu~~ says: Judging ppl is god's job, not mine.
Leanne says: Ha ha. Which god I wonder. Thought u dont believe in god.
No more flu~~ says: Yup. But as long as I throw the ball to another department, it's not my problem anymore. I dun really care who would do that.
Leanne says: lol. So essentially, u just dont give a damn!
No more flu~~ says: I do give a damn when things are within my circle of influence. Reading material of the day, Peter Glen's "It's not My Department"
Leanne says: Ha ha ha ... Gosh! I think this is an interesting conversation to blog about.
No more flu~~ says: Go add it in. U can help get more ppl to go read xiaxue.
Leanne says: lol. Does she need anymore readers? hmmm
No more flu~~ says: It's interesting to see the ppl who visit your blog, how would they react to xiaxue, since it's a different type of blog thus attracting different kind of readers.
Leanne says: Ha ha .... Tat's an interesting thought!
So here we are ... an introduction to Xiaxue. You be the judge!
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